Voting is illogical. Prove me wrong.
Voting is illogical. Prove me wrong
I dont think anyone here is going to argue with that
Kant's categorical imperative. Do what you think others should so, otherwise your wrong. If you think a democracy is better off with no one voting, go ahead. If you think voting is illogical because everyone else will just vote and yours wont matter, well your a moron who is part of the reaaon voter turnout is so low.
Voting for Brexit was illogical?
Agreed. If illogical people didn't vote, Hillary would have won.
Voting for Brexit was logical?
monarchy of divine rights is the only system that works
I mean, sure it's illogical, but is there a better system?
until it doesn't
Please prove this right and then suggest a superior alternative method of picking who should run countires.
There is no better system though.
Humanity lives in an illogical world, because humanity IS illogical as a whole.
I can't believe the rural and suburban retards voted for DRUMPF
It's not illogical but it's not good either.
We shouldn't give power to the uneducated sub 120 IQ masses.
It's not fair that a doctor's vote is worth the same as Jamal the welfare recipient's.
This made me laugh, thanks.
I guess I should have clarified this. I meant from a personal perspective, voting is an utter waste of time. No difference will ever be made from your vote, it's a half hour of your life gone that you will never get back, for no effect at all. I guess the only positive is the sense of having "done your part".
I vote sometimes, if my schedule allows it. But that doesn't change the fact that it is an illogical waste of time.
a confederation of local, radically democratic councils
Democracy was a mistake
Democracy as a whole is indeed flawed but that wasn't the point of the thread.
SeeShoud've clarified in the OP
Is this a meme? That's just about everyone and I keep seeing it
It's actually true, Arrow's Impossibility Theorem basically proves mathematically that democracy is a meme that doesn't really do good for people anyway.
It is illogical if you think of yourself as existing in a vacuum where nothing you do ever matters. But you don't. Beaches are made out of millions of individual grains of sand. The same applies to votes, your vote on an individual level has no value and is completely replaceable or unnecessary, but when all of the little votes are put together they create a big mass that can not be ignored.
You can be defeatist and say your vote doesn't matter and do nothing, or cast your vote and maybe have it be part of something greater if other people share your view.
This is good.
There needs to be less anonymity and more discussions in our system.
that's not how burden of proof works
sage + hide
> everyone else will just vote
that the problem.
not everyone are allowed to vote.
>tips fedora
I bet you are fun at parties
Democracy is a hoax. It's even worse than monarchy.
Still, no major election has or will ever be decided on one vote.
I'd argue that the time you would allocate to voting would be better spent encouraging *others* to vote, or reminding them to vote - online or otherwise.
>Still, no major election has or will ever be decided on one vote.
A little google seems to prove you wrong
Either way, what you do with your time is your choosing.
Casting a vote is easy and quick and it can make a difference. If everyone had your mindset nobody would vote and then things could definitely be decided by one vote.
As I said, I have voted before and will do so in the future. The question is whether there is any point, from a strictly logical perspective, and I believe there isn't. But, many things in life, most of the best things actually, do not make any sense. Such is the folly of existence, I guess.
Just stop overthinking stuff.
If you start trying to find deep meaning or sense in everything in life you'll just get caught up in a spiral of nihilistic lack of meaning because you are unable to infuse meaning into everything you see or do.
Just accept it as it comes and move on, there's better things to spend your time thinking on.
You have no argument. I can't prove a string of words wrong, nobody can
By that logic nothing can be proven since all arguments are are strings of semantic and syntactic "words" and operators
Democracy isn't designed to work, after about two generations the public is easily controlled, but against all odds sometimes it does.
Trump, Brexit
Still angry over the 8th Nigel?
>It's actually true, Arrow's Impossibility Theorem basically proves mathematically that democracy is a meme that doesn't really do good for people anyway.
Was going to post this, though it's Condorcet who first theorized it (Arrow later broadened the concept to apply it to situation others than elections)
Nice get too