>America the richest country on the planet
>Can't afford to build a wall
>China managed it 500 years ago
>America the richest country on the planet
>Can't afford to build a wall
>China managed it 500 years ago
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How can anyone in this day and age still believe China built that wall.
who built it then?
When the Yellow Emporer began the wall in the Bronze Age, he ordered all the whiny liberal intellectuals rounded up and executed and then had their bones ground up to make mortar for the wall.
It was the only time in recorded history that whiny intellectuals made a contribution to the well being of the state.
I think we can all learn from history.
The Sumerians built that wall. Blocks have been carbon dated thousands of years before it was supposed to have been built. The Chinese had fuck all to do with that wall. The Sumerians were in that land around the time of building and trying to keep the Greeks out as the Greeks had militarized under attack from Egypt. Once the Greeks knew they were good warriors they spread.
aryans/white people built everything
>First world countries can't deport all the muslims
>Spain did it twice, 500 and 400 years ago and the jews too
Slaves yo.
Whites built civilization but a lot of ancient structures were not built by whites.
Sumerians? They lived in the Middle East and I doubt they knew where China even was
The Sumerians went everywhere.
>the Great Wall was built 500 years ago
>and the jews too
spain please tell us your secrets
>500 years ago
British education everyone!
China began to built the wall from over 2000 years ago, but most of the current ones were built in the Ming dynasty 1368–1644.
Ming dynasty lost much money to built the wall. And most of emperors in the Ming were tyranny.
Finally people in the Ming got anger and riots happened. Then the Ming dynasty collapsed from their inside.
The wall as we know it was built in the 1400s, there was a lesser wall built before that.
Everyone was north east of where you thought. Kangz built the pyramids. Sumerians built the Wall. Japs built igloos.
Thanks Poland go back to your toilets
And then came the Ching who were even worse, and weren't even Chinese.
You know what makes me laugh though...I am an Englishman living in New Zealand and no matter what education I got England I get a job pretty much anywhere in the world because I went to English schools. I know a lot of Polish over here who trained as Engineers or are vets and they have to work sweeping floors and cleaning toilets because your education system is considered such a joke around the world. Also it's the same for most of the Eastern Europe countries.
Read some books nigger....shit.
I prefer to be poor and safe than rich with high chance of being hit by bus
Poland built millions of death camps killing billions of jews only 80 years ago
Right because Poland isn't dangerous as fuck and has no jobs for anyone, that's why you come to England for jobs. And don't get me wrong I have no problem with the Polish coming to work, you are hard workers and on the whole good people.
Nope, it's not dangerous anymore since Britain is now taking care of our bydło ;]
Half of you are going home now because you realized that England was worse than Poland.
Nah, they are too european now to even think about comming back to such backwarded shithole :^) They will simply move to Sweden, Norway or Germany
All pre industrial revolution projects that inspire awe around the world are built by slaves. It's an important part of human history that is now reduced to saying sorry to blacks
sourse plz
You just got to worry about which polish coal burner has aids
post the uncropped version with his dick at the end
Fair play to them, they follow the word. They remind of the Irish, good hard workers just going wherever the work is and not giving a fuck what anyone thinks of them.
>Blocks have been carbon dated thousands of years before it was supposed to have been built
Wow... what if the chinese used stone that had already been around for thousands of years, cut them into blocks and built a wall with them!?
No...no....that is just fucking crazy. Why would they do that and not use new blocks?
I'm thankful for him. He marked the whores, men knows who to avoid now + they are out of social life right now.
After the flood people from a lost civilization went around teaching savages how to civilization and had pyramids constructed everywhere.
>Can't afford to build a wall
On a serious note though, the US are going to make Syria pay for the wall.
So how long did it take to build this wall? And how long has trump been in power?
People these days expect things to happen overnight. Wars, construction, recovery from natural disasters. Guess what you're a speck on the grand timeline.
I for one, will not let these trips go unchecked.
And this is the weakness in democracy
that's not proof, that's an insult
you're making baseless claims
do you have any proof for your claims?
That wall took a long time to build. It was also probably built by slaves.
You can´t carbon date stone, Dumbass.