How did it start? Were the Jews behind it? Or did blacks start chimping out all on their own? And why?
Redpill me on the 60's black chimpout
The jews are always behind it user
They were legitimately second-class citizens who experience daily violence and open racism.
They weren't pandered to like you see today. Dr MLK would be spinning in his grave knowing what became of black people in America.
notice they weren't black or african americans? It was CIA operation by using redhanded gandhis and bloodsucking mother teresas HB1s from new age british colonies invasion. Notice MLK or Rosa Parks are not black, just wearing camouflage adapted for local human terrain. Notice both of them having fake identities issued by tar budget human resources.
They truly wanted equality not seperate but equal
Nothing like today, and said he would be ashamed of everything going on right now
Soviets trying to start revolutionary movements in the United States to weaken us from within.
Nobody hated nigger chimpouts more than MLK though
>Were the Jews behind it
Marxists certainly were, Soviets were involved as well
Yes. King was a commie at heart, where do you think he got such ideas? Theres always a jew behind the curtain whispering in ears.
Apartheid chimp out was the same shit.
He was a pro-family pastor who wrote ‘‘Communism and Christianity are fundamentally incompatible’’. Sound like a pinko to you?
"There are forty million poor people here, and one day we must ask the question, ‘Why are there forty million poor people in America?’ And when you begin to ask that question, you are raising a question about the economic system, about a broader distribution of wealth. When you ask that question, you begin to question the capitalistic economy. And I’m simply saying that more and more, we’ve got to begin to ask questions about the whole society...And you see, my friends, when you deal with this you begin to ask the question, ‘Who owns the oil?’ You begin to ask the question, ‘Who owns the iron ore?’ You begin to ask the question, ‘Why is it that people have to pay water bills in a world that’s two-thirds water?’ These are words that must be said."
Yeah, kind of.
He's why we have the welfare systems we do.
Jews were behind it
fuck off
the civil rights act was the worst thing to happen to this country
"Now, don’t think you have me in a bind today. I’m not talking about communism. What I’m talking about is far beyond communism...I read ‘Communist Manifesto’ and ‘Das Kapital’ a long time ago, and I saw that maybe (((Marx))) didn’t follow Hegel enough. He took his dialectics, but he left out his idealism and his spiritualism. And he went over to a German philosopher by the name of Feuerbach, and took his materialism and made it into a system that he called ‘dialectical materialism.’ I have to reject that.
What I’m saying to you this morning is communism forgets that life is individual. Capitalism forgets that life is social. And the kingdom of brotherhood is found neither in the thesis of communism nor the antithesis of capitalism, but in a higher synthesis. It is found in a higher synthesis that combines the truths of both. Now, when I say questioning the whole society, it means ultimately coming to see that the problem of racism, the problem of economic exploitation, and the problem of war are all tied together. These are the triple evils that are interrelated."
He may not have been a commie in practice, but he read it and agreed with the distribution parts but was also being fed anti-soviet shit at the same time. He wasn't full commie, but he was basically the reason we had a push for a welfare system like we do and suggested a lot of its systems before being offed. Dr King is a matry for welfare that is destroying the white class.
we can argue about the specifics of the legislation but agree that african americans faced very real discrimination and regular violence surely?
not enough to justify that, if they didn't like it they could have left
you realise they were brought there as slaves right?
so? I'd have given every one of them a free plane ticket
MLK was the pawn that was intentionally sacrificed to further the jewish plot of desegregation
thats not very helpful in 1960
are you retarded?
can you afford 30 million tickets to africa?
Classic video by G Edward Griffin about the communist party in the U.S., and how they used blacks to achieve their goals
>the civil rights act was the worst thing to happen to this country
well you are right, that law only worsened the problem, even though there were and still are class divisions in the society based on race, usually exploited by elites to maintain their power
>you realise they were brought there as slaves right?
so nothing different about them than the penniless white people who were brought here to work, except they could more often survive being chained in the galley of a ship for months at a time, they tried the same with whites early on, too many died to make it profitable
>MLK was the pawn that was intentionally sacrificed to further the jewish plot of desegregation
if you're a racist you should admire him for his ability to convince black people that abortion was religiously acceptable
>so? I'd have given every one of them a free plane ticket
they shot lincoln over this and similar issues, if you shipped them back how would you divide a homogenous culture to control it?
much easier to do with a slave caste in play
>can you afford 30 million tickets to africa?
cheaper than welfare, could have sold off shares in confiscated slave holdings firms in
Boston to pay for it, I'm sure some aspect of the insurance on slaves could have been made to pay as well
Mlk would legit kill himself to see how America is today.
I'm reading up on this now.
Part of it had to do with the independence movements in Africa and Asia, such as India and Algeria, just to name a few.
they weren't chimping out, back then it was justified, and the govt killed mlk.
This is 12 YEARS OLD and fuck me is it relevant now more so than then
>Mlk would legit kill himself
What about his son?
You're funny. Blacks were in a much better position both as workers and as a family unit, and MLK was part of the problem that ruined them. Assuming that blacks can and should be considered equal in all ways to whites (the IQ gap is significant, though) then they had it good, and the only thing keeping them down was actual real institutionalized racism. And that was on its way out as well considering the uproar it caused among the businesses that relied almost entirely on the black community (public transportation. Busses. Sound familiar?)
MLK led a boycott on one of the only business that was already suffering immensely from segregation. His allies. And it was only accomplished through a propagandized and staged altercation on a bus stop involving one Rosa Parks. How do we know this? Both MLK and Rosa Parks attended communist meetings and took part in 'activism' much like ANTIFA is doing.
Go listen to MLK's unedited I Have A Dream speech and you will hear obvious pandering to socialist ideals-- he fought for much more than black equality, he fought for excessive taxation and the use of force through the state to acquire resources for people that are incapable of competing with the white man in any area that doesn't involve excessive physical labor. That includes welfare, which is essentially what has destroyed the modern black family due to a crippling dependence on state power.
>You're funny. Blacks were in a much better position both as workers and as a family unit, and MLK was part of the problem that ruined them.
this, MLK was an FBI agent hired by Rockefeller to convince blacks to abort themselves
his honor, all the smart black people hated his ass, and they all got murdered and outbred by thug types
That is to say, American niggers saw colored people in Africa and Asia breaking the control of white people that had existed for centuries, and our niggers thought they might be able to do it too.
MLK based his nonviolent stuff on Gandhi's satyagraha method of using peaceful resistance to fight more powerful enemies. This was an early use of victimhood to win, which the SJWs use a lot now.
I think white American Christians were heavily involved with it too. Also the black church was heavily involved.
>implying the civil rights movement wasn't justified
I honestly feel bad for John Lewis and other civil rights leaders/participants who are still around. I wonder how they feel when they see BLM acting idiotic. Lewis didn't like Malcolm X's threats of violence. There's no way he likes a lot of what happens nowadays.
>this, MLK was an FBI agent hired by Rockefeller to convince blacks to abort themselves
rockefeller and margaret sanger's books, this is pretty well known, nobody denies it
>I wonder how they feel when they see BLM acting idiotic.
they say "ALL LIVES MATTER" then they call these people fuckos and get back to whatever they were doing most of it military development and research
it should not surprise you that most of the civil rights leader types fit right into the military machine if they didn't originate there to begin with
you're both retarded, just send them back over on boats.
MLK was literally BLM. You would be foolish to believe that one man can contain hoards of rampant niggers and keep them all on a tight leash long enough to hold a real peaceful protest. You can be certain that there were apes throwing bricks at police officers and assaulting them while theh attempt to do their jobs.
Your public schooling has lied to you about much much more than the civil rights movement. As a Sup Forumsack you have probably already had some consideration on WW2. Have a long hard think about MLK and his 'peaceful' activism as well.
Blacks had a real beef that was coopted by jews and eventually led to the The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, which abolished quotas for what nationalities could emigrate to the US. Behind this movement was Council of Federated Organizations, spearheaded by NY jews. Martin Luther King's message was not dissimilar from Sowell's.
>just send them back over on boats.
who will pay was always the question, it should have come out of reparations money, appropriated lands confiscated from land owners who were crushed when the loans on their now freed slaves were called in, the holders of title should have had to pay but the holders of title had the most use in keeping the slaves here to divide the nation politically and through the cost of labor
this is a very old technique that was quite popular in the time of the Caesars, which we're basically still working under that system
>Blacks had a real beef that was coopted by jews
the beef was also created by international speculators or jews
problem reaction solution
MLK often used veiled threats in his speeches. He would say things like, "I don't support violence, but if there is not progress on the things blacks want, there will be violence."
He also used the same kind of thing in asking for money for foreign countries. He would say things like, "It surely would be a shame for African countries to go communist. The only way to stop it is to send them money, no strings attached."
Also I think another contributor to the US civil rights movement was WWII, when blacks fought in the military and had some victories. This gave a sense of pride to the nigger and made him think he was worth something.
That and the independence movements going on in Africa and Asia, where the white man's power was being challenged.
Power is like a game of Jenga. Every small threat to it is a threat to the overall structure, and if you pull out enough pieces, the whole thing falls down.
White America folded like a bunch of cowards and the ducking niggers got their way and Jews helped the negros with the mainstream media they controlled and bought up in the 30's and 40's. The wretched negro slave got himself a White girl and decieved decades of generations of our children. Glad to see we Whites are finally deprogramming from this race mixing Satanism after all these horrible decades.
>the beef was also created by international speculators or jews
Yeah, that's what I said. They coopted the movement to pass legislation that made the US the shithole it is today.
they also created and profited from the conditions that led to the movement in the first place
malcolm X was very aware of this, he hated Liberals more than anything, said he would rather be on a plantation getting whipped than getting squeezed by liberals in a big city ghetto, he appreciated the honesty of the south
Niggers today only want equity, not equality. They only know the word because their Jewish masters tell them it is what they want. Really they just want gibs
>Niggers today only want equity, not equality.
you can train an animal to want anything, even shit he already has like pussy and wine
hello mr gates
Exactly. They believe that they don't have enough of it
How does Welfare destroy the white class?
Redpill me plz
Were blacks allowed to drive in the 60s? Operate their own bus line? If blacks weren't allowed to sit at the front of white buses, why don't they just make their own busline? Make their own community?
The Chinese were historically discriminated against and that's what we did. In Canada, we were historically forbidden to compete with Canadians on the work Canadians want to do, only some work we were officially allowed to do, dry cleaning explicitly named, and probably restaurants too.
We made our own towns, our own malls, organized our own festivals, but it's not exclusionary because white people come and spend money too. Why can't blacks do this?
>How do we know this? Both MLK and Rosa Parks attended communist meetings and took part in 'activism' much like ANTIFA is doing.
Unfounded speculation at best. What other crazy tinfoil hat memes do you believe?
Communists and Jews collaborating to destroy America from within.
Black people have always been used by Jews and Marxists against white people.
People never crawl out of poverty when they're on welfare.... not only is that individual doomed to a lifetime of crime and substance abuse, they pass on the same terrible values to their youths and it becomes a never ending cycle of stagnation and hopelessness.
Welfare is just making things worse.