This was one of his finest speeches to date. Trust me, you're going to like it.
Richard Spencer's Auburn Speech Discussion Thread
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Just watched the Spencer vid, it's just about put me to sleep. I'll save you guys some time and say it's not worth watching. I'm feeling really sleepy so I might have a nap. Maybe you guys should too.
Starts at 21:00.
Begone. It's 1pm in central Europe and 7am east coast, time to wake up and listen to /ourguy/ Spencer.
>Ratchet hoe gets up and monkeys about
His speech was cringey. There were so many things that he should have pointed out, like when he got a question about liberterianism he should have pointed out the (((central bank))). I guess he didnt have the time to prepare himself, seeing as he though it was cancelled. I really do hope that he becomes a better speaker.
Mike Enoch did a good job though.
I really disagree. It was an overall good speech, maybe a little too short. There's some good moments in there when he's almost yelling.
I think that he lost his train of thought alot, not weird when you have people yelling and heckling at all times.
There was a lot of shit he could have expanded on, ie how marxism and capitalism is fundamentally globalist and materialistic.
He can do waaay better.
Give him a break. These people think of him as a fucking Satan. The fact that he actually SPOKE before these libtard degenerates is a miracle by itself
Those "almost yelling" moments were what spoiled it. He changed tones way too much, and never kept a climax for long.
The style doesn't suit him, he didn't use to do this, but he has been going for it ever since the last NPI conference. I think he feels he should step up to the rile of a populist leader, but he doesn't seem too comfortable at it.
Antifa was expecting KKK costumes and sieg hails.
His greeting was hailing victory
Fast forward or something bro that speech was last night
For an american ye
I was thinking literal sieg hails
You have to be literally retarded to think that this walking stereotype isn't a plant.
This speech was alot of fun, protestors infiltrating to ask loaded questions, most of which Spencer already touched on.
The hoodrat black chick was my favorite
Hi Richard.
I'll watch your shitty video if you send 1000 € to my paypal.
I think he made a few really good points. One of which being how blacks constantly refer to one another as "brothers and sisters" and this is encouraged and very much allowed by many, but the second whites say or hint that they have racial solidarity with one another it's a problem.
What stereotype is that?
honestly i didnt like the speech. too romantic and not enough facts. And except for maybe 2 parts, even the romantic parts was kind of bad. i cant imagine normies being swayed by this
you have to be on another level of autism to think that.
You have to be literally retarded to think that you aren't a shill
Pay attention, newfags. This walking stereotype emerged out of nowhere, has no verifiable history, got instant media attention and says the cringiest shit. You have to have a pretty bad case of a autism to not see right through this plant.
>has no verifiable history
Not an argument, faggot.
>No verifiable history
where have you been?
ill wait for a better quality video, i can barely hear him
He still hasn't made an argument for white nationalism besides 'muh feelings'. Okay, Spencer, you think that you would be happier living amonf whites. Now, why should someone who isn't racist give a shit about your ethnostate?
I like the guy. Think he had a good showing yesterday. But I always feel that at one point he lets these asshats get to him.
Like to a certain point in time he has a good intellectual performance but then switches to petty banter.
Nevertheless, guys a warrior, doing great stuff for the movement. Hats off to all involved in the Auburn event.
who needs arguments when youre so fucking ridiculous
go claim the sky is red i wont argue too ill just laugh at you. youre probably a spic or some kind of ''dude wait for hitler'' type of retard
by looking at what the vast majoirty of non-white countries are like and realizing you too would hate to live there
What is it with all the whiney, hypocritical manchildren on this board and their desperate need to validate internet attention seekers by labeling them /our[insert pronoun]?
Get some principals of your own, think about what you do and say before you do so, don't fucken virtue signal by posting vids of yourself talking rubbish, don't validate others for doing so and grow the fuck up.
>who needs arguments when youre so fucking ridiculous
You literally just described what the average man thinks about Spencer. Well done.
Spencer has been doing this for almost 10 years you newfag.
Anyone surprised when ameriburgers didn't flip when he badmouthed their "football"? kek
Looks like they only get triggered when europeans talk about it
shills for money so they can help shill the shills getting money to make more money. $$$$$$
Not an argument
Twitter: (Created last year)
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Just in time for the elections.
there are a lot of nonpozzed facts about the centuries long kike sponsored white genocide which can be found everywhere now as reg people r waking up to the JQ and this constant calls for "facts" like the faggot in the q&a is a misdirection and subversion bc it points immediately to what the kikes and the people who think the whites are repressing them but it's actually the likes are most scared of--a unified white zeitgeist, a feeling of unity and sympa and agreement derived purely from truth and rhetoric and the power of words which resonate not from (((statistics))) but the soul itself. thats why the football comment was so controversial--bc everyone in the room knew that whites shouldnt be getting their hearts beating and loyalty racing from watching affirmative action d student niggers blacking their sorowhority sisters on a football field but rather from somewhere else, something much purer and sacred which has been designated as taboo by the evil kikes
>I have no idea what you are saying
What a way to end it fucking lol.
He wasn't alone. I was watching live and understood 3 words that nigger said.
This. His delivery is 10/10 and he occasionally says something that makes sense but 90% of things that come out of his mouth is just rhetorics.
Also, good to know he's anti-capitalism now. Maybe he's going to make some antifa friends after all.
>being a fucking LARP-er
Just stop.
I kinda like Richard Spencer, he might suck up to the kikes but at least he's not a (((civic nationalist)))
Website (Radix Journal) created in 2012:
He owns a plantation.
Has been with American Renaissance for a couple of decades now.
And for those two decades he has been a white nationalist.
Go suck start a 12ga shill.
He's been running since 2010, before that he was writing on takimag
He runs the Radix Journal website which is much older, and NPI, which also has a webpage
is he actually larping this hard?
why can't people like this be grounded in reality? fucking embaressing.
Words are fun until stupid people misuse them
>Mike Enoch: Before we introduce our.. big guy... for you
Spencer is not against capitalism or the constitution or football or any of that fight club rhetoric
He's just pinpointing neocon excuses for avoiding to talk about race
Either you go intellectual or you go populist. You can't do both. Mussolini was an intellectual who went fully populist and that's why most people think he was not as smart and well read as he actually was.
his youtube channel is at least 2 or 3 years old, not the recent altright one
Who is this chubby homo anyway?? :DD
All points will boil down to that. Give me one which isn't "muh feelings"? ffs, do you even politics at all?
This, LARPing has become so misused here, it's supposed to be an insult to the people that frogmarch around in full nazi regalia throwing Roman salutes, who care more about playing pretend than the political ideology.
Pic related, White Left wing hero.
You fucking KEK.
The good version of the Q&A just came out
It's for anybody who goes out and pretends to be the cool guy from history.
If you go out in a brown shirt with swastika armbands you're LARPing
When you go out dressed as Che and start shouting communist lines and pretending to be a revolutionary, you're LARPing
It was talked about many times. One os that all races are allowed and encouraged to have racial solodarity, and everyone agrees it's good for them. But when whites do it, it's suddenly unnaceptable and harmful.
The other is that the least white countries become, the worst they are for white people. As a minority in South Africa, over 50 thousand whites have been murdered by non whites. While non-whites in 99% white countries enjoy great safety and prosperity.
>The cringe
Holy fuckin shit
>Audience answers "good evening"
>hail victory
>Earned a victory for the alt right
30 seconds in an this fucker didn't do anything non autistic
His stance
He crosses his legs while walking up and down
Pretty bad speech
Richard was excellent, as always. Mike was good, too.
Exactly, you could even level the charge at student protesters who're clearly pretending they're civil rights protesters from the 60's. Richard Spencer doesn't fit the bill.
I agree. One of the things I've always liked about Richard is his calm and intellectual disposition.
Mикe Cpбич
The speech was actually pretty bad, one of his worst. The Q&A was better, though.
He's not a great speaker, but at least he's trying.
>He still hasn't made an argument for white nationalism besides 'muh feelings'.
Politics is pretty much all muh feelings, it's not a hard science.
There are some decent arguments anyway, if you are willing to listen.
Spencer may be a fag at times but he's not trying to emulate anyone.
tl;dr fuck Sweden for being culturally detached from the nuance of English words
I think the message needs polishing.
He needs facts, actual information to back things up and normies would listen.
People listening to these rallies need to hear something so shocking, so sick that they have to go look it up when they get home.
No one is going to get redpilled by a speech, people get redpilled by seeing the facts of multiculturalism.
I was an unironic cuckservative less than a year ago, I disliked "nazis" and people like Spencer and the rest of the Alt Right.
It took research, listening to the in debt discussions they have on specific topics, and a wake up call on the JQ to even begin to associate with them.
I think he was just nervous due to the fact it's probably the biggest crowd he's had
>This victory will have echoes around the world
Holy fuckin shit, can you get even more autistic?
>challenging someone to fair fight
This "fight" was vastly symbolic and metaphoric.
No one wins the right to do X and Y at a university after punching some punk in the face.
>I love football
>He needs facts, actual information to back things up and normies would listen.
>He thinks people care about facts
You have to start somewhere. Stop being pessimistic.
Also, using "European" instead of "white" whenever possible makes a huge difference.
When he says things like "I am WHITE!" or "Offering a fair fight is a fundamentally white concept," it sounds extremely lame and cringy.
Delete this, goy.
Mike was better than Spencer during the Q&A, he can really get riled up while Spencer seems too self-inhibited for the shouting to come off as authentic
Before the speech, some guy imitated a Jewish man and said "Oy vey." Honestly to hear that out loud was cringy as fuck.
I'm not saying he needs Wikipedia tier citations during a speech.
He can say things like
>There is no where on earth multiculturalism has improved white quality of life.
>There is a concerted effort by Jews to flood white countries with nonwhites.
>Libertarianism is being abused by powerful Jews to justify extreme wealth inequality and mass immigration.
Lay down concrete facts, sentences that are easy to follow and can be quoted and remember.
I thoroughly enjoyed it. Got to sleep around 3:30am but still worth it.
incredibly refreshing to hear such openness about what it is to be white.
Antifa got cucked by the Alabama boys in blue before they could get any momentum at all. such cowards that they refuse to protest if they don't have masks on.
I can't wait for this sorta thing to come to the UK
You've got to be careful with fact-spouting, people turn off when they hear a bunch off numbers. Usually you want a central statistic or fact, an anecdote to tie that to the real world and a lot of emotion
>went to the rally
>occasionally scrolling over videos to see if I was on camera anywhere
I expect the dox to come, but it's still a sick waiting game.
>Implying normies listen to facts
I could see every now and again he would let slip his inner Hitler. Was a great thing to see.
Hail Tulsi, hail our people, hail victory #Trumped
It was a good speech, there is room for improvement but considering the pressure of knowing there are millions watching online and he's in front of a hostile crowd I think he dI'd good. The more facts people need to remember this isn't only aimed at logical white men, rhetoric is more effective against women, liberals, niggers etc.
and is a race traitor.
he is a joke, civic nationalist faggot.
he may as well be a communist.
This. His following has suddenly tripled.
I don't think he knew it would get this far
Did anything actually happen in auburn?
Did you actually like his speech? I feel very supportive of Spencer's ideas but I felt like his speech could've been a tad bit better.
duh - a friend can call you an idiot and it means one thing, a stranger or an enemy and it means another.
Le cringe
The appearance (what you call pretending) if done right is much more seducing than the ideology itself. It's where neocons fail and millenials pick up the tab.
Personally I wish he'd use less cucky rhetoric, he uses the "I want everyone to have an ethnostate" argument, and even though I agree with it in principle, I think the argument should always be "why is this best for whites", not "how this will also benefit non-whites".
>Two hours of identity politics
Keep it to twitter what the fuck