Are we any better than antifa? We obviously stoop to their level by using violence. You complain about them calling us Nazi's as you spam like and nigger all day. This is all your fault Sup Forums
Are we any better than antifa? We obviously stoop to their level by using violence...
So just let Antifa kick our asses? That's your plan?
So just assault people like common street niggers? That's your plan?
Self defense is not assault. Pacifism will only accelerate white genocide.
well, what's yours, faggot?
>this is self defense
now post the one where she's throwing bottles
We should boycott cucked media and products like Pepsi, marvel, mtv, etc.
You fuck with their money, you win.
You first, I haven't seen that picture.
that's merely a start, rolling over and let yourself get beaten by punks is a sign of weakness
here, happy now?
(((Who))) controls the money, goy? They will totally fine. Boycott is retard-tier.
When I'm getting glass bottles thrown at me by a hairy porn actress, I don't sit there and say "oh well at least I switched to RC cola in protest."
Clearly photoshopped only a fool would but that.
Those are screen caps from a video which you clearly haven't bothered to get off your 450 lb. ass to go and view.
Your complete ignorance is nigger behavior and here you are calling the alt right niggers.
>muh photoshop
>how do you do fellow nazis?
Fuck off, only some leftist cuck would describe Sup Forums as 'violent' just because we use mean words.
>your opposition says stuff you don't like
>you label it as violence
>you feel justified using tangible, physical violence to 'protect' yourself against the 'violence' of someone disagreeing with you
You niggers are mentally 4 years old.
Mommy, mommy I did it!
I found the Shill!
>Communists are fascist
>Nazis are fascist
Yes you're all the same, deal with it
Wow you're right.
Better not associate with these racists.
The Donald is a much better place for us. Let's both go back there and never come back here
>more and more people are breaking away from the slave morality of "violence is never the answer" and "protests are only good if they are peaceful" despite decades of social conditioning
oy vey the next four years gonna be fun we Weimar republic now