A 10 year old autistic kid in Florida was arrested in handcuffs for allegedly kicking a teacher some months prior. He spent the night in jail
Who was in the wrong here?
A 10 year old autistic kid in Florida was arrested in handcuffs for allegedly kicking a teacher some months prior. He spent the night in jail
Who was in the wrong here?
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Good, let's hope he's not the last one. Sup Forums needs a cleansing.
Don't parents have to be notified?
The use of police in schools for discipline totally circumvents the family unit and it's ability to discipline children. Like that kid who got arrested for stealing a milk when he was on free lunch program and forgot it the first time. Bullshit escalation.
Bring back the nuns with yardsticks.
Was he actually autistic, or was he on the buy-these-pills-for-your-kid-goyim "autism spectrum"?
Teachers should hit back. Autistic or not kids need to learn hitting people is wrong. Unless they're a lefty, then you can attack.
got to make that private prison money somehow
the police and public schools don't give a fuck about you or your kids
Parents don't parent their own kids and rely on teachers to do it, when they have no authority whatsoever now.
He began life as "autistic" now he will continue lifed as a maniac. god bless usa
nothing to see here
Spent a night in jail, whats the big deal
Obviously the whole situation is dysfunctional, but thats the way liberals wanted it
Is this even legal
It isn't here
is every kid autistic these days?
the vaccine companies putting the fucking austimo virus in the fucking fake vaccine.
The little fucker shouldnt kick his teacher if he doesnt want to be in jail.
Yeah, assault is illegal.
It's traumatizing to a 10yo and teaches them that the justice system isn't about justice, it's about retribution
As a Florida resident i consider us the Australia of the USA, except more retarded
when I was 13 I got accused of making a bomb threat in school
I had nothing to do with it
I was the quiet kid was bullied and didn't have many friends
now they were trying to get me to admit to some shit that would ruin my life, that I had nothing to do with
I didn't get a chance to get a lawyer or my parents there
at 13 the cops and administrators fucked with me
in the end it wasn't pinned on me, but they suspended me for a week when I fought back from being bullied
fuck that school fuck the cops
>kicking a teacher
sounds like fucker needed to be "scared straight" a little
western kids these days are little demons, taught to be sociopaths right from birth, your sympathy is wasted on them
>Bring back the nuns with yardsticks.
Too many pussy liberals that don't want to let the state teach their children right from wrong.
Traumatizing, gimme a fucking break
Whats he gonna do? Cry?
>call the police on a 10-year-old
Why are Americans so fucked in the head?
99% of autistic children are the latter
We just expanded the spectrum goyim
No wonder why Trump distrusts vaccines.
You sound a little under the weather
Im setting an appointment up for you with our mental health clinic
Oh shit is autism supposed to make you not responsible for your own actions? In that case I will self diagnose myself.
>needing to actually carry out a threat
shit-tier discipline tbqh
that's not letting the state do it, letting the police take the kid overnight is letting the state do it you moron
>Kid diagnosed with Autism
>Has sensory overload and behavioral issues
>System threatens to take him away if he doesn't go to school
>Incompetant school not equiped for typical behavior
>Kid doesn't want to be touched so kicks teacher
>Send kid to jail cause traumatize him make symptoms worst
>Kid regresses loses years of progress
Oh yeah must be the kids fault
Seeing as it's a 10 year old boy, yes. This shit fucked up mane.
I'm going to murder the teacher
what this article doesnt tell you is past behavior and early symptoms of psychopathic behavior and potentially bullying
there are levels of autism for all who know hes a high functioning sperg that likes hurting people
Perhaps the police being involved is to send the child a message of action and consequence
Great idea, until you realise that most teachers are women now, and that an average 13 boy could probably beat the shit out of at least two of them at once.
The problem with schools is that there are very few male teachers (except the liberal cuck ones), how are boys supposed to have respect for teachers that want them to sit for hours, tell them that fighting is never an option, and are weaker than them, all while saying they are worse than women as they don't bother doing their homework.
>>kid doesn't want to be touched so kicks teacher
Nothing in the article or the articles it links to says the teacher touched him. The 'don't touch me' bit was when he was being cuffed by cops.
These police need to be lined up and shot, bunch of fucking mongrel dogs on a power trip. National Social SS officers would have tyese god damn commie lined up execution style with a fucking bullet to the back of the head, even toture these fuckers.
We're talking about a 10 year old. Even a neurotypical kid would be scarred by it. Hell some adults are scarred by one night in jail. Kick the kid out of school if you have to. This is just retarded no matter where he is on the spectrum
>allegedly kicking a teacher some months prior
>months prior
if no one was hurt this is pretty stupid and the autism bro got treated unfairly.
Granted it's an assumption. But it's still typical of Autism and if he can act that way with cops it's not far fetched that he would do the same with a teacher
Florida and Las Vegas are the most degenerate parts of the USA
i had a friend who's younger autistic brother got expelled for threatening a teacher with a paper clip.
There are a lot of crypto-Jewish police officers mist are sayanim too working for Mossad. I've talked to alot of these police, they intentionally mess with you to incur you into anger to damn you later, truly a bunch of sick Satanic atheistic identityless Communist bastards. We live in an oppressive regime in America. We need to change the Federal state and convert the various states into Federal provinces, also I see no need for county police, only provincial legislators. We should abolish statehood especially considering the fact we treat them like provinces anyway we can just cross state borders like it's nothing.
You're Australia with none of the banter
It should be a secular state that is prominately Christian instead of the current atheist state.