Give it back

Rightfull Baltic cley.

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Memeland belongs to the Russians

Orginal Prussians where balts you dumb silly american.
Just look at there language, similart to Latvian.

I'm sorry, Baltbro. I used to be proud of the northern crusaders, but now I think christianity was a mistake.

It's ok germany, at least we are not orhodox now, teutons deus vulted our asses so hard that eaven USSR wasn't able to hit that Lutheranism out of us.

>t. protestant heretic

Give kaliningrad back to us.
And take all the baltic russians back to russia.


You can't eaven presserve the old Baltic and german castles and buildings, why you just don't give it to us and expell all the russians from there?

>Give kaliningrad back to us.

no problem, will happen the second you become baltic autonomous republic

You mean united baltic states?

we shot 2 frenchmen for it in the 20s

>original prussians
Klaipėda yra teisėtas Kuršių molis

whatever you call it but under Russian rule

just look at it, Ukraine grew from a

>literally what

to a country after being under Russian rule, got the Crimea, the western Ukraine and its own nukes

Poland right after coming under Russian rule grew richer and richer and even got a huge piece of Germany after ww2

what are you even waiting for? Baltic states can finally become relevant

If russians would give us Kaliningrad and parts of poland would be returned we should make country called Baltica or Baltija
pic related

You destroyed our economy and right now you are shit poor when compeared to us.
We where good without you.

that will never happen because we'd never agree on what city should be the capital

Riga is bigget city in Baltic states, if we expell russians from it and replace then with Lithuanians it would be great.

ok but we'd never agree from an economic view. whichever city becomes the capital would mean a large loss in economy for the previous capital

Not at all mate, the only way that happens is if people from previous capital move to new one.

foreign investors would lose interest in the previous capital


nah, investors invest only in cities that have quickly rising population.If sudently all of people from Klaipeda or vilnus don't move to Riga then it will be okay mate.

U wot?