1st year of 6form, disillusioned with A levels (although will probably get A in As math). Remember US user talking about joining USAF and other anons telling him to go into radar/sat-com. Have sent off an application to the RAF and have applied to become a communications infrastructure technician. They have gotten back to me and I will be sitting my AST on 3/5/17.
I remeber an user saying: it was a comfy job and he barely did any work, to make sure you work with a wide variety of radar, to not make officer rank and that he got a nice private contractor gig at the end of it.
> £14k salary during training
> £18k the 2nd year
Is it really worth it? Are there any military who got private contracting jobs on this site? Any USAF/RAF folk to back this up? Should I sign away my next 4-5 year?
Should I join the RAF (Royal Air Force)
Other urls found in this thread:
If you want to bomb white people just in the old days, go ahead.
We should not have bombed Germany in WW2...
I just want an opinion, I have a great love for my country and want to serve it. Unlike my libshit friends, who constantly shit on it - muh colonialism. I also don't want to go to university, so its this or a trade route.
Same here.
Joining the BAF next year.
>join the military and fight for a country that does not allow it's civilians to own weapons for self-preservation
Lol no you stupid cuck
Good for you brazil bro!
What are you signing up to be?
>Fighting for this country
lmao moron
fighting for
>globalist tories
>'''monarchy''' (rothschild zionists)
>degenerate single mothers and druggies
>college tards
>race mixing promoting BBC TV
You're a fucking idiot. If you want to risk your life, then set us up a coup and then we can go pull a Cuba
>1st year of 6form
You have to be 18 to post here.
Air force academy. It's a 4 year course for Air force pilots.
i was thinking of joining as a rotary weapons system operator, looks like a pretty comfy job desu.
>risking their lives fighting
With what exactly?... A cheese grater?
Oh and I will not be risking my life, but rather living a comfy life working out/working/living off of an airbase.
Do you get any civie qualifications with it?
Worthless skill once you get out.
Maybe get yourself a licence and buy yourself a shotgun or a carbine?
Maybe buy an illigal pistol or SMG from Jamal down in Lambeth, as well as a score of weed?
not sure about qualifications but it essentially trains you as a crew chief, could look into coast guard or similar civvie jobs after.
>1st year of 6th form
>under 18
If you want to shoot a gun for a job, join the army or Marines. The air force has some of the most high tech stuff in the world. Radar, electronic warfare, cyber security, advanced avionics. Extremely high paying jobs in civil life. But no, instead of receiving invaluable training and development, you want to learn how to shoot a gun. Hope you enjoy being a security guard once you get out.
>rotary weapons system operator
you operate a mini gun and get paid 33k
How many coast guards do you know?
Its probably filled with navy fags...
I agree with this guy if you wanna look out for your future, but in terms of short term comfyness and pay its pretty good.
Fuck off MI5.
pls kys
Also not from:
very good points
yes, exactly
i live on the coast near a coast guard airport so i've run into them quite a bit, nice lads. but yeah i should probably think further into the future.
>1st year of 6form
fuck off underaged
Look into accelerated apprenticeships in the navy, since you live near the cost. Similar in terms of pay, gain good qualifications and when you come out you can basically work for yourself.
Yea hell yea. You'll get some good exercise and training in. Make friends and get to feel like you've some kinship with some of the greatest men in our history.
All while in reality doing an entry level IT Job with unparalleled job security and career benefits.
Be realistic here. You'll almost certainly spend the next 4-5 years going between shit retail jobs and long periods NEET all while getting laid exactly Zero times.
Whereas in the RAF you'll get bread and board laid on in more comfort than most Army officers let alone personnel.
In the states, coast guard advances thru the ranks the fastest. If you do want to be merchant marine or whatever later on, coastie would be the way to go. If you are starting out at 16k, that's basically minimum wage. So get a job or skillss thats in demand in the private sector. Even aircraft maintenance would be better, that pays quite well. Aim for the top, or you will always be on bottom.
In the raf yourself?
I'm not doing IT, I will be fixing radars and shit.
True - though I'm a quasi normie, I life and get invited to parties.
What are you going off? Personal experience? or hearsay?
Then get a glock from Anjem up in Luton
you mean CIA?
UK is a non country that is USA/NATO's bitch. get over it.
Trump could literally annex our shit country within 2 hours
will do mate, cheers
obviously the aim is a decent career, will have to look at the options, merch navy would be a solid idea, lot of family are navy too. thanks for the advise boss.
You could start your career in the RAF. Don't focus on the pay when you're so young. Start your career in the RAF, and when it's time, you can move on to private companies and get a higher paying job. A lot of people do that, it's labeled 'brain drain' in the military. Once your contract is up, you can look for other options, but you've already begun your career. And that's the most important goal. It'll probably be a great experience for you as well. Good luck!
I have no pakis, somalis or other nogs.
We have a couple poos but they just keep to themselves, work in the gp and run corner shops.
I live in dore, just outside of sheffield.
Take the test, post what you get.
OP is 17, report for underage.
Applied for the avionics apprenticeship just waiting on hearing back that they're accepting people
I say go for it I did the uni thing left early and there really is nothing to do except work shit jobs or hope you get an apprenticeship
That's a fast time boi!
So was Biggles
Thanks man! What were you studying in uni?
This is now an RAF appreciation thread
Avro Lancaster.
I never went to Uni. Got accepted for Political Science degree but decided against going.
Will probably join the RAF myself.
Avro FTW.
Vulcan is BAE.
A Vulcan B.2 of the RAF, 1985
Role Strategic bomber
National origin United Kingdom
Manufacturer Avro
>Join RAF
From a safety point of view, in general it's safer than the army.
Unless there's a limited nuclear war, in which case RAF bases would be the first to be hit by the Ruskies (before cities) under First Strike Doctrine...
That's pure pornography.
be prepared to be the 3rd most despised trade behind snowdrops and persadmin.
it's a decent life though desu as long as you get a good camp.
If youve got the smarts and ability to go pilot do it mate, we all wish we could be so lucky
Go for it, I regret not joining the Regular Army when I had a chance. Best thing about the Armed Forces is you can get all the qualifications you need in it. Not to mention you earn a fuck ton because you spend a lot of time on Ops anyway. Not paying rent or food and shit.
should probably say I forgot my pic on the previous post,
Any Navy lads here? Redpill me on it: good choice?
Moral issue with indiscriminate bombing of shit skins children, as i am a christian...
m8... we don't indiscriminate bomb. You should see the tech we use these days.
what are snowdrops and persadmin?
Also I have a shot of having a decent job afterwards.
Think of it as Deus Vulting, you're just the next Richard Lionheart
Whats private sector work like afterwards?
1: don't join if you don't join to stay, we have enough burdens already.
2: snowdrops are raf police, pers admin are adminers personnel adminers.
3:You have moral issues with bombing people, don't join please.
He's not wrong, the tech used now is so precise you can pretty much chose which floor of a building you want to bomb
wouldn't know. I'm in it for the long haul. Fuck the private sector.
Personel & Admin
Ive been in for about 2 years now. I'd recommend going in as an engineer as you get £25k a year once youre done training.
Did you go in as an apprentice?
Just legitimately innocent children - not the kids of jihadists or those 'child refugees'
Yeah, had to do 14 months of phase 2 training and you have to see an NVQ assessor every 12 weeks or so once you start work
What rank have you made?
How long have you been enlisted?
What were you when you first joined?
Work/life balance good?
Do you even lift?
What sort of engineering are you doing?
Where you at a RAF base or some college whilst you trained?
What type of engineer?
I'm in the Navy as an Aircraft Engineer and It's definitely a comfortable, decently paid job. Should look into that as we get a foundation degree in Aerospace Engineering once we reach the rank of Leading Hand (2-5 years).
I joined at your age I wouldn't recommend it. Stick out your A levels then join after if you still want to and if you do join make sure it's in your first choice job
Why are RAF police despised?
Is homosexuality as rampant as the memes suggest in the navy?
Contemplated joining the navy, but was put off by said memes...
Raf base. Weapons, its a pretty good job but not very transferable once you leave.
they have a habit of being wankers
What was intial basic training like?
Have you had any run ins with the cunts?
To be honest with you pal that's all down to YMCA and shite. Aye there's gay people in the Navy like any other job but they're not the flashy, in your face type people.
The navy used to seriously frown at homosexuality within the service so would often go about purposefully injuring them and medically discharging them.
It's a brilliant life mate, and the women are all red-pilled to fuck ;)
Do you know anyone in the avionics area, I've applied for that it seems pretty cool
Basics is harder to fail than it is to pass. I think the militarys desperate for people atm. Nah not really theyve kicked us out of the pub a few times thats about it.
Yeah quite a few, seems decent, You get to travel a lot too if you get put on a cargo plane squadron.
I did 7 years in the USAF. Made it to Staff Sergeant (E-5). I got a 99 on the ASVAB, so I had my choice of any job they had. I chose to be a computer programmer. Ended up with a Top Secret/SCI security clearance, and worked on a bunch of really cool shit. I was injured badly in training and ended up having to be medically separated. Using the vast training and experience I got while on active duty, I now make well over 100k a year, with no college degree.
Noice that's ideal for me, thanks lad
Go Air- Traffic control. After training you're a Sergeant. Get promoted to Flt Sergeant. Profit. 60k a year. When you leave after 9 years get your commerical, move to dubai. 100k tax free. All you need is 5 GCSE's inc maths and english. Profit.
haha ok.
good luck bud
that shit will be automated soon...
Okay sure, in 25-30 years. user will be ready to retire with that nice pension and tax free bucks.
If you've been on this site long enough you would never join.
I done 9 years on the trident submarines, got redpilled and had my light bulb moment.
Why am i working away all the time time and taking shit off officers to ' defend my country ' against loads of Muslims who can freely walk into my country because the same government I'm ' defending ' let's them. And gives them better treatment than people who've lived here all their lives.
Fuck the government they don't give a fuck about us, we are just numbers who pay tax.
Don't do it user, keep doing maths and get a trade, electrical engineer or something.
What branch were you shipmate?