Who will be Germany's new chancellor?
Who will be Germany's new chancellor?
The old chancellor. Schulz's interns already ran out of steam and he's dropping in the polls again.
>using all your ammunition at once, half a year before the election
Fucking tards.
Guten Tag.
Schultz is falling hard after people heard him talk for a few times. Hes fired out, out of ammo. No more "schultz hype"
Were gonna get merkeled again.
4 more years GroKo with Merkel
so basically we can call off the election because literally nothing will change except the country will have a new punching bag with the few seats the AfD will get
>germanys such a cucknation I actually want Merklcuck to win since the other canidate with chances is even worse and their rightwingparty cant get over 10% in polls anymore
I cant wait for our own parliamentary elections to cheer me up, fucks sake
>really makes you think
Anyone who thought schulz had any kind of hype was delusional. Merkel will win because even though she is terrible she has a voterbase on the left because she is the mutti, she has a voterbase on the right because she is the most conservative politician we have close to power and she has the vote of all the people who vote the same hting every election.
Merkel will slowly bring this country to ruin but maybe we will have a few more years than we would have under Red-Red
The chancellor of germany was the same for decades. He will propably by followed by his son if he ever dies which seems unlikely.
forgot picture
Doesnt matter since it wont be afd i can congratulate germans on being the stupidest motherfuckers in europe.
>tfw 12 years of Merkel
>8 of those GroKo
>we will get another 4 years of it
And then the media has the gall to call people like Putin dictators because they stay in power for too long.
>she is the most conservative politician we have close to power
Germany I hope your country collapses you fucking disgrace.
I'm ashamed
Cristiano Ronaldo
It's partially AfD's fault for accepting in so many shills
sometimes I wonder if there are kids growing up right now that don't know that Germany is a democracy and think we're living in a dictatorship under Angela Merkel
is there a proof that hes jewish, or its just a meme?
At least she is better than Schulz
Someone nuke us please
her party is called christian democratic party and they do hold conservative values
for example merkel and her party are the only ones opposing gay marriage in Germany and people really hate them for it.
You have to realize poland, no matter how bad Angela Merkel is, she is the last person keeping Germany somewhat conservative and functional.
If Merkel goes, we will have 70% tax rates, full on Gay experimentation,abolition of everything German and probably a reverse holocaust
>a reverse holocaust
You mean an even faster one than you are already having?
>lesser evil
lel you are fucked. Well we will always remember you well for inventing the Gummibär. It has been a wild ride neighbouring you people.
Is there any hope for your country?
who knows
Germany, while responsible for the destruciton of europe several times, always rose from the ashes.
"History is littered and some of its most glorious pages are adorned with the instances of nations which reasserted and reclaimed their right to govern themselves and live under their own laws and polices not after five or ten years of eclipse but after centuries. "
God bless
Well, people always vote for her. So they get what they deserve.
>Who will be Germany's new chancellor?
who would have thought that in 2017 Sup Forums will be debating over different strains of cancer instead of getting rid of germs once and for all
it's better to blow up quickly than to try and keep a sick system alive
>Who will be Germany's new chancellor?
Trump of course.
Never understood this meme shit from Germans and Sup Forums in general.
either the male communist that doesnt believe in borders or the female communist that doesnt believe in borders.
Even though he's an Israel stooge, that works good for us Americans now that Trump is bending other countries to our will, including Israel.
The media tried to artificially hype the guy but it didn't work.
I wish hitler would come back
He would know how to fix europe
Do you sausage niggers even have term limits? From where I sit it seems like 'democracy' only exists in Europe to give off the illusion of consent of the people to be ruled over by monarchs under a different name.
>more Merkel as a very real possibility
Holy scheisse Deutschistan, get it together.
schulz huh
Exactly. I always hear the cuck media talk about the lack of democracy in some countries meanwhile the globalist-oriented elites rule nearly every EU country.
Obongo might would've been elected for a 3rd term if there were no term limits in America.
>Do you sausage niggers even have term limits?
You are still occupying us, so how about you write a letter to Trump and ask the question?
>Obongo might would've been elected for a 3rd term if there were no term limits in America.
Yeah, I know that's likely, too. Krauts need term limits (as do we for our legislators).
Can someone redpill me on the SPD, why do people want Schultz to win?
Schulz really nails that scumbag politician look.
Because People are tired of Merkel, and Schulz party has a slim chance of beating the CDU.
Despite hes likely even worse. Electoral fridge logic at it's worst.
Erdogan probably
You know Germany is fucked when Merkel is the best option.
>implying they aren't high energy
>no matter how bad Angela Merkel is, she is the last person keeping Germany somewhat conservative and functional
What the fuck is wrong with Germans?
There is nothing conservative about Merkel, why do you all think she is some kind of stealth Hitler ?
Answer me this
Why didn't she fix the migrant border problem by asking Austria to help begin deportations? Why didn't she ask for help from the EU? For pressure on Italy? Etc
Afd is a meme party.
kek this
Whoever is the biggest cuck in germany will win the election. Its essentially a who can be the biggest cuck reality show.
We do.
For the President.
Your democracy is equally fucked btw
>Martin Schulz: Fangt doch mal an, Martin zu rufen!
>Jeb Bush: please clap
Martin Schulz is the german Jeb Bush
>Christcucks in Germany vote for a Liberal zog Satanist because she opposes gay marriage
Jesus European Christians are sad.
This makes me think now.
The simple answer is, the german people are trained like dogs to never question the media/politicans or anyone that declares authority.
There is this old meme "German the country of thinker and poets", but it was always a country of blind authority.
We german people need a charismatic figure like Hitler, someone that declares authority and lead the sheep to a better future.
sad but true never Schulz
>tfw people already forgot that CDU/CDU actually were "conservative" as little as 5 years ago
>tfw their immigration policy was very strict, they were outspoken against multiculturalism, mass immigration, immigration of low skilled workers, etc.
>tfw just 5 years ago Merkel and her gang had to defend themselves from people "putting them in the right (political) spectrum"
One reason I am saying this is because it feels like Sup Forums is unaware of just how much of a direction change in their policies has happened. Yes, we had been cucked in one way or another, but this whole INSANITY only started very recently. The other reason I am saying this is because it seems that all the Germans forgot about it too. They are demonizing AfD for political views and statements that even Mutti Merkel said just a few years ago. Why can't we go back to reasonable policies, especially when it comes to immigration, when we actually had them (surprisingly under the same politicians) as recent as 5 or 6 years ago? No one other than the far left parties complained about them.
Merkel didn do nuffin on the Border because she was afraid of TV showing pictures of the Bundeswehr using force against invaders, as this could hurt german fefes and worst of all make germany look nazi.
You just know Germany's political landscape is a hellhole when Schulz and Merkel are the main choices...
> Why can't we go back to reasonable policies, especially when it comes to immigration, when we actually had them (surprisingly under the same politicians) as recent as 5 or 6 years ago?
Because we have 2017. Also look at the liberal Press like SPIEGEL or Zeit who is all celebrating this as triumph of progress and reason and other bullshit.
Adolf Hitler
God bless Merkel.
It's economic. It benefits the political and monetary class. Consider this, the German government can enact and enforce laws, hold elections, conduct war and collect taxes, all without a single native German citizen present.
The other people are a symptom of an international monetary system that won't give in by changes to elections or laws. You have to kill it before it kills all of you.
Why do you think this happened?
In other news, Petry just announced that she will not run in the upcoming election.
Deus Vultron 3000
Merkel no doubt
I don't know, I can only speculate. As for the Germans, I think their political views were massively influenced by the media.
>Why didn't she ask for help from the EU?
She did, the other Eu countries ignored her.
Yo is it just me or are germans slightly autistic? Whenever I'm driving through the country and stop at gas stations they're dressed in kind of baggy clothes like Americans or look like lowkey death metal people.
Is it just me?
abu bakr al-bagdadi
>Trump is bending other countries to our will
>including Israel.
Are all Trump cultists this stupid?
yeah we get thiss piece of shit again because the normie doesnt got it that we are fucked already. but hey it´s [[[democracy]]]
Need reactions to this
German source: welt.de
Guess Petry is gonna jump the ship.
>The absolute STATE of left-centre politics
we need no termlimit we need the deathsentence for politicians who dont serve their countrys well but insted of taking shekels for their own pockets.
This pic describe my life.
>Be me with my hot gf
>Put some nice movie with some historical or political background
>Watch it, very enthusiastically
>I want to comment the movie and what is happening
>She gets horny, everytime
>Can't finish my movie or comment it as I fucking want
>Finish up fucking every time
>Lose interest in the movie
Life is hard anonbros.
Many here never seen a naked woman live, and some of us would just like to see them just a little cooler (cooler like, interested in something not girly) sometimes.
Germany's beyond saving through the democratic process, but I still want to see that faggot crash and burn just for the redditor tears.
Well, those and .
for now because she got impregnated m8
Quite possibly. Considering she is pregnant anyway and she and her husband are also (partially) responsible for the intra-party tensions I think this is a move that is actually perceived as fairly positive by many AfD supporters.
Yes I think that's one of the reasons, but it's not the one she mentioned in her explanation.
Your president is a figurehead.
Our president is Donald Trump get fucked sauerkraut nigger
>many here never seen a naked woman live
You mean many here have never seen a hairy brown obese stinky spanish woman live. Thank God.
if she would´ve mention this as an excuse for not takin´ the chance for spitzenkandidatur she would nullify her former speeches m8 this would´ve been political sudoku
Butthurt why? Kek
How's it going with your 2d gf Johnnie boy?
Spanish women are ugly
Merkel no doubt
Spoke the guy from America. One of the most obese countries in the world (or the most), full of Irish and English decent people (who are nigger tier in terms of beauty, no offense English and Irish bros).
You probably don'tt even know where Spain is so... Whatever m8.
Oh damn, I forgot about all the blacks and the Latin goblins you have over there.
Brazil part 2 over there. But fatter.
Is reading the lube for the world cup.
vote third party