Italy is fucked
there are now entire villages getting repopulated with niggers and assorted shitskins
Italy is fucked
there are now entire villages getting repopulated with niggers and assorted shitskins
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we need to start killing those dirty niggers
Send them to Croatia. They can use some forced diversity
>Not full of niggers for 500 years already
pls no nemes the situation is shit
When is the Italian elections and who is the best candidate that has the best chance of winning?
Sshhh don't worry goyim nothing wrong is happening, just let your country degenerate!
So? Italy needs immigrants to incease its birthrate and population.
And you're already brown..
We don't call you mountain jew for nothing
Instead of bringing descendants of italians from South America they want to bring in shitskins.
The italian embassy did a research and found out that there are 30 million of descendants of italians in Brazil, thats 15% of the population.
>Send them to israel. They can use some forced diversity
Mario, could you please translate this fucking moonspeak in your picture?
they wouldnt survive here even for a week.
>When is the Italian elections
you don't know? Italian Parliament is a meme. they have about a million different parties.
LOL niggers won't last 5 years in Calabria especially the Aspromonte area, probably the best way to get them to go back to Africa
>mfw when a marocchino speaks dialetto calabrese perfectly
What do you mean? The mafia?
How can you tell them apart from the native calabrians though?
He is probably a frenshcuckswiss. normal swiss people are with u italybro. We hate those shitskins and mudslimes too then when u fall...we
Isn't Aspromonte mafia territory? Family is from Plati, what's happening over there?
Oh I know what your game is
Fuck off we are full
>30 million descendants of Italians in Brazil
And how many of those are mullatos?
A village repopulate thanks to immigration
Im coming back yo. See you soon.
Lega Nord is besides fascist parties the best party. Problem is....they hated and insulted too long south italians and mezzogiorno thats why they cant win the next election.
Although I am a terrone(south italian) I will vote for them.
No its a fucking shithole that's why they have to get niggers to live there because no one else would.
Then if you're a clandestino you have to deal with the shitness of Aspromonte, the Ndrangheta and the local paesani who are possibly the most violent argumentative and stubborn cunts god has ever put on earth.
Those two negresses will either be in alt'Italia or the U.K. In no time
We need Salvini. Aiutiamoli a casa loro is the only way.
it's a me mustafa.
No data on that.
I never meet a racemix italian descendant. But im sure there are some out there... after all this is Brazil. If i had to guess its 60% to 70% not race mixed.
Yep and as a platioto you should know how crap the area is, why you think so many calabresi migrated to a country on the other side of the world?
What wad japans saying?
One race
One nation
One ..
Anyway thats how every country should be run.
Imagine in 50 years tall blondea will be a rarity in germany.
Yep and as a platioto you should know how crap the area is, why you think so many calabresi migrated to a country on the other side of the world?
My guess is they're probably more polite and less prone to violence
hannibal ad portas
Probably yes, also they will probably use more knives than shotguns
Ok, I read the article and it says that the dindus are hosted in homes and are employed in "jobs" all paid by SPRAR, which is the asylum seekers organization that operates at local level all across Italy: all of its operations are supported by the National Fund for Asylum Seeking services; this fund obtains the money from the European Fund for Refugees.
As soon as these funds were to be shut down for any reason, this "integration" stuff is going to crumble like the pile of shit it is.
tl;dr the dindus do not produce anything valuable for society and keep leeching euroshekels like the parasites they are, and whenever the Land of milk and honey known as EU will fall, we can kiss goodbye to the peaceful and integrated refugees and chimpouts will begin.
Cant argue with my facts bitches
Man stay calm.
Those regions belong to the mafia, they will "misteriously" make the nignogs disappear.
> inb4 sulfuric acid
Same as everywhere in Europe
You think so? The mafia makes a shit ton from human trafficking. They don't care about Italy, they care about money. Also weren't immigrants there used as slaves by the mafia in Southern Italy?
Southerns are too fascist for Lega Nord
Fuck off burger
I lived in Italy for a while and you guys deserve this.
The police are the laziest bastards on earth and only care about how they look in uniform and getting laid. Rome is a cesspool with migrants occupying ruins and scamming tourists. The police do absolutely nothing which is tantamount to an open invitation for others to come and do the same. Police your shit up, lazy bastards.
Italy needs economic regrowth and stable society to increase birth rate and population, both things that mass immigration won't allow
fortunately yes, we are still allowed to have negro-slaves here, thanks to good old mafia we can still live as the lord intended.
The question is: what will the Italians do when that happens?
they're italian, so all of them?
>burgers in charge of who is white
Yet we still managed to prevent any Islamic terrorist attacks.
Patrol police can't just shoot whoever they want, the problem is with the law:
Once a guy fell and got injured while running away from police and shooting and now it's the police's fault because they were chasing him,
If someone hurts himself while breaking into your house it's your fault and you have to pay the damages
Wee need radical changes but the only party who wants to change this is hated by everyone
>Italy needs immigrants to incease its birthrate and population.
No country "needs" any of that. Stop acting as if the pension pyramid is the only viable system.
> Brazil
> Not a 100% nigger shitskin shithole
Importing niggers goes badly no matter what they are used for.
See: all of American history
>Not Mongols rape babies
Fuck you Joaniggo
the best party is yet to be funded.
I bet you're the same medpack from yesterday, who thinks niggers are happy in their huts.
Italians are honourary orientals so please don't compare them to the dumb shitskins:
Rank Country IQ
1 Hong Kong Hong Kong 108
1 Singapore Singapore 108
2 South Korea South Korea 106
3 Japan Japan 105
3 China China 105
4 Taiwan Taiwan 104
5 Italy Italy 102
23 Afghanistan Afghanistan 84
23 Nigeria Nigeria 84
23 Pakistan Pakistan 84
23 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 84
23 Solomon Islands Solomon Islands 84
23 Uganda Uganda 84
23 United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates 84
24 Syria Syria 83
24 Tunisia Tunisia 83
25 Bangladesh Bangladesh 82
25 Dominican Republic Dominican Republic 82
25 India India 82
Ignore these plebs, have you considered becoming an Anglo?
Migrants don't want to stay in an isolated village with other migrants. They'll stay there until they're being paid to stay there and until the houses start to degrade, then they'll move. To Germany hopefully. Fuck you Germany.
Is that how Brazil got blacked ?
Eastern Europe is too poor to handle them
No. We have bred with slaves and native indians.
>italian descendent
>my ancestral homeland is being overrun with shitskins
>my actual homeland is being overrun with chinks
Its not fair bros
serves you right for being white
Gotta love capitalism right
Betray the EU and join the table of the winners. Haven't two World Wars teached you anything?
>capitalism = no borders
>capitalism = welfare state
Identity politics hurts sometimes
article mentions population going from 340 to 400 thanks to migrants, so i guess there are only 60 nogs there, still horrible if things keep going like this,
Lega Nord should have a decent chance at winning imho, either them or M5S which are also more or less against migration,
also terrone and going to vote Salvini as of now
didn't your teacher teached you anything ?
it's the fucking Berluskaiser, it's his fault if the right has not won yet.
Guard fucking borders you pasta-faggots.
Bergjude pls
>M5S which are also more or less against migration
They could be used as an ultra-cheap work force to boost the southern economy.
We should go full Confederate on the dindus.
and it's like this that people like Hitler went to power...
Italian (average) people can't do nothing, I am still convinced that welcoming this amount of niggers and spread them all over the country is the premise to a massive chimpout whenever the economic crash will happen (because it will), and then military foreign forces will be sent to take care of the mess and italians will have to pay the fee for this "humanitarian help". Basically the niggers are a trojan horse army, and the goal is the total destabilization of a nation that still was homogeneous and with people smart enough to have savings.
The Powers that Be cannot allow this any longer because it goes against their globalist plans.
I'm totally fine with that. The greatest idea of our century, by far. LET'S MAKE SLAVERY GREAT AGAIN
I want to remind you that if you still live in Italy you are pretty much a loser
this won't really be allowed, only mafia and "landlords" can do this,regardless is a damage for the country as it will keep the workforce cheap in general
this board is a patriotic board, we won't give up our land soon. This war can still be won.
>we won't give up our land soon.
look i'm from south and I'm going to vote Salvini, I hope my ancestors will forgive me, but anyway, Italy is sinking. There is nothing left. We have no business left. Only tourism, and what tourism!!! Trashbags and roms, with some spicy niggers and more trash.
Renzi has his emergency ticket for California ready
The thing that makes me mad about this situation is that all those sandniggers don't have respect for our culture, they are disrespectful thowards monuments, stand outside every fucking shop or mall pretending money. But they aren't our only plague, fucking gypsies are worse, in Italy they don't follow any law at all, they make a living by stealing and robbery, and the law does nothing at all. They live in huge camps inside caravans, and every few years they burn it to the ground so they can get new accomodations from the autorities. And recently in South Italy, Police and a TV Show found out that they were forcing KIDS into prostitution. The situation here is dire, most of us are totally losing their patience.
you have my permission to purge
>French travel all the way to NZ to sink the Rainbow Warrior
>won't buy a train ticket to the Italian coast
Get on it Luigi
You said it by yourselves, they are sandniggers. If they didn't have it themselves, why would they show respect for a culture that will never belong to them? Don't sink in the leftist logic, don't think they CAN be integrated. We should just deusvult before it's too late.
Ma la Ndrangheta che fa?
Those numbers are wrong user, Afghanistan , nigeria, pakistan, and all that arabian nigger shit, has an IQ lower than 75
I don't want them to be integrated, I want them to get out of here. They don't deserve to be here.
Grillo stated a few times the migration crisis to be almost an invasion, point taken M5S are difficult to "read" lately, still the 2nd best choice for this after Lega Nord i guess, Hail Salvini
Underrated kek
>Sicilians getting replaced with Sicilians
I see no problem here.
there are no judges in italy, prisons are full and actually a meeting place for criminals, politicians play the game of who eats more, hospitals stopped caring about the health of the normal people decades ago, television is a continuous ''muh boom, muh 50s, muh lira'', streets are lost, Milan is chinese/arabists, Rome is a open air toilet, Naples is trash, Sicily is the biggest open air ''refugee'' camp, Venice has no Venetians, France Austria and Switzerland the facto closed the borders, terrorists use Italy as their logistic base...
Trust me Italy is fucked, and its only a matter of time when they will drop us out of EU
But hey...FOOTBALL
top kek
i bet they wouldn't survive a week in this hell hole
either someone would kill them or they would starve because nobody wants to give free shit to niggers
You guys need to meme Inspector Montalbano into reality. He'll save you all.
hope we can eventually chimp out for good at least
look, the french are the best shot at getting something going right now. if they fuck it up then it'll be on ITALY to step up and save western civilization.
not holding my breath on this one.