What evidence is there that the Holocaust didn't happen?I'm genuinely curious I hhaven't heard any arguments either way.
Other urls found in this thread:
in a court you have to prove that something happened, not that it didn't.
also, kill yourself kike
it did happen just read this independent researcher's self-researched documents who debunked every holocaust denier claim
Six Million Lies
Auschwitz - Why the Gas Chambers are a Myth
The Biggest Lie by David Irving
Buchenwald - A Dumb, Dumb Portrayal of Evil
Zundel vs Zionist - Truth vs Lies
The Holocaust Debunked - Ernst Zundel
Holocaust Faker Explains Himself
The Holocaust Testimonies You Didn't Hear
Off Your Knees Germany (Ernst Zundel 1983-2003)
One-Third of the Holocaust
((((((Spielberg))))))'s Hoax - The Last Days of the Big Lie
Holocaust, Hate Speech and Were the Germans so Stupid?
The Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz
The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth (Eric Hunt)
Eric Hunt - The Shoah: The Biggest Hoax of the 20th Century?
The "Holohoax" exposed in 30 minutes
Vincent Reynouard: "The Gas Chambers" Yet One More False Witness
Vincent Reynouard - Holocaust: Nothing Proven at Nuremberg
Ursula Haverbeck: The Panorama Interview, with English Subtitles
What evidence of there that you are not a faggot?
Preeminent Holocaust Scholar ((((((Raul Hilberg))))))'s Stunning Admission (censored from PBS)
>> takimag.com
The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax (2014)
David Cole in Auschwitz full documentary 1992
David Cole - The Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz
Questioning The Holocaust - Why We Believed
Adolf Hitler - The Greatest Story NEVER Told
Windows on the chambers and door who open inwardly.
This is all you really need desu, it has everything
>greatest case of alleged homicide ever
>zero forensic evidence
Goering himself answered this question at Nuremberg by the way.
Goering: No, that is in no way correctly translated.
MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: Give us your translation of it?
Goering: May I read it as it is written here?
"Complementing the task which was conferred upon you already on 24 January 1939, to solve the Jewish problem by means of emigration and evacuation in the best possible way according to present conditions, I charge you herewith to make all necessary preparations as regards organizational, factual, and material matters ......"
Now comes the decisive word which has been mistranslated: "for a total solution," not "for a final solution."
"... for a total solution of the Jewish question within the area of German influence in Europe. Should these come within the competence of other governmental departments, then such departments are to co-operate.
"I charge you further to submit to me as soon as possible a general plan showing the organizational and material measures for reaching the desired total solution of the Jewish question.... Complementing the task assigned to you on 24 January 1939 ......"
That was at a time when there was no war or prospect of a war.
I think such posts are JIDF shills trying to collect whatever we have and come up with a counter.
Haven't we seen an article today from (((theguardian))) coming up with a new evidence of the holocaust?
Dear JIDF, this one gonna be tough.
This evidence is stronger when you go to the american holocaust museum website and see the way they lie. They use the same sources the same data but structure it in a different way, quite amusing when you know why they state things on that site the way they do.
see, they pretend that all the jews that left poland to go to america etc are dead, but they don't actually say they were killed they just say '
jews in poland 1935 = XXX jews in poland 1945 = X' like they are suggesting they were killed instead of left poland to go to america, uk russia etc.
The jew sources are a really odd thing to read, anyone could doubt them without ever reading anything anti jew because they are just written in such crazy ways to try and minimize the lies.
You beat me. I was gonna post this one.
Nearly everyday there is at least 5 or more holocaust threads. Is this normal, when I used to browse wholechan we would have at least one a month.
What if they come up with the ultimate lie about the holocaust?
I'm pretty sure they have the resoruces to know /pol better than /pol know themselves.
That is one of their works and doesn't debunk anything. They'll just keep making up lies like they always do and not address our key evidence. I was arguing with one on Sup Forums who suddenly made up shit about Germans drowning Jews in chambers with boiling water after he got btfo.
It's a pretty big pill to swallow. Been trying to down it myself. It seems more and more plausible, but what I'm trying to figure out is whether Hitler was in on the plan or if he was at war with them, and framed.
The evidence clearly shows there was no such thing as a holocaust, how is that hard to swallow?
The thing I can't swallow these days is the reptilians.
>the reptilians
Surely, you're jesting?
watch One Third if The Holocaust by DenierBud. It's on YouTube
Not at all. David Icke predicted tons of shit but I'm still struggling at his reptilian theory.
It seems that there was a typhus epidemic that killed all those people. Nazi alleged "concentration" camps were in truth improvised hospitals in full quarantine protocols, but then the Aliies bombed the food supply lines so it was them who killed all the jews and blamed nazis who din du nuffin
There is no logical defense that it did not happen. These twinks feel it did not happen because it is not broadcasted live to their phones.
Where are the 6 gorillion human remains? Were they all turned into soap. Perhaps lampshades?
There were three million jews in Europa before WWII.
..There were more after the war ended.
I'll look into it, but the thing is I'm a man of reason, I need evidence to be persuaded. And in the realm of red pills, distinguishing bullshit from truth is the eternal struggle.
Seriously, just read and watch through this. Although phoneposters shouldn't go on the site if they're on a dataplan because a lot of videos and images need to be loaded.
All you lolohoax faggots, riddle me this:
Goering had a trial
Eichmann, the alleged main man of the holocaust, had a trial
Yet none of all the nazis that had trials never ever said tuat it never fucking happened.
Especially eichmann since his trial was solely about the holocaust.
Dont you think that it was all a hoax that they would at least mention it once?
Why didnt they say so?
>Step 1: Look at holocaust claim sources
>Step 2: Realise most of it comes from Nuremberg trials
>Step 3: Learn how women burn better than men in a bonfire
>quick death or continue being brutally tortured
You tell me.
For starters don't go into his reptilian theories or the moon, saturn, alternative realities, etc.
i'll give you a hint, he exposed Hillary in 2000 which Wikileaks confirmed. Also he has videos on elite phedophile rings, again in 2000, 2001+ which again Wiki confirms from Podesta mails.
This is just a very small chunk of what Icke found with his 23+ years of research.
Start with his proven stuff first, watch videos from 2001 or so, so you can have current year evidence.
Slowly build up tolerance in order to enter his next level realms.
WARNING: You need more than 6 gorillion redpills to watch Icke's next level theories.
Goering wasnt tortured and if you die anyway why not blow it all in their faces.
Look at vids of eichmann's trial and listen to what he says. That's not somethibg you say under torture. There were auschwitz trials in germany. We even had trials in recent years. Those old granpas havent been tortured and even they never denied it happened.
I dislike jews as much as the next guy but this lolohoax shit is retarded
>dislike jews
Then stop being a good goyim.
But what evidence is there of reptilians? I have no doubt he's exposed some things, but that sounds pretty tinfoil.
>argument.exe not found
Im also interested in this, i doubt there was the number they claim, i wouldn't know where to start though.
The only evidence of its occurrence is what was drawn from the trials.
Regardless of whether you're naive enough to believe the allies wouldn't force confessions, testimony alone isn't enough.
Its a lot of info, might take a few days to go through it all
That's the reason for me to swallow this pill. Pretty much all of his other prophesies have been proven truth. Except his everything-reptilian theory.
Basicaly the theory revolves around claims from people of all sorts of background and countries, also from ancient objects that always depict snakes, dragons, lizards, serpents etc. Agan from many ancient civilizations.
But sure, no hard evidence yet.
But he exposed elites back in 2000 and somewhat hard facts emerged from leaks in 2015 and 2016. So maybe we gotta wait a bit for the ultimate leak?
There is plenty of evidence that discussions about the holocaust are only put forward to keep it as an issue of the present. 70 plus years later and still people want to talk about it as if our future is not more important as the past. People should move on and think fuck it who cares.
The Holocaust definitely happened, I survived the gas six and a half times, and a cousin was tickled to death by the SS.
>The only evidence of its occurrence is what was drawn from the trials.
Yeah yeah, top stuff m8.
Look at actualnfirced confessions from people tortured under stalin in his show trials and compare that to goering's swagger at the nürnberg trials.
No actual nazi ever denied it, they all just claimed to have executed orders from higher ups.
But yeah of course every testimony was made under torture... You people are retarded and hurt the cause more than you help. Fucking nutjobs
Where are you getting this from?
>1 post by this ID
bait, sage
Mate don't say sage, the mods hand out 1 day bans for that
Type sage in the option bar above.
Is that true though. Slightly worried why people would get banned. I understand that people are not meant to abuse the sage request. By banning people you need to make sure their intention was wrong rather than blanket banning.
Yep, my 1 day ban for alerting sage in a stale copypasta thread just finished.
Having been banned of many many occasions I hope you used the time to go out and breathe in the fresh air. Time for us to leave this thread be.
Yeah, I caught up on some reading. I agree, this thread was going nowhere. Seeya mate.
Friendly reminder that first reports of Holocaust appeared already in 1941, and were provided by Polish resistance fighters - Jan Karski and Witold Pilecki. They were first DISMISSED by Allies. This is the biggest debunk of all denier "theories".
>Report of Polish Government in Exile about mass extermination of Jews in Poland, 1942
>Report of Auschwitz prisoner, 1943
In good old Germany you would be sent to prison even if you could proof without a doubt that the holocaust didn't happen. Because it's still considered holocaust denial. The truth doesn't matter.
So denying the untruth gets you in prison in Germany ...
How about the extermination of ethnic Germans by Poland? Never hear about that.
Why are windows problematic?
Cause that's a meme
I'm Czechs and Slovaks also genocided germs, that's why Adolf "Dindu Nuffin" Hitler annexed them ;^)
There isnt any, they literally just ignore it or nitpick specific cases which people tried to increase the power of holocaust and confuse that as an attempt to create the holocaust.
>Never hear about that
Because it never happened.
It did after the war, and rightly so.
Would you put windows on a chamber that is designed to kill using a deadly gas? The SS soldiers outside shoudn't have a problem breathing the gas, right?
Also the chimnes are build post-war to support the lie, so the only way for the gas to escape is trough any possible cracks in the frame of the window. But then the SS soldier have to open up the chamber and get rid of the bodies, releasing all the gas from the insides to the outsides.
Seems legit?
>It did after the war
It did, but it was conducted by Russians. We had nothing to do with it.
Even though I wish we had.
Oh so the czechs and slovaks also did that? Cause they also got invaded.
But keep meme'ing, always some burger licking the boots of that retarded socialist that fucked up my country and Europe
Yes, ethnic cleansing is very horrible once you are on the receiving end. They learned it the hard way after they had their fun for 200 years. No amount of shitty propaganda, cut together from ww2 footage from the German camps will convince me otherwise.
You're either kikes or retarded. Perhaps both.
> implying he's not one of the niggers who did this and had to flee when his side lost the war
Ah yes, this "source" that gets posted every time.
Did you actually read it yourself?
This "article" refers exclusively to the "Bloody Sunday" - an incident that took place on September 3rd 1939, and as a RESULT of German invasion of Poland.
>The sequence started with an attack of German Selbstschutz snipers on retreating Polish troops and then was followed by a Polish reaction and then the final retaliatory execution of Polish hostages by the Wehrmacht and Selbstschutz, after the fall of the city. All these events resulted in the deaths of both German and Polish civilians.
The "source" claims "58,000 dead and missing", yet, it doesn't mention it was the number later presented by German propaganda. The actual number of deaths was much lower.
>The Polish Institute of National Remembrance found and confirmed 254 Lutheran victims, assumed to be German victims, and 86 Catholic victims, assumed to be Polish civilians, as well as 20 Polish soldiers. Approximately 600–800 Polish hostages were shot in a mass execution in the aftermath of the fall of the city
The source, indeed, claims that "Poles had been merrily slaughtering anything or anybody German since at least as early as April 1939".
Yet, then it focuses solely on the Bloody Sunday incident.
Suming up: it's pretty retarded to bring up the "Bloody Sundey" as an "example of Polish atrocities", given the fact that it was an event triggered by German invasion and German parisan groups, resulted in both German and Polish civilian deaths, and most importantly, happened long after Germans started slaughtering Polish civilians.
Wow, what a wondeful retort to the question I produced based on his actions towards Czechoslovakia!
Keep on LARPing burger, HEIL HITLER xDD
Woah. Calm down. Your autism is showing.
The Poles were savages, and executed ethnic Germans en masse. Hitler only did what any man would do for his countrymen.
>The Poles were savages, and executed ethnic Germans en masse
Prove it then, niggerbrain.
None of the sources you've posted so far supports your claims.
6 GORILLION GERMANS SCHWEINHUND. His Grandfather was one of them and he told him two weeks ago
germans invented a super volcano crematory
you have the rest of the translations?
if its you.
we should use a woman to link the first flame then?
I think it's interesting that the holocaust even began getting traction as a "It didn't actually happen" event. People don't just spontaneously have the same idea the world over and coordinate to push an agenda especially when it's to convince the world something DIDN'T take place. There has to be a good reason why deniers still exist. Like there must be holes in people's stories or facts that just don't add up across multiple "first hand accounts".
Is it possible that the idea of concentration camps was propaganda created by germany to force the jews out of their lands? Absolutely! Great scare tactic. Just exhume some bodies, pile them, take some pictures. Take pictures of some trains, some "gas chambers". And voila, the jewish peoples can't run fast enough. Or maybe it was all made up by the allies to further create hatred for hitler and the nazi's. For the cost of a moderately sized movie joint governments could create as many "death camps" as they want with all the picture evidence they needed. People could be bought off to provide accounts of the camps from the inside. After the war people would still need to be bought to cover up the farce that was the camps. As long as people would from time to time talk about them as if they were there the world would still believe the events actually happened, and it would only cost governments literal micro drops in the bucket to continue the coverup.
To be honest in 10-20 years when all the people who could have lived through it are dead the denial is only going to get stronger. And if you think it's crazy that the holocaust didn't happen because of all the documentaries and "evidence" remember that there's tons of points in time where a government pulled massive misinformation campaigns to discredit or create hatred towards another government.
Honestly, with how fucked up ruling parties can be I would not be surprised at all if the holocaust didn't happen at all and was made up.
So jews had no kids?
Either the first consensus did not count children, many of whom who would have been adults in 1948
or children were counted as a total population
population of 15.748 million would conceivably have 25% rate of birth which would make up for 6 million new jews
Not buying this and neither would any other normy
no wonder haulicaust denial is moon landing hoax tier.
they're just reporting poles operating death camps without germany's approval.
It happend.Germans killed few members of my family in their camps but after war ended my family killed two german families with their childrens on czech territory so i think we solved problem.No germans no problems
Americas biggest companies were complicit in bringing hitler to power (as well as Poppy and diet bushes father/grand father), I find it difficult to understand why they would just sit by and let people invent the holocaust.
>poles operating death camps without germany's approval
Pilecki literally volounteered to be an Auschwitz prisoner and was a regular camp inhabitant for a couple of years.
Another thing that strikes moon landing hoax is how you would get an entire movie/set crew to agree to secretly fake the moon landing without ANY of them discussing the fakery with their friends or family
how do you convince so many germans and jews to repeat lies and not say it is a hoax for 70 years?
Reptile is a code word for Jew, user.
>go in a "deathcamp" to show they're "deathcamps", surive the "deathcamps"
literally pay them and their family in perpetuity from the german govt.
outlaw dissent
Weird how both of those things happened
Ignorance and condescension make an ugly pair, user.
Goering did deny extermination
He admits to forced emigration
gee maybe the bodies in modern ovens are treated with a better respect considering they're fucking clients not prisoners? gas yourself, por favor
All of them? and no deathbed confessions?