North Korea is a Fake CIA State

It really is a tough pill to swallow that the deep state controls everything. don't trust anything. or anyone.

>The first question that should be asked by people with any brain cells left to rub together is, how does a country that the media says is a “hermit nation” closed off to the West manage to have all these picture perfect photo ops that filter out to all the western media?

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Fuck off communist faggot

fuck off yellow teeth cuck

>how does a country that the media says is a “hermit nation” closed off to the West manage to have all these picture perfect photo ops that filter out to all the western media?

Because...they have a news service that takes picture perfect photo ops and sends them to the western media?

Is this guy retarded?

you simply cannot trust anything yo read in the media. trump didn't even send carriers to the peninsula.

or did he?


yeah and what is that news service? its the AP! and these photos are likely staged.

don't call jay a retard until you have at least read his analysis. and this article.

you can neither prove nor disprove this assertion but you can state with high probability its likely true. look at the pictures. NOTHING IS PLUGGED IN!!!!!!

Have any of you even ever been there?

And why is this country so bad? Is it planning to take over the world? Does it have a huge evil army?

its all propaganda

NK is a decent place from everything I've seen.

They just want to be left alone and not have globalism shoved up their ass by jews.

How dare they refuse a jewish banking cartel to take control of their economy!

>North Koreans are poor and starv-

The footage I've seen of the country was deppressing as fuck. Empty streets except for bicycles and walkers. Very little farm machinery or machinery of any kind. It's a nation of peasants with a bunch of assholes at the top living large. A literal slave nation.

99% of what you see is deceitful propaganda. obviously they are communists and have a strong cultural tradition of exalting the government and leaders but other than that its just korea. literally, south korea doesnt even qualify as korea anymore. its fake and westernized. so long as you arent materialist or dissenter life is pretty comfy in best korea.

North Korea fits every definition of National Socialism

take that as you will

Looks comfty

>sandals with socks
Ok, but why is he oppressing my fashion sensibilities?

>NK is a decent place from everything I've seen.

Can see plenty of smuggled footage from outside Pyongyang on Youtube and it looks like a fucking shithole.

Might not be any worse than rural China, though.

i can show you worse places in america. what is your point? you are a disgusting materialist.

Sorry Jay, you'll have to shill elsewhere.
Everyone knows the CIA is a Juche organization, it's just too powerful to act against.

Those are some tiny ice creams.

>North Koreans do the Slav squat
The USSR taught them well.

These are the fake buildings Trump is going to bomb with his fake MOAB. Nothing but Freemason lies.

I can find plenty of places in my own country that look like absolute shitholes and if you saw only footage of them you'd say wow the US must be a dump. Perhaps this footage is only from the worst areas of NK

satan already has full control of the world youre on the right track

dont worry man

Sup Forums believes in kek
Sup Forums jerks off to anime

don't take this place seriously
the people here are 16-18 year old max

its pure entertainment
there are so many shills on this board
but im glad you have brain cells

Checked for Satan owning the world

North Korea is an ethno-state with an ideology based off of Japanese Fascism. They are isolated because they practice this in a globalist world.

Oh no, they don't stuff their faces with a bucket full of corn-syrup! The humanity!

your number 44 is good.

>its da hermit nashun how dey get in dere
You know you can shoot any of the 3 major touring companies in NK an email and be approved to enter? Anyone that's not a South Korean can get in. Their state releases pictures like these all the time. Whoever wrote that "analysis" didn't do any research beyond looking at the photos and throwing his stupid conspiracy twist on them.

world goverment exist for more than 200 years now
or it was from the very beggining

did you look at the pics? NOTHING IS PLUGGED IN!!!

They run their wiring under the floor you fucking idiot. We do this shit too, it's just more expensive to do it that way than it is to do it overhead because of the extra effort involved, and because it looks more "aesthetically pleasing", hence the reason why you don't see it too often unless you're in a special room that (for whatever reason) REQUIRES wiring to be done under the floor (or if the place of business you work for has permanent workstations or is just managed poorly)
Overhead wiring is also much easier to mess with when you're changing the room around. Pulling up the floor (especially when there's carpet) is a huge pain in the ass compared to pushing ceiling tiles off to the side while you work.
I hate you, man.

I didn't read, but I agree that NK could be a failed CIA state so that the US could have build up their military in Asia. When Kim took control, things changed. He went rogue.

>photos from North Korea are staged

alert the media

>mfw Norks so poor their high level officials have to squat outside in parking lots even in official photos

>snackswith the lads outside death camp 128

Sup Forums isn't known for consistency

>Media comes up with a ridiculous story about Syria or Russia
>Media comes up with a ridiculous story about North Korea

>Slav squat.
Nigger, that's the Asia Squat. See how the feet are flat and flush with the ground? Slavs need to rest in the balls of their feet in order to be ready to chimp out on the nearest Anglo

the thought has crossed my mind aswell

also a coincidence the russians expelled (((them))) "shortly" before getting blessed with communism?

Everything the (((media))) says about NK is a lie, if they had internet, all of them would be Sup Forumsacks. But they have swallowed the final redpill that is that the internet is always degenerate.

Can't remember if we are at war with Eurasia or Eastasia