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Imagine being such a chimp that you give up a hundred million dollar career, a super bowl, and national fame because some guy spilled a drink on you in a club
He was right to kill himself
>murderer dies in jail
Am i supposed to care?
maybe he was extracted, meaning he hanged someone else who has similar body type and looks similar and moved to wearing on the sleeve another ihre papiere bitte "identity".
Who's this sand-nigger looking faggot?
This, can someone inform those that don't follow negro-ball activities whom this is?
They had no murder weapon and no physical evidence at the scene.
If he had a decent lawyer, he would've gotten off in the first trial like he did the second.
handball faggotry ignore and sage
A football player who murdered a bunch of niggers and spics
Fuck this faggot
His suicide has taken all the coverage or lack there of off the nigger killing white people yesterday off any news station.
Aaron Hernandez. All-time great at his position in college, was on the way to being an all-time great in the NFL, before being convicted in the murder of one of his gangbanging buddies. Was also on trial for a double murder that he beat last week. "Killed himself" this morning in jail. He was serving a life sentence
Mexican gangbanger turned nfl player. Before joining the nfl he was thought to have commited two drivebys. During thw nfl after signing with the patriots, his fiancees sisters boyfriend (black) "lost his trust" so he murdered him. He tried scrubbing evidence but his friensds ratted on him. He waa supposwd to be in for life but je saved us some money today
Tears for spics, vol. 2
Who the fuck cares about some student retard who can kick a football?
>some spic sports player died so you should give a shit
Go back to >.
No. He was with the Patriots for a bit. They dropped him as soon as he was in cuffs
persian muzzie pretending to be mexican. Ya can't fool me.
How can some caramel coloured mutt be a patriot?
He doesn't love the country.
Still, who cares about some sweaty fag who can kick a ball?
Fucking this.
Just look at him.
Gross. Sickening. Foul.
Yup. He had the self control of a nigger. He deserved to die in prison, like all violent niggers.
Deadbeat murdering spic who gave all patriot fans a bad name after what he did.
Rot in hell, bitch.
Also Belicheck stopped by his cell apparently a few weeks ago. Told him to hang in there. Guess the guy was so fucking mongoloid autistic he took it literally.
I, for one, was shocked. It is so rare that anyone does the right thing with their life. I don't know if he killed any of those people, but death is better than life in prison and he deprived "the state" of its punishment. I am impressed that he waited until after his acquittal. Obviously, he could have done this at any time, but he waited until his affairs were settled.
>get aquitted of two murders
>realize you have to kill yourself
Lmaooooo don't snitch lil nikkas!!
If you take away the faggots who only pay attention to the NFL for "muh fantasy team", college football is arguably bigger than the NFL. The top 25 college teams regularly outdraw the top 25 NFL teams and it's not even close.
He didn't kick the ball. He caught it. Big difference there
If not for this they would have just found some other excuse, or fabricated one.
>the South
Wow, it's fucking nothing. Nobody actually knows shit about football down there, they watch it religiously because there's nothing else to do but when it comes to understanding the sport they don't get it.
Tailgates are just an excuse to get drunk, nobody actually ends up going to the game.
i hate sport and how gives niggers and other dregs lots of wealth, they don't deserve it
You sure showed me.
Monkeys can catch flying objects, you know.
>t. fantasy football faggot
Also, i live in Wisconsin asshole. And the Badgers have a bigger stadium and a larger average draw than the "muh Lombardi and muh Green Bay Packers".
may you inspire the puerto rican wogs of the future
He was a tattooed scumbag degenerate. Who gives a fuck? Rot in hell asshole.
>watching college football religiously
kek you wisconsin fags really are that autistic
he's not a challenger astronaut
could be, but I like the story where he's dead better
>Hurr durr people can disrespect me all they want and I'll lay down and forgo my manhood because it's the modern thing to do
Spoken like a true cuck.
The response has to be proportional. If you have such a low self esteem that you have to chimp out like a nigger then you clearly aren't much of a man, just a filthy primate.
Self-control is what makes us different from animals. You lose your face, you lose your honor. Simple as that.
Why do you guys hate him? He looks white and he killed other minorities.
>Told him to hang in there.
Any other age except this godforsaken one the faggot would have been challenged to a duel and would have gotten destroyed as deserved and the lesson would have actually made for a more uniform society where people show respect or suffer the consequences.
Honor is the same as a man's life, would you let anyone disrespect your wife or loved ones?
Keep being a doormat.
>watching college football that isn't the SEC
lmaoing at your life family.
The packers are a thousand times more relevant than Wisconsin.
Pitying this waste of skin is tantamount to licking the floor beneath someone who purposely shits themselves. It's good the state won't have to pay the cost of imprisoning him anymore.
>vulnerable to nigger moments
Prove me wrong faggot. Wisconsin - a historically awful program until Barry Alvarez came along - has a larger stadium and larger average attendance than the Packers (one of the most historic - if not the most historic - NFL franchise). Penn State, Alabama, Texas A&M, and Michigan regularly pack in 100,000+ in stadiums that were built with private money and often in small towns. The NFL builds Taxpayer Subsidized Welfare Stadiums in large cities and limits their size because they know the optics of not filling said stadiums looks terrible. Ohio State is arguably bigger than both Ohio NFL teams combine.
Don't by into the NFL hype meme. The only reason it seems is big as it is is because there was literally nothing to do on Sundays before its existence (because of religious tradition) and because of fantasy faggots.
>Mexican gangbanger
He's not Mexican
wausau here. i think the Pack is a way bigger deal than Bucky, yet Bucky is more pop than brewers or bucks. Anyone that doesn't like sports is a low test omega fag. Oh, and soccer doesn't count
>basement dweller detected
Nah even in the time of duels if a nobleman challenged a peasant for getting dirt on his cape all the other noblemen would think he's a pathetic faggot for challenging a peasant. Nobles typically only challenged other nobles because the peasants didn't have any honor worth caring about. It
I think it's time to an hero, m8. Just remember to stream it
killed a nigger drug dealer named Odin...
Now I'm somewhat impressed.
Patriot fans didn't need Hernandez to have a bad name
Who gives a fuck if they disrespect you? Money talks, if I'm raking in NFL money they can call me whatever the fuck they want, doesn't change the fact I'm the winner and they're the loser in that situation. Letting stupid shit slide off your shoulder and not get to you shows infinite more maturity and manliness than chimping out at shit that doesn't matter.
kill yourself for being such an edgy retard
The point isn't that he shouldn't have stuck up for himself, its that he shouldn't have killed the guy. No one would have cared if he just kicked the guys ass and left it at that
>two degenerate murderers committed suicide in as many days
Feels good man
Even that's a bit far. What happened?
If a drink was thrown, yes, fight. But if it was spilled and the spiller apologized, why fucking fight?
>guy spills drink on you accidentally
>shoot him 6 times
About that honor...
I don't like or follow football but you are trying really hard my man
But was it really murder since he killed a nigger
>The top 25 college teams regularly outdraw the top 25 NFL teams and it's not even close.
Probably because its cheaper and the students fucking live there.
>muh respect
just don't go to places where the chance of getting disrespected(kek) is high
like degen clubs etc
if you are a millionaire act like one and chill on a yacht or something
He's another example of how Hispanic gangsters make dindu gangsters look tame.
I live in Gainesville Florida home of the University of Florida. He was also suspected in a murder or two here when he played college football. I don't think they ever charged him tho.
Press F to rub my balls on his face
All I heard on the radio this morning was "a race-related incident in Fresno saw four people killed. AND NOW TO OUR WALL-TO-WALL COVERAGE OF SPORTSBALL FAGGOT MURDERER WHO DIED IN JAIL BUUUHUUUUUU FUCK HIS VICTIMS LOL"
Spencer was right about football
>have unlimited money
>throw it all away buy murdering somebody over petty nonsense
You must be a complete fool
kys faggot
>lots of other people are retarded as me
no one care how many people watch football.
I thought minorities were like women, and unable to commit suicide.
Only if they don't have dark white skin.
kek 18+ board. get to school.
good link, the rest of it is pretty funny too.
These rocket surgeons left the keys to a SUV that Hernandez rented on the murder victim. If there was a way to fuck up, these clowns did it.