>if you hate homosexuality, u must actually be secretly gay urself :^)
what is this meme? why do normies parrot it?
>if you hate homosexuality, u must actually be secretly gay urself :^)
what is this meme? why do normies parrot it?
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Well best way to dismiss someones argument is to attack him personally
It's a because a person comfortable in their own sexuality doesn't go out of there way to interfere with other people's sex lives.
Because it's true most of the time
Because it often is the case.
I love dumb psychoanalysis faggots.
>If you hate murderers you must secretly be a murderer.
>If you hate people who fuck animals you must be a person who fucks animals xDDDDD
All sodomites are rapist pedophiles who should be put to death in accordance with the Bible.
So because I am secure in my non-use of drugs I wont try to help/decrease other peoples drug use?
If something is bad for society it should be taboo and discouraged.
>black kids grow up in violent conditions and hate fags
they're a product of their environment
>white kid grows up in healthy social group of male friends who goof on fags
Must be homophobic secret cock suckers.
>Mike Pence had brown hair when he was younger
>Retarded liberal posts same debunked argument over and over
What a surprise.
Because its turns the tables on the person who now has to defend the position that they are not gay.
It's the same tired "have you stopped beating your wife?" bullshit.
It's natural to hate and despise aberrations such as homosexuality as it goes against nature. (But user tons of gay sex in nature hurrrr) right... and they're effectively fucking their species in to nonexistence.
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it's accurate a lot of the time, certainly not with pence tho
fuck off
This. Faggots should be drawn and quartered. Worthless pedophile pieces of shit.
1,2 Pence is coming for you
3,4 you better lock your door
5,6 if you don't like chicks
7,8 if you aren't straight
9,10 you will be burned again
>standing on US flag...
this loli deserves to have that flag used to bind her hands behind her back followed by minimal lubrication and insertion
I'll volunteer
it only has been said about homosexuals. and if you read the news a lot of preachers and haters got caught doing gay stuff
There's plenty of examples where this literally happened and my personal experience was the same.
Trump supporter I knew who was the most vocal about hating faggots eventually turned out to be fapping to traps (the chinese cartoon kind)
>deputy president
Basically, there was a big study where people who claimed to be homophobic got erections from gay porn, while other straight people didn't.
Because it's true. To hate it is to be obsessed with it. The proper Christian answer is to disagree and dislike the sin, but love the sinner and leave the judging to god.
The fag has rounded ears. Pence has pointed.
Leftists tell you that because most of them have sexual frustrations themselves and of course because most homo's became what they were because they were abused as children by homo's
Even a lot of normies stopped regurgitating this dumbass meme
Just reply with
"Do you hate scat? Oh, well you must be a giant shit-eater then."
>Muh flag
I remember a few obvious false prophet televangelists got caught. I wouldn't say a lot were caught. But even if that was that case it wouldn't take away from the fact that sodomites are deranged criminals that need to at the very least be imprisoned, something that happened in America roughly 40 years ago.
Well, why do you care about who other people fuck?
There are plenty of hetero couples who are no matter than homo couples but their degenerate lifestyle shouldn't interest you as there will always be plenty of deviants.
They're not breaking any laws and if they don't support the lgbt propaganda of sjws and degeneracy like pride parades they can do gay stuff for all I care.
If you hate Rapists, you must be a Rapist.
If you hate pork, you must be a pig....
Normies cannot see past the slogans they chant
It was successfully implanted in our cultural consciousness via 'Operation American Beauty', and hasn't left since. It's particularly potent because it does effectively discourage criticism of faggots. After all, those who hate faggots the most and would criticize them, are also the most susceptible to being falsely accused of faggotry.
I'm using this argument
They teach people that shit in college in the required classes during freshman year. It's blatant propaganda and liberal indoctrination, and some people aren't strong enough to reject the blue pill.
This is fucking Oklahoma University that I'm talking about, too. Not even the redest of states is free of the liberal menace
Except faggotry is bad for society, and it's a known fact that vast majority of fags are pedophiles and rapists. The only thing mudslimes do right is to butcher faggots.
Try asking them for proof and they also start talking about American Beauty. I swear theGod, leftist are so fucking retarded.
>If you hate pedophilia, you must actually be secretly pedophile yourself!
Why do you faggots always try this?
Fuck off and go to literal hell.
>living onahole
because it's an actual psychological phenomenon like "don juan syndrome"
also see "the lady doth protest too much"
people usually act in violent opposition to hide and run away from internal feelings that they are struggling with
>the news has shown me a few cases out of a gorillion
>must be true
You're the reason science is dying
if u hate pedophiles you must be a closet pedophile yourself :^)
End yourself
it doesn't work like that because there is no societal pressure in the reverse
use your brain, nigger
>Posting stats from the (((APA)))
You actually trust the APA? You don't think they have an obvious agenda to support LGBT rights around the world?
>Doesn't realize that gay rights was supported by wealthy oligarchs like the Rockefeller Foundation
bible says nothing about pedos though
Psychology student here.
What you're refering to is a very rare case which is being thought common because of over-use in Holywood.
Found the pedo.
Fuck off kike. It is perfectly normal to despise degenerates.
plastic surgery works wonders because it's looks just like him, doesn't matter if it is him, it's enough to convince me Pence sucks cock and then zaps himself with a car battery every night while his wife watches him cure homosexuality once and for all
in their world there are only 2 reactions you can have to homos
positive - you embrace it and welcome it
negative - you hate it but is seceretly of homosex yourself
daily reminder that 98% of people are absolutely retarded and not worth interacting with
Matthew 18:6.
If you hate homophobia, you must actually be a secret homophobe yourself.
This. If you don't see the obvoius issue in this, then you're too much of a retard to be on any Sup Forums board.
Hypothetical, if all gays went on killing sprees, would you still be gay if you hated gays?
Or here's another hypothetical question: if all guys kept holding public parades swinging around their dicks and they kept acussing you of being an evil white asshole, would you still be gay for hating them?
Kek. Best answer in thread.
> But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.
it's not sin if you are married :^)
Look at him swooning over this dude. You just know...
>why do normies parrot it?
Because they secretly hate fags as well.
No other fucking explanation, if normies are defending fags, they won't call haters fags as well unless they also hate fags.
Why call someone you hate someone you're defending?
I hate Chinese people.
It doesn't mean I'm secretly a chinese.
rly maeks u think
why ?
It usually applies to extremists, like those mental TV preachers in America.
I've heard a fuckload of news stories on O&A of them being caught with poppers and rentboys.
Also, muslims are pretty gay and look how they deal with it.
>unarmed black
It's such shameless bullshit, and normies believe it literally without questioning the logic for a second. My God the kikes are good at mass deception.
I'll just leave this here
>Hating cancer means, you secretly want cancer because if you were comfortable with your non-cancerous state you would not go out of your way to interfere with people who have and promote cancer.
Go ahead and look up 'chi boys'. You couldn't be more wrong. It's a cultural staple
>if you hate brazilians you're secretly a monkey
Top kek
this explains gay pride parades
2D traps aren't as gay as the real deal
>draw a pretty girl
>give her a penis
Every single time
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