RIP EU (1945-2017)
To which Yuro country would they go?
Nigga Europe died in 1945
Eurocucks btfo!
umm...what makes you think Greece will just let them in?
what makes you think the balkan route isnt full of razor wire now?
turks never were good at concocting a winning strategy
Glad we stopped the Nazi's from killing communists. Diversity is our strength.
False flag.
Turkey "threatens" to throw open their borders after news about immigration lowering.
EU: "s..sorry guys, we can't just let turks go around visa free, better let in millions"
We'll just shoot them on the border lel
turkey opens borders, why can't eu close borders? holy shit what a cuck union this is
Fourth reich now pls.
To the Gibsland.
We should Gaddafi the Erdogan.
We can't stop the orc hordes especially if they come by sea
>implying that the second a threat like that appears the balkan countries won't go full kebab removal mode youtu.be
They won't even make it to here, let alone germany and Italy is full of them as it is anyway, if anything they would be an improvement over the local population
Keep dreaming, Europe is La La Land.
>let an unlimited number of Turks in or else I will let an unlimited number of Turks in
Poland isn't
Europe isn't just Germany, France, Sweden and UK you know.
And only a hundred years ago a statement like that would have been enough to re take Constantinople. This non aggression quasi peace politics are destroying the world.
Same old T*rkish threats and no actions all over again
Worst ultimatum I ever saw. And what make it worse is that it real could work.
It's time to turn the sea red
Huff....we are save.
yes indeed
This happens literally every week
Greeks and everybody else in the planet are forced to rescue people in need in the seas due to international maritime laws.
This, which is a good international law is exploited by these smuggling mafias.
Also, due to European laws, if an illegal immigrant puts a single feet on EU soil, that EU nation is forced to accept him as an asylum seeker even if in the future he will be expelled, he is thus allowed temporary residence, it would be illegal to put him immediately on the other side of the border, to explain.
I say allowing visa free travel to Turks is the best option
Otherwise, more muslims may come as the US bombs the middle east
>implying Greece will not just let the refugees in EU just to revenge Germoney :^)
>UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has said he is "shocked" after Hungarian police fired tear gas and water cannon to force migrants back from its border.
Fucking globalists. Good luck Hugrybro
Settle down Bulgaria
Nothing says the EU has to accept the refugees.
I love how Erdogan is playing the Nazi card against Germany.
this is some Saul Alinsky tier 4D chess by the Sultan Roach.
>implying Germany won't just send em back to revenge Gayreece
the chances of that happening are like 0% bro
>are forced to rescue people in need in the seas
little correction
we are forced to try to do that
we may sometimes fail, you know
Millions more doctors and engineers, what's the problem?
>Hundreds were involved in clashes at the Hungary-Serbia border on Wednesday, trying to breach a razor-wire fence.
Can't they take the hint? Is there a war in Serbia?
Is that true that all schools in Belgium are only 1/3 white?
At which point we might just cut golden dawn some slack. After all
diversity in victimhood
>it's one of those muslims or muslim invasion situations
>We can't stop the orc hordes especially if they come by sea
>shooting at dingus with naval guns is hard
wew lad
You don't have any sort of coastal artillery?
I take 5 million refugees please.
Just in time for the election.
If Germany don't stop with the anti Erdogan rhetoric I'm sure that he will do it. Maybe release about 40.000 and some known yihadists.
pool the eurosheckles and build a wall. ASAP. or use the united euro military to police the borders. or wait.
"Migrants" arent bad, EU is all about that social enrichment. Embrace. Embrace. Just like Gypsies. EU tolerates them, thus they exist in EU lands. Embrace diversity EU.
Why are Yuros fine with this?
Why isn't this considered hostile action, or even an act of war? Yuros are literally being threatened to do something, or else be flooded with shitskins...wtf Yuros
I think not here.
Look, you're missing the point. Just because we can do it, doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. I live in Chios and we get boats every day, I don't like them coming here but I wouldn't want them dead. It's not legal and it's immoral, all of you are larping here btw and would never kill a man so cut the crap.
fuck me
You wouldn't want them if they stayed permanently on Chios.
Remember it's foot if it's only 1. Feet if it's 2 or more.
Just dump them back on the Libyan shore. What are they going to do? They don't have an effective army or government.
t. austro-hungarian
So? Thats not a threat. Close the borders and put army on it. They cannot pass.
>if you don't give our roaches free travel, we will open our borders for roaches to free travel
goddamnit turkey this isn't how you bargain
>I wouldn't want them dead. It's not legal and it's immoral
I'm sure after the first couple of boats went down it would send the rest of the Africans the message. I bet you cried when the Odysseus killed the suitors as well you fag
>Reminder this is what the media is keveching over
Oy vey the children at the pump. All with tears staining their mustashes! Oy vey a baby that a man took into the tear gas. Truely annoda shoah!
We will take them here.
>Turkey uses shitty deal to threaten EU if he doesn't get his way
No way dude who would've thought
Why should we stop them Hans?
They will just go to Germany anyway.
das rite greece-cuck we would never kill peaceful refugees :^)
We are merely larping of course!
>This clusterfuck of a situation will never reach breaking point and lefties and subhumans will never be slaughtered like hogs in the street
By the way, talking about the "right thing to do"
while your fellow europeans have died or gotten raped and robbed by these subhumans puts you on the same level as them. You are who you associate with and you chose the side of the subhumans. Putting aside the fact that you need to be MAJORLY fucked in the head to speak the way you do (i.e. it's unnatural for a man to speak or think that way regarding invaders of another race)
Stay cucked and stay vocal. We want to know who you are when the time comes.
>flood Europe with shitskin subhumans vs. flood Europe with shitskin subhumans
Why don't they just shoot the boats?
the great war wasn't just fought in A-H you illiterate gypsy
Imperialism died and from there everything went to shit
And across the channel, the anglos are laughing their asses off.
The gods are capricious
LMAO EU countries cucked hard
wtf i love turkey now
>that moment when a fucking roach sultan from some arabic shithole tries to extort the EU
This wont end well for anyone.
I'm sure they'll head for good ol'Deutschland for gibs and ficki ficki the moment they are allowed to cross the Turkish border where they are currently held.
Come to think of it, they might shit up my country if they head from over here but only temporarily since we don't have anything moneywise to offer or be stolen from us so they'll leave, plus we're sometimes not very tolerant to rapings and might form mobs if they start to touch women and it will also serve as fuel for right-wing parties like ATAKA and the turk libs like in "Movement for Rights and Freedoms" won't like that.
>It's not legal
>It's immoral
Forceful breach of a nation's borders can be anything from declaration of war if it's done by a state actor, and major breach of a nation's law if done by plebs.
I remember a decade ago at the Romanian Hungarian border someone was shot and killed for forceful entry.
It's not just lawful and moral, it's necessary.
>I'm just gonna roll over and show my belly because I don't want to be the bad guy!
What a fucking pussy.
EU should let both hordes in, but without benefits. And they would be forced to work and fight for jobs or steal and get deported
Easy, just nuke turkey
If you kill the leeches, they win.
To our neighbor
this is actually an easy solution for many problems
>steal and get deported
The German gubernament didn't even have planes to deport them a year ago.
Brits are euros dumbfuck
>rather let barbarians ravage and destroy his country because muh morals
These people don't know diplomacy or kindness. They live by the sword and die by it. The only way to rectify this situation is to show them who's better at violence.
>We allow Turks visa free travel
>Turks give the refugees citizenship and open their borders
Hey bong, you're still EU member until the brexit process is completed.
We belong the the continental Europe. Not the EU cucks, thats what he meant and you know it ivan, you better back the fuck up b4 donald rapes you from estonia
Greece was once a great nation
How come you've become such cucks?
>flood your countries with shitskins unless you let shitskins in anyway
>t. King Roach
Seems like we lose no matter what.
here's another (you)
this shit can't keep going and is a long-term disaster,it needs to stop by any means necessary, if the only way to stop them is to shoot them down, then shoot them down.
if all 100% of them stayed in chios you would all fight to the death to keep them away and you know it
>Urge to remove kebab intensifies
Why can you eurofaggots get it through your thick skulls? DEUS VULT before roach infests Europe
Oops got you confused with russia, i meant aquafresh
>Just because we can do it, doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.
It is, though.
Difference is this time that Edrogan has no military coup dé taté to worry about.
Before it was a total threat since they'd always prevented dictators and theocracy from dominating roachland but now they are fucked. Edrogan has total control and now he's trying to Gaddafi.
WW3 time I think.
>don't want to open borders to Turkey because it's full of roaches
>"you'd better give us open borders or we'll flood you with roaches"
Seems like the only option is to get some bug spray
Well, that's the plan. Erdoroach just wants to take out the EU. They couldn't do it with force during the Ottoman Empire so they'll do it now using trickery and exploiting this weakened state withing the political climate.
>Look, you're missing the point. Just because we can do it, doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. I live in Chios and we get boats every day, I don't like them coming here but I wouldn't want them dead.Oh shut the fuck up, it could be done easily and with minimal coast.
>Stop any attempt to ferry immigrants across the Mediterranean
>Prosecute any NGO that still tries to
>Hit the boats with the same non lethal sound ''weapons'' used against pirates
>Turn them around and deport EVERY ONE who get here illegally
>Any boat that doesn't comply with demands (turns around and goes home) gets BTFO
Suddenly words gets around that its pointless to risk your life on a perilous boat ride in a shitty non seaworthy dingy and people stop trying. Maybe a couple would die by gunfire but thousands upon thousands would be saved from drowning.
>It's not legal and it's immoral, all of you are larping here btw and would never kill a man so cut the crap.
You don't know shit about human nature, we (the Europeans) are still genetically the same as our ancestors that used to fight each other all the fucking time. You think you can just change human nature with a few generation of brainwashing? People go with it because its to conform, its comfy and fighting is hard. When this tsunami of third worlders inevitably turn Europe into something like their nations then there will be no point in going along with it and the euros will become just as violent as they have been.
Ultra-pacifist laws only help predatory nations like turkey. Europes love of virtue is its greatest enemy.
He wants to make the Syrans in the £8bn Refugee camps into Turkish citizens.
This a calculated bluff.
>Send illegals who will be deported,put into detention centres or thrown out by militias particularly in eastern europe but any hope of ever getting any concessions from Europe.
>Send naturalised Turkish citizens with visas who can never be forced be leave legally and gain more influence in Europe.
The vanguard is already in Europe. Pic very related
>now he's trying to Gaddafi
you mean Nato tries to Gaddaffi him, right
If I were him I'd only travel by train like Kim Il Sung