Fuck you! you "racist", you "cracka", you "honkey", you "jive turkey", you "".
Why does name calling not bother whites? Is it proof that inferior cannot label superior? Is it that there are no catchy slurs?
Fuck you! you "racist", you "cracka", you "honkey", you "jive turkey", you "".
Why does name calling not bother whites? Is it proof that inferior cannot label superior? Is it that there are no catchy slurs?
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> Why does name calling not bother whites?
Well non-racial name calling bothers some retards but overall racial name calling doesn't because whites by and large aren't low-impulse retards who feel the need to act like animals and defend their territory or whatever in every situation where someone just says some meanie name that doesn't actually hurt them.
because racism = power + prejudice, and minorities don't have any power in this white supremacist society so the insults fall flat
but if a good name came along it might stick.
I wish there was a documented study that showed that. It would be more proof of white superiority.
> IQ studies
IQ is proven to correlate strongly with impulse control, which is directly related to not chimping out like a retard over things as petty like name calling. That's all you need to know about to explain it really, anything else would be minor by comparison.
>Be under threat of extinction
>Caring about name calling
but it gets filed away as a "fact" that the public is not allowed to mention.
So what? I'm just talking about the truth obtained via observation, not some stupid consensus "scary bad facts" formed by retarded plebs.
White trash is probably the only thing you can tell a white person that's insulting
"Racist" used to be the white equivalent of being called a nigger. But thanks to the efforts of the looney ass sjw's it's lost its meaning.
that might be more of white on white insult.
Have you not seen this board or other places on the internet? I'd disagree. Whites get very offended when their whiteness is pointed out.
>because racism = power + prejudice
Good meme
Peckerwood? do slurs come back into fashion?
>being a weeb fag
racism = superiority + prejudice
Everyone intuitively knows this but they don't admit it. But it's why no racial slurs work against whites because being white is a good thing, no one wants to be a nigger, except those who try and glorify it, but societal at large knows being a nigger is the worst thing you can be.
holy shit is this for real? i need to spread the love.
In all seriousness, this, minus the newspeak. Only people who are ashamed or scared go to pride marches.
Black pride and gay pride are proof that gays and blacks are NOT proud of themselves. When white pride becomes commonplace, whites will have ceased to have real pride.
>being on an anime website
Universities bias heavily against whites and asians.
This is power + predjudice yes?
So anti-white racism undeniably runs rampant in the american upper education system.
I never understood how "cracker" and "honky" were supposed to be offensive. It wasn't until college that I learned some people consider "cracker" as bad as "nigger," but I think that's just people being overly sensitive.
Calling a black person nigger is like standing on a balcony and spitting down on the.
Calling someone a cracker is like standing on the ground and trying to spit up at someone on a balcony.
Also, what we call people will eventually just be associated with that things reputation. That's why we have to change what we call blacks every few years.
is it always like that? what if a homeless white guy called obama a nigger?
>gets preferential treament for jobs
>gets preferential treatment in court
>ACLU, ADL and other black power organizations will provide lawyers pro-bono for you if the case is about anti-white crime
>the legacy media will always back you and help spin narratives in your favour
>political parties are actively throwing whites under the buss
>blacks don't have institutional power
leftists have the most money and power in politics, are their organzations not institutions?
worst white > best black. it stands.
>That's why we have to change what we call blacks every few years.
>Is it proof that inferior cannot label superior?
it's like a dog calling a lion loser
yeah but that's not his argument. standing on a balcony (literally or metaphorically) does not make you a better person in any moral sense like you seem to be implying.
says the nigger.
how do you know the lion did not get his feelings hurt being called a loser?
Most of the names for us are kind of fun to play with.
My debate team in high school was "The ___________ High School Peckerwoods" because we were the only white school in a black urban school district and it was funny to watch people be confused or uncomfortable.
Especially when we won our final year and the (all black) administration had to present an award to the peckerwoods in front of ~300 people.
Because my ancestors created everything. When nogs insult my race it just comes off as impotent jealousy.