Theresa May BTFO!!!

Theresa May BTFO!!!

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All terruble ideas except for the 0 hour contract

Tfw normies on Facebook think these are economically sound policies

National Education Service?

Is that like the shitty NHS we're being fucked over by? No thanks.

You socialist loving piece of shit.

And build 1 million more homes? We have 10s of thousands of empty properties as it stands? Why build more?

This is labor in a nutshell - requiring its supporters to be either foreign cunts who dont understand, dependent cunts who wont stop suckling the teet of a dead cow, and the retards, who are so stupid they cant see the irony of Labor policies.

Labor supporters should be gassed.

he is pro Islamic Califate over Judenland's ruins.. why po/ nazis dont love him?


fuck off sholmo.

we all know why the media and establishment hates his guts.

He is a threat to you all.

MSM will do anything in its power to stop him.

how is free healthcare fucking you over

Not all bad ideas, but i wouldn't trust the seditious kike to do literally any good.

Paying for people who don't pay anything back to it, or benefit the economy by having it.

Jesus, Labour are so fucking doomed.

>free shit
>free shit
>free shit
>free shit
>free shit
>free shit
>free shit

elaborate plz

B-but I saw on Sup Forums that American healthcare is the best and universal healthcare is socialist and steals all your taxes!

We live and breathe Israel, we love Israel, we all have Israel in our hearts.

>Good but only for useful degrees like STEM
>Good, transport is essential infrastructure, a good running service ensures people get to work on time and thus create more wealth
>Good, NHS trusts are contractually obliged to only buy medical equipment from extortionate suppliers, who give kickbacks to politicians(this includes labour), same things happen to schools buying £3000 computer monitors worth £60
>That would be great if they weren't getting all bought up by saudi's who don't live in them and given to asylum seekers
>Good, zero hour contracts are cancer
>MORE Bureaucracy in schools? No thanks
>No, that's retarded
>"Green economy" is a scam

Nice try Corbyn, but not fucking good enough.


but zero hours contracts are a good bridge for autistic neets to enter the work force

because he's a marxist socialist, he does the biding of the commie jew

> not knowing healthcare is a superior good

>have free healthcare
>import thousands of useless retards from the third world
>and then keep doing it
>and then keep doing it
>and then keep doing it
>and then keep doing it

>green economy
oh boy, is that like the suggestion from our Greens who want to abolish fossil fuels by 2050 or some retarded shit like that?

They're good in general for young people desu

If you have a high minimum wage and no zero hour contracts nobody will be hiring 16 year olds or students for a few odd hours in a shop or Saturday job which is a bit shit

>more investment in mental health
>abolish zero hour contracts
>everything else

>Don't have free healthcare
>STILL spend more PUBLIC money than half the countries that do have free healthcare
>import thousands of useless retards from the third world
>and then keep doing it
>and then keep doing it
>and then keep doing it
>and then keep doing it

>a-at least it's n-not socialist

I dont care bitches, Im voting labour, tory is elitist scum

> Tax wealthy.
> Free shit for least productive members of society.
> Wealthy fucks off abroad.
> Unlimited niggers and paki migration.

Ahh labour always willing to cuck your average UK person.

True. Immigration is conspicuously absent from his list of policies

Corbyn has the weirdest policies, he pretends to be green to appeal to the yoof but he wants to reopen the coal mines

Taxes you fucking moron.

Or do you think we pay the NHS with IOUs?!

Fucking sandnigger.

I wouldn't vote Labour, let alone this Commie, even if you paid me.

>Kick profit makers out of our NHS


He only wants to build more houses so he has somewhere to put all the Pakis he wants to bring in.

Since the lefties love social engineering shit so much, they should maybe look into a campaign that tries to open the leech's eyes to just how much free shit they are already getting by piggyback riding on the productive and learn how to appreciate it.
Because eventually you reach the point where the productive just fuck off since they don't feel that their effort is worth it anymore, or at least being appropriately valued.

The second point was actually what turned most people against all the asylum seekers in my experience. Not just that they were forced by the state to waste billions on illegals, but that those illegals didn't even thank them for it but instead spat in their face.
Which is exactly what the leeches in every Western country are doing, too.

>have your lifestyle subsidized by "the rich"
>never miss a single chance to voice how much you hate the rich

Not really

He proposes to increase "mental health" funding - we all know Psychology was a kike philosophy

And because people are thick as shit and dont realize there are 10s of thousands of empty homes up and down the country - werent there streets in Liverpool that were near empty?

You want less people to be hired? It's all the socialist policies that make people not want to hire employees full time not zero hour contracts


>there are 10s of thousands of empty homes up and down the country

What's up with that anyway? Is it just that no one wants to live there because it's not metropolitan enough or is it investors buying up property and then letting it sit around empty, waiting for the price to rise?

Both. People will live in a shithole with inadequate employment because "at least it's close to London."

I really wish I could be in the head of one of those people for just 5 minutes and understand why they are obsessed with living in or at least right next to one of those shitholes.

It causes so many problems but it's basically to come up with a solution if you don't even understand the motivation.

>basically to come up with a
*basically impossible

Labour have no idea how to run an economy. It also amuses me how everything is always one million

>we're going to build new homes
>how many?
>I don't know, some. I mean, we have loads of empty houses already, and it's not like there is a need for lots of new housing across the country
>shall we just say a million because it sounds impressive?
>yeah ok

>oh, so we are going to invest in green economy, how many jobs do you think it will create
>who knows? not many, especially with how incapable we are at running economies. Probably not many jobs at all
>shall we just say a million again?
>yeah, a million sounds impressive, say that

Its the complete opposite of gentrification

Rather than move in the "upper class" and make everything nice, pushing the poorer people out...

We turn whole areas into welfare dependent failures; the people of those desolate areas would most likely be on benefits, poorly educated, and no doubt criminally active; and the result is a housing estate, with hardly no tenants no; as theyve either been killed, died through self inflicted poisons(alcohol, drugs, etc), been evicted, or imprisoned - that way "housing associations" or private companies can then buy them at low low prices - allegedly there were houses in a certain part of the country going for £1 - but with a clause that "£16,000" had to be put into the property to...rebuild it essentially, some of them were complete shitholes.

Some areas of the UK are literally cancer. If you end up on a high unemployment white estate chances are you will be robbed.

If you end up in a high paki area you will be harrased and robbed.

Most of the houses that are rotting are in these areas. I live in a middle class area and all properties are maintained, lived in and crime is almost zero.

Perceived status. The media tells you that people only live in major cities, and that's the only way to be "cool." Same with working certain jobs.
So just because they can be better off in a more rural environment, or just somewhere else in a job they hadn't aspired to doesn't overcome their programming.

It's simpler than that: there's no work.

>The media ((((they)))

Is that because there is not enough diversity in the country side or the suburbs?


Birmingham DOES have Muslim "no go" areas; Sparkhill and Alum Rock for starters

Handsworth, Lozells are black areas

pakis control heroin, whilst the nigs control crack - and at times; they do step on each others toes - see Carl Campbell murder - and no, pakis didnt shoot a nig, who had previously ran over a white man, killed him, and served prison time for it like the media state.

It's because idiots in the city are easier to control, since they're more reliant on more things.

If it's anything like here than that's not a compelling argument for a lot of the people wanting to move there. Because there's no point in having a job when the costs of living are so high that your wage doesn't raise your standard of living over that of living on gibs in a less metropolitan area.

Which generally means there's a useful labour pool, so someone should take the opportunity.

can't wait to win more money i already made a few thousand betting on trump and brexit

>who don't pay anything back to it
but you don't mind paying the Martin Shkreli's who didn't put anything INTO it, except a life crushing demand for unlimited profits?

Never said that. I can dislike both, old boy.


But its not free. It says right there the very richest will pay for it.

>Which generally means there's a useful labour pool, so someone should take the opportunity

Agreed. Not sure why they don't, really. I just assume there's a certain mentality among office type businesses that they see no immediate benefits in trying to regenerate an area through employment so don't bother. It's why I imagine the regeneration of Birmingham, for example, through the HS2 project will take at least a decade to really get going. The mentality isn't there.

However, I live in a very factory heavy county and know full well the benefits that types of businesses bring to nothing towns. The biggest issue with that though is that then immigrants also follow completely flooding the market with cheap labour.

>"Green economy" is a scam
I know it's behind a paywall but I wanted to get the most money oriented source out there.
The Great Texas Wind Power Boom - Forbes

>abolish tuition fees
And add to the national debt? Fuck that. The government already provides enough for fees.
>Re-nationalizing railways
I'm behind this 100%. The amount of delays and cancellations I've had to put up with is astronomical. Though I would prefer an extra £1.5 billion subsidy instead to put the UK in line with France and Germany's subsidies. Nationalizing a huge amount of already privatized infastucture would be costly.
>build homes
One million? I can't see them building such a multitude of homes without invading the countryside.
>more taxes on the wealthy
Excellent. Yes please. I believe this will be implemented in conjunction to the proposed budget increase to HMRC to tackle tax evasion and avoidance, which is an unfathomably massive problem in the UK (and any other country with a dominating financial sector).
>more investment in mental health
If it cuts back on the number of NHS patients, I will support this.

and this is why democracy is a bad idea

>Not sure why they don't, really.

I know for us in Germany it's poor infrastructure. Software companies would actually be the prime candidate for settling down there since you don't really need to be close to any kind of suppliers, but the internet connection in those areas sucks ass which makes it fairly hard.

Western countries in general have neglected proper investments into the infrastructure in favor of buying votes with more gibs instead and it is starting to tell.

>The biggest issue with that though is that then immigrants also follow completely flooding the market with cheap labour.
Aye, that is the real risk. Need to hope that whomever puts the revitalising "x factor" into the town isn't full Hebrew.


True. I imagine it's quite a bit easier to '''target''' building one million homes (and probably not get anywhere near) but the figure for jobs is meaningless.

>And add to the national debt?
where did you get the idea that anyone has to incur a debt to get an education?
except that the institutions have just been demanding more and more money for admission?

/ourguy/ Corbyn

>Kick profit makers out of our NHS

if I was a provider of health care services and I knew that a retarded socialist government were going to guarantee massive public funds I would simply raise prices as high as possible in order to capture the largest amount of that easy money on the table, and this complete fool has no way to stop it

I don't see how they can universalize tuition fees without having to take out public debt.

Software companies seem to be a neglected thing in general in the UK. The only place I know where tech thrives is Cambridge (which is expensive as fuck to live). All the factories near me are manufacturing.

wtf I hate brexit now

even ARM got bought out by Japan recently though, UK tech is sucky as hell and we have no big players

It's not so much that it's free as it's actually collapsing and becoming dangerous for those who have to use it. And naturally since you rely on the NHS coverage and never get private insurance, imagine what will happen to those with conditions that are uninsurable when it really does collapse. They will truly be left with no healthcare whatsoever.

do you know the justification for such fees?

Except for the assholes in these threads that say the degrees will "become worthless"?

>abolition of tuition fees
very stupid idea, make university degrees even more common than they already are
>renationalisation of british rail
maybe that would stop all the strikes kek
>kick profit makers out of NHS
lel the nhs is fucked anyway
>build 1 million new homes over 5 years
for all the """refugees""" right? plus how does he expect to afford this?
>abolish zero hour contracts
probably a good thing
>national education service
(((national education)))
>more taxes on the very wealthiest
great idea, send more rich people and their money overseas, why do poorfags think this is a good idea? jealousy no doubt
>break up the big 6 energy companies
don't know enough about this to really comment but doesn't sound great
>more investment in mental health
what so we can tell more 7 year olds that they're transgender?
>green economy
what is this meme

>having arguments with as many holes as your cheese

>Abolish tuition fees
Who's going to pay for it? The tax payer. The tax payer who after school decided they were going to get a trade and now has to pay tax for xe and xer to get non-career degrees in social studies where they can be told about how evil the everyday plumber who pay their fees are.
>Renationalise Rail
How much of a bill will that be on the tax payer. I agree prices are too high but I don't believe the answer is to make them state controlled. Would the service improve under government control?
>Kick profit makers out of NHS
Would love it but I don't think they quite understand why these profit makers get to have such a high income. It isn't because others before have just gone have all the cash. It's more to do with monopolies in control pharmaceutical goods with patents which can then gouge the price.
>Abolish 0h contracts
Would be a good thing for the most part as would enable people to actually get a mortgage when they're working 40h a week but technically don't have a guaranteed income.
>A National Education Service
What do we have at the moment? State education involves less sciences more bullshit like drama, arts, music & noncompetitive sports.
>More tax on the wealthy
As in make us noncompetitive in attracting wealth as our neighbors offer a better package. Always bang on about disloyalty of corporations yet expect loyalty when it comes to tax. Whether to admit it or not in a globalized and interconnected world, tax avoidance is an unavoidable part of the package.
>Break up the 6 main energy companies
All for decreasing monopolies but how on earth do they propose to achieve this? Physically intervene and force private companies to act in public interests?
>Invest in mental health
It's not that I disagree with the notion but once again what money.
>Green economy
Happy to go more "green" and to be more self sustaining but they need to show the numbers and reasoning to such a huge claim.

Corbyn is well overdue his free helicopter ride.

>Abolish tuition fees
> Be me
> Scottish at university and unionist who hates snp
> snp have provided free tuition for years
> know that this will be fucked if independent
> voting labour can see this continue and cull the snp scum


Honestly, I'm all for these policies. It increases the chances of something radical, like conflict - people don't care if a nation is being pimped until they're hungry.

Sure is great to have pretend money to throw at pretend problems, isn't it?

If he was paying for it all himself, I say all the power to him. But he's not. He's promising money that people don't have to solve problems people don't care about.

Jobs are nice. But the problem isn't the number of jobs, it's people that are getting preferential hiring because they're not native.

Homes are nice. There's plenty that aren't being used, so why build more?

500 billion invested in what?

Rent controls - if rent's too high, people won't rent from them. That's how the open market works.

Nationalize railways - that only works if the companies that own the railways are willing to nationalize. You can't just steal them.

NHS privatization - why would anyone want to be a doctor if it doesn't pay well?

Universal childcare - it's called parents. Childcare is their responsibility, not society's.

Tuition fees - They'll just get replaced with class fees or ridiculous book fees or parking fees. Colleges have to make money to hire decent teachers.

Zero hour/collective bargaining - unions aren't illegal.

Investment in green - I'm okay with this, provided it doesn't cost jobs to people working in non-green sectors.


>Nationalize railways - that only works if the companies that own the railways are willing to nationalize. You can't just steal them.
They have a contract with the government. It is the choice of the government to renew or end this contract if desired, though some infrastructure of the railways I believe is still wholly private.

And if the companies decide to not renew the contract, what does the government do? Build their own railway?

Fuck no. They're gonna meet whatever demands the railway company makes in order to keep the private sector moving smoothly. The contract isn't for the benefit of the railway company, it's for the benefit of the government.

if they don't renew the contract then the railways go back into the hands of the governments and they become liable for all costs.

>would need every single "undecided" vote just for a head to head race

I had a good laugh at some of our radio moderators going
>M-maybe this will be the Brexit from the Brexit

That would be a seizure or private property. It's within the government's power to do this, but you KNOW the people that own and operate the railway would do all kinds of things to make the government regret it.

>Oh, it turns out all of our equipment is out of date and needs maintenance
>Oh that tunnel? It's been collapsed for a few months now.
>Isn't it a shame that your political opponent got so many donations for his campaign?

>Work harder and longer to pay for it all

Pretty standard labour policies if you ask me. All to be propped up on someone else then blame conservatives when they pull the rug from under us when were up to our eyes in debt again.

They want to install their union buddies in major institutions across the UK (more than they already are) and bring the country to its knees then blame it all on the Tories. We have been here before, basically the same shit commies... errr sorry, the left did back in the 70's and 80's.

>That would be a seizure of private property.

If I got the bong right, the companies are basically renting large parts of the infrastructure from the state. It's not actually their property to begin with.

>Abolition of tuition fees.

Right after I begin my degree. FML.

It won't happen anyway comrade.

It's like would you rather visit 4ch everyday for a few hours or live the rest of your days as a redditor gold janitor

Don't worry, they'll just make up the cost somewhere else.

New York State here in the US recently passed a "no tuition" thing for state universities, and the result is extremely high class fees, more expensive books, more paid-for services provided by the college (like tutoring or library access), and that graduates from tuition-less universities must have permanent residence within the state for 5 years after graduation.

Got a job offer in Silicon Valley after finishing that Comp Sci degree? Well guess what shitface, you're stuck in NY.

A bunch of people use it and don't pay into it, quality of service goes down while taxes increase, staff are treated like literal dog shit, they fuck off to other countries and NHS collapses in on itself.

Libtards then proceed to shout "This is conservatives fault".

I disagree on many proposals he made, but what is wrong with reopening of coal mines (provided you have left the EU) and privatisation of the Rail Ways?

Too bad no one likes him

which is unsound


Also, can our country meme Bernie Sanders a plane ticket here? When Corbyn overthrows the Royal Cucks, he can declare himself President while we have Bernie as VP.

#PTGBIB (Put the great back in Britain)

The problem is that our health insurance systems are not insurances anymore.
Insurances depend on most people paying more into it than they'll ever need so that you have enough spare funds for those couple of cases where someone fucked up bigly.
But with peace time and medicine advanced to such a degree that everyone gets old enough to get cancer, you are simply lacking people who are paying more into it than they take out.
Our current systems can't deal with it because they were never made for such a situation.

Retards will always pay more for education if they think it's worth it tho ks to low interest loans.