> pretend to liberate Korea
> invade Australia instead
> pretend to liberate Korea
> invade Australia instead
He's helping with the emu problem first.
like we gonna give kimmy our armada for nuke target practice
Drumpf is done this time
I compare this to US troops pulling out of Iraq... and quietly sitting in Kuwait, just close enough to fuck something up.
Probably cus the south china sea is near there?
bring it. we'll smash those yankee-doodles like we did in brisbane for trying to cuck us
taking Australia is a pretty smart move. Gives good points and is the easiest continent to defend
Holy fuck
He's taking out that island
They have a fucking entire island of fucked up people look it up
Good, those Aussies deserve to be annexed
>yearly navy exercises are being viewed as acts of war
Why does this happen every fucking spring?
Or maybe he just has no clue what the fuck his generals are doing because he can't be bothered to read his memos?
I welcome it, anything is better than the bloody drongos running the place now.
....he's right
Hopefully, i really don't care about the US.
>implying it's not military exercises with Australia
It happens every fucking year. Last year they were in The Northern Territory. I know because I was there last year. They were doing Jet exercises.
Hell, even if Trump wanted to annex Australia, I'd fucking welcome it. I'd rather America's FREEDOM than Australia going down the Canada route. Turnbull only cancelled those work visas so he could make up an even worse one. Turnbull is a kike banking puppet anyway
Never forget!
If invading Australia stops all their fucking shitposting,im all for it
this president was one shitpost that will ultimately lead to my demise.
bring in on cunt, finally the abos may have a use
10d chess
plz keep yr plebbit lulsorand0mtier images off this board thx
Aww yeah, about to become the 51st state
Can't wait to get my guns back.
Target Sighted.
Unleashing Hacks
welcome to the empire, cunt.
uhhhh you dont get to bring lebbos
Backwards shithole or Australia. Hard to tell the difference
if this were true, would there be any sort of motive to take over australia? only on i can think of is the uranium
War with Australia when?
Just think. You already had niggers. Now you've got abos as well.
>aussies shitpost so hard that burgers have to invade them to put a stop to it
>a fucking tv license
If I really cared enough, I would photoshop this so say America instead of Zipang and change all the flags to American flags.
Have liberals lost their mind?
If they think an Armada resting near an allied nation that is at a safe yet comfortable distance from its target is a bad thing that means they lost their mind right?
Mauling a pillow with a slippery barking spider.
Fuck off whale, we belong to Her Majesty's Empire.
God Save the Queen
Rule Britannia!
The USA has been preparing this for years
Has Aussie shitposting gone too far? Will the west finally strike back?
الحصول على ركبتيك والوجه مكة
> implying Trump didn't claim this EXACT carrier is on its way to NK...
Hey guys Fatima the Goat here, AMA!
Remove Melbourne and Auckland. Liberate Straya and the Kiwis! Free citizenship to all besides abbos.
we should relocate all the chimps to the outback, let them fight it out mad max style
fuck the (((queen)))
>taking Australia
No such thing. You merely get to stay on the land if the Emus let you.
>invade australia
>aussies too pussy to stop us
>now have australia, japan, and south korea to launch attacks and resupply from
Pretty fucking based.
There is no difference fuckwit.
>ah fuck.
Wait if we become another state of merica. 2nd amendment law gets forced.
>going to enslave the aussies and harness their shit posting power by killing their emu walords
"Please nuke us"
from Melbourne
Just like when he said the cruise missiles went to Iraq and not Syria
Either he is revealing actual targets that conflict with the public version or he's got dementia.
Marines practice their wrestling non-stop. If they're having a break, there's a good chance they'll all start wrestling in pairs. It was really weird working with them. Boss would be like "hang-five for a minute" and the yanks take this as a time to practice their cuddling skills.
Australia is a hop, skip and jump from the Korean peninsula
He had it with your shit posting
They are going to North Korea though.
No fucking way
He's literally just doing a Nixon you stupid cuck.
gotta stop those pesky immigrants somehow
Jesus christ almighty.
I think Trump made a mistake cutting down on those work Visa's
It actually makes sense.
Australia is an ally and the best and closest place to stock up troops, ammo, and war masheens against the Asians.
If and when NK gets hit - its going to be brutal
I think I know the real reason why.
If burgers conquer Australia and make it the 51st state
>their obesity index goes down heavily
>poverty goes down
>crime down
>Uranium intake up
Anything else?
>Shitposting is nuber one threat to America. We must prevent it at any cost.
>asking almost all beaners and niggers
their your first mistake
Lmfao, help why is our geography so bad
It begins.
he'd probably just build a wall in the south thinking tasmania isn't apart of australia and actually our mexico
White percentage goes up
>that pic
>Russia is going to aide the US
Wat, they cant be here to fight us.
Is it translated yet?
will he still allow us our kinder surprises?
Make Australia Great Again!
well this is fucking fair
Good job Trump make Australia into a State.
>How many sides does a triangle have?
I now have 2 sides less though.
>"Ok Im a little bit ........mixed up ove.....r the Palestinians aaand the Israelis"
>"Ok Mhm"
>"which one is throwin da rocksz"
>*continues jogging*
Its been fully translated for a while now. Not the H scenes, but the game itself, due to just ripping the Vita assets and applying it to the game proper.
Its not as good as Sengoku Rance, though.
Nah because everyone tries for Australia which makes it a black hole for troops and not worth the gains brah
>USA, russia and straya blanda up
let the holocaust begin
What game is this? Please be Rance.
>uhhhh you dont get to bring lebbos
no worries, can we borrow a few helicopters for a while?
Eiyuu Senki
>not the H scenes
If that's all that needs to be done how come there's been no fan TL interest? The game's about as popular as Sengoku Rance
>RUSSIA has for the first time explained the presence of a fleet of warships off north-eastern Australia, saying that the ships are testing their range capability, in case they have to do climate change research in the Antarctic.
Prepare your cunts Aussies. You're about to be cucked by 'murika.
no america your ships are too big! ung~
I can't find it on nyaa.se
Have a go cunt see what happens
>climate change
oh shit the USA, russia and straya are all going to blanda up with uncle adolfs antartic UFO base... 4th reich begins
>baby goat
how long have you been married?
Don't forget to check sukebei for H-games.
Cunny Funt.