Women's rights were a mistake
Women's rights were a mistake
well she has a point
I called her ms. Piggy and she unmatched me REEEEEEEE
Don't be such a pussy, just because she is the only real girl you matched with.
U know why fat girls give the best head?
Because they are hungry...
I dont want them to eat my dick
>He thinks dick is free
You might think she's unattractive, but you're clearly in the minority; look how many fans she has.
>this woman will unironically consider no less attractive of a man than 8/10
>comes to america
>If it werent for our president she wpuld still be in lobsterback nation
That is a crock of shit. You don't want her literally treating your dick like food. Fat bitch gave me head and used so much teeth my dick was swollen and numb for days
with all that flubber, i doubt she has many pointy areas on her body.
>if don't like fat women, don't message me
Why does this bitch feel the need to say this? She's clearly fat so someone who doesn't like fat women wouldn't message her in the first place.
It would be like if a clearly labeled Chinese Restaurant said,
Thx ms skeletal
Women are more emotional, so they vote less for extremist parties.
Man, that's a lot of work for one bait image.
What planet are they from?
I don't know why do you take these kind of shit serious. Bitches like this dies alone or settle down with the worst kind of men possible.
>still in uni
You have to feed them real food first dumb ass or yes then will eat your cock off
Why do so many British expats hate the countries they move to?
Really makes u think
Because all of them are selfloathing libtards who are indoctrinated to hate everything no matter the cost
What did they mean by this?
I would date these girls just to fucking torment them. I would act the part of their perfect man and pretend to be in love for a while until the opportunity came for me to shatter her world.
It's accurate though.
You have much to learn
The material on this topic would be too much for one thread before it go archived
It's not that she won't settle for less if she gets truly desperate and needs a beta provider, but settling isn't happiness. Social media has put hypergamy on steroids and conditioned women to feel entitled to nothing less than the top 20 percent of dudes to be happy. Just look around you and see.
There's not really black people in Canada. Can someone translate what she's saying?
Who the hell names their child Trash anyways?
Planet zultron
Your carrier says it all
She says she loves the white devil but won't be touching no white worm cock or something along those lines
>fat woman profile pic
>"if you don`t like fat women don`t message me"
no shit
Litteraly an ad for non paid beta bodyguards so she can talk as much shit shit as she wants. I hate liberal women so much.
The tits Jamaicans menstruation
What does that have to do with "Hur"
It may be degenerate but she's right. She's not into someone who's not into her most likely
>"fatphobic" terminology
> looks moderately chubby
> name is Tesh
Yeah, a 5 man would hate to gf a 10/10 grill
Because when you move from a country with gibs to a country with slightly less gibs, it feels like a huge inconvenience to you. That's why french people riot every time their leaders try to raise the work week higher than 20 hours. It's not just europeans either. Many third world scum move to Europe or America and then their kids grow up brainwashed thinking we're out to get them
She works at McDonald's?
>costume shop intern
I can't think of a better job for that...thing.
Because she wants you to know if you don't want to fuck that tub of lard body you are fatphobic
>it's a user talks shit on strangers who wouldn't sleep with him episode
America was a mistake
>post shitty pics of yourself holding alcohol
This. Vacuous shithole.
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAJAHAAHAHhahhahahahahHhHahHahahhHaha thanks for that laugh leaf
>only if I can impregnate you first, then you can get an abortion
I don't know what her problem is. It seems like she already has some fans.
Trump wouldn't have sex with most of the leftists complaining about him. Does that mean they aren't allowed to complain?
What about Obama?
I'd buy her daughter and raise her to be a loyal wife
what the fuck kind of name is that
Allowing phone posters on this site was the biggest mistake of all
I found her a perfect mate.
The father's failed their daughters. These women need a fucking slap.
amy schumer?
>trans faggot
Who the fuck are these people....
How do they think these look appealing.
Keep swiping right, leaf. Maybe tonight's the night
You've been blessed to find the female version of Earl Sweatshirt on Tinder. How lucky is that.
They need to personally give out reparations in the form of blowjobs to as many niggers as possible then settle down with a white beta when they grow up
Wow, phones can now tell sexual history with just a picture and a few words.
what a fag
Acknowledge my pronouns shitlord
One word...
He'd think he would like it at first, but it would definitely make him insecure as hell on the inside to know just how drastically she outclasses him in terms of sexual options.
women are different. they don't care if the man outclasses her, they want him to be better than her.
>interested in being cute
>isn't cute
No comprende
Report to immigration. Political protesting is usually a violation of visa conditions
She can be red pilled u guys..
Also... virgin?
took me a while, until I looked at the picture again, well fucking played user
I...I am not a whore dad shut up!!!
mad roastie detected
She wants niggers that will see her as a 10/10 while whites only see a 6/10 at best in that mug.. good riddance she doesn't deserve a European bloodline
All I can see on Norwegian Tinder now is girls writing "send me 50 NOK (= 5 dollars) and see what happens".
Females only want freedom to do whatever they want, whine when things aren't going their way and do the same to males.
They are born childlike and need to be held in chains until their death.
Is she saying that refugees aren't welcome?
Tindr is degenerate.
I'm interested in having a million dollars.
Doesn't mean I have it
More like 3/10 without angles and lighting. Look at that nose, she looks like she has a disorder.