Why do some adults STILL think Socialism works?
Most retards cant do math.
Socialist democracies work better than most other forms of government.
childlike naïveté and complete ignorance of history
what's your effective tax rate? like 45%?
Is that really worth free college and gibs for degenerates dude?
It's the same way you create NEETs like you retards. If your parents don't allow you to learn how to be independent and take care of yourself on your own, then you'll be a basement dweller yelling at your mom for interrupting your "studies" for the rest of your life.
White people sure love romanticizing brown people and their countries. They're crime ridden shitholes with some of the most corrupt politicians, violent criminals, and uneducated masses.
Has this retard not yet realized that that same oil is the reason why Venezuela is such a shithole right now?
If you faggots had to provide your own defense your social programs would collapse
fuck off discount sweden
no not real socialism because companies still do the oil thing
^ actual argument i've read
>eliminate 75% of extreme poverty
>dropping 76% of people into regular poverty
You'd almost say it isn't worth it
33% for my income, which is right around the average. I don't have to worry about my roads, my safety or my health in exchange for that money.
And I know that if I should find myself out of work, I have a safety net that will catch me. The percentage might sound high but if you value economic safety over economic thriving then it's pretty nice.
We're Sweden 2.0: Slightly Slower Cucking Edition
norway offers its people only opportunities that suck......move
Venezuela management was absolutely retarded. He didn't invest at all in the country's agriculture while the country has huge potential for that and just kept oil as the country's dominant source of income.
When the crash in oil prices came, Venezuela had no way to save itself. It's not so much a problem of socialism than an incompetent state.
Compare to ba'athist Iraq, another socialist country which developed extremely quickly with oil money but actually intelligently used it to foster local industry, research, and agriculture (while maintaining excellent healthcare and education) before it plunged into various wars and was struck with an embargo from 1988 to 2003, before it was invaded by the US.
You know, Alex Jones swears that twitter was designed to break down and condense language a la Newspeak. Everytime I see adult libshits pontificating in twitter while writing like retarded teenagers, I think he might be right
wat? how is that an argument?
all their professors who have zero world experience outside academia and volunteer activism are communist, so they go through 4 years of believing this is what intelligent adults are supposed to believe
Have you realized that the date of Tue tweet differs from that headline you retard? There was at least some validity to what he was saying 4 years ago but they ate completely fucked now that oil is in the shitter
Fuck no that it is 33%, when you add you add up VAT, energy taxes and all taxes called "fees" you get something like 70% here in Sweden.
There is no way you fjordniggers can get away with much lower than that, even with your black liquid gold.
Because it does work.
Socialism is a feminist goal. To remove the patriarchy power structure and have the basis of society fulfill the matriarchal needs. The ownership of the means of production to be owned and controlled by the people for the people with those who work the hardest getting what they need to increase prosperity for themselves and their fellow humans.
If you are against socialism and feminism. You just want pain and suffering for the world.
>Alex Jones
Was finally forced to reveal he is a drama actor whoring his sincerity for money. He is and always was a fraud.
Now i know why Antifa have a thing for dumpsters and trash cans. They're hungry and looking for food.
whether it is or not it's the single worst social media site ever created. other sites host 95% pointless content, twitter actually enforces that all its content should be pointless
I can't believe it actually got popular
>2 the ppl
that is pretty much the definition of socialism.
ignore reality and pretend everything will be ok
>he thought jones was serious about time traveling pedophile vampires
how stupid are you that you don't know satire when it's wearing a lizard mask?
Thats true. And Finland is the best example of it. Best country in the world in so many ways
Socialism isn't inherently "being retarded with your country's economy". I don't believe in marxism, but ditching state capitalism/dirigisme as a whole is pretty retarded; so is denying that social security can be good.
Statistically this. It's much more about strong, uncorrupt governmental institutions. There's are countless failed capitalist systems.
> 32 year old commie manchildren praying to Moloch that STEMfags automate all the jobs and give them basic income for no reason before their parents finally kick them out
> adults
That's just it, user. They're not adults, they're 5 year olds in pudgy, piercing - marred bodies.
What did I say that made you think I ever took him serious?
because they are unskilled lazy fucks - thats the modern socialist definition
or they heard stories like everything is good and easy in socialism...as a citizen of postsocialistic country, i hear this bullshit everytime
>government is already shit and can barely handle what it already controls
>seize means of production and resources
Now don't they have no oil or something?
Diversifying should be a no brainer, why don't states get off oil as its primary 'product'?
Be careful what you wish for. Your country is funded by oil. It won't last forever and then you will have to start taxing the people even more.
It will collapse. It always collapses.
Works in homogeneous societies. In my country only 2% of ethnically dutch people receive gibs, while the percentage of non-westerners is 15. And I have to pay taxes so our government can give these leeches gibs
This. But lets be honest here, a homogeneous black society would still collapse with socialism, so it just only works for white people.
But how many Swamp Germans are professional bureaucrat cat ladies on the government dole, that preaches that you should let in the swarms of the third world?
>falling for the MSM smear campaign
The situation is that his ex wife is trying to take away his kids by playing some of the more absurd infowars clips in court. Implying that he is too unhinged to be a father. The defense that he is "playing a character" means that he gets riled up for the camera and isnt actually a raving madman every moment of his private life. Literally everybody knows that Alex goes over the top for show. These sort of antics are a staple of right wing talk radio in the US. The media is smearing Infowars over this and trying to play semantical games to make people think Infowars is somehow discredited. It won't work because Alex's credibility and reputation is at an all time high. He's been proven right about way too much shit for people to just think "oh its all an act, I guess he was just lucky to be right about all that stuff lol". Maybe 15 years ago he could have gotten shut down over something like this, but not anymore. Alex has the same ability Trump has where all smear attacks always backfire and make him stronger. This will be the same
Sure, socialism is never sustainable, and giving women voting rights was a mistake.
>socialism doesn't work in a country infested with CIA niggers
So at the very least, you're working 4 months out of the year for free. Got it.
in small, developed, ethnically homogenous countries
This. Socialism on the scale that Venezuela did it is still bad, but the economy wouldn't have collapsed if they had reinvested oil revenue into other industries. Instead they gave it all away so people could buy unnecessary consumer goods, and now they all have a microwave but no food.
>that bullshit image
Venezuela was very successful under Chavez, but he's been dead since 2013.
sheeit my tax is 15% thought that was ridiculous.
like why is all of white peoples money going to brown people... smdh
cuz theyre ppl too. why don't they make their own way n money then??
Well, that's kinda like saying that jumping from the Eiffel Tower was awesome, except for the sudden stop.
The state being incompetent is the main problem with socialism.
A capitalist system removes this factor by replacing it with a dynamic, emergent, self-regulating system.
Stupidity, plain and simple.
>Venezuela was very successful under Chavez
KYS you dumb cunt
you are going to be surprised at how fast reality will hit your country once immigrants settle in.
In less than an hour there will be "the biggest march" until now from the opposition in Venezuela, to which Maduro answered by creating a couple of hundred militiamen to protect the goverment from a coup
brace for memes
It's been proven that the places Moore was taken too in Cuba were fucking fabricated fronts to impress tourists while people found the reality of their health care for example to be quite disgusting & dilapidated.
How anyone can excuse Venezuela's failings also is astounding, here is a country that rejects the flexibility of an open market & is one of the only countries to go completely under, why? Because some changes in oil prices? Don't see any other countries so inflexible to collapse in the same way what a fucking joke some of the best food growing climates you could want & they can't even keep food in their mouths.
I don't even find it funny anymore, this type of denialism is far worse than accusations of holocaust or climate change denial, these cunts should actually be gassed. Holding the entire human race back with your lies.
I will give you a quick example.
If you earn 20K SEK, there is a tax called "employer's fee" which is 31% of the salary.
This is a hidden tax, which doesn't show up on your pay report, because it is supposedly paid by the employer.
So, you really earn 26k, but on those 20k you pay about thirty percent tax, which depends on what municipality (kommun) you live in. So you get to keep 14k of the 26k you cost your employer. The average wage in Sweden is 28k per month, so somebody making 2/3rds of the average wage pays almost 50% in income taxes.
VAT for groceries and books is at 6%, but household electronics, games etc is 25%... Then there is energy taxes..
Gasoline costs per liter what you pay per gallon.
>I don't even find it funny anymore, this type of denialism is far worse than accusations of holocaust or climate change denial, these cunts should actually be gassed. Holding the entire human race back with your lies.
Hence the need for helicopter rides for the commies.
It would work fine if the people actually felt like they belong in the country. If the people felt united. But they don't. We're god damn divided, our national identity is in shambles, and shit skins are pouring in through every fucking hole.
ship this fat lesbian fuck to a communist country end be done with him FOREVER
In Denmark we have even higher taxes.
But to not make it look as bad, they instead of charging 90% on the income tax, they level it out over a load of small taxes on almost every product.
You are so boned when the oil runs out, you don't even know how bad it will really be
I'm happy that paying for Mahmood and Jamal makes you happy, without a doubt they and their 10 children living on welfare will make wondeful norwegians, javla :)
Most people don't comprehend how much they actually pay, only hear some fucking socialist saying shit that he will give them something for "free" (i.e. paid by the smart and hardworking).
Fuck this, just the thought some 80 IQ nigger and his family is living off my money makes my blood boil. Communism, NatSoc or DemSoc - fuck them all, helicopter rides for ya all for "free"
I'm wondering about the subtle psychological impact of operating under such a system - for both good and bad. How it affects ambition, interest in risk taking, irreverence in general, or sense of functioning outside of state influence and scrutiny - even if that's commonly held to be a positive net gain. Or perhaps there's a more innately Scandinavian cultural compatibility with a government that does much of your thinking and planning for you, one which minimizes resistance to authority or a pronounced sense of individual will.
>There's are countless failed capitalist systems.
Probably some nigger, arab or mestizo pseudo-nation with an average IQ of 75
>The ownership of the means of production to be owned and controlled by the people for the people with those who work the hardest getting what they need to increase prosperity for themselves and their fellow humans.
Who works the smartest gets you more ahead than who works the hardest. People who want socialism are mad they are too stupid to know how to make good money.
It doesn't matter either way.
This is pol, haven't we figured it out yet? Communism, socialism, fascism. It doesn't matter. What makes a country and an economy work is the people. Venezuela is poor as shit because Venezuelians are human garbage.
>You just want pain and suffering for the world
Correct. Man will never reach the stars without competition.
My great grandma died of an ear infection in Cuba. An ear infection. But
>muh healthcare
Why the hell do so many people agree to this.
The only socialist countries in the world are Cuba, NK and venezuela. All shitholes.
Norway, Sweden, etc are not "socialist" by any meaning of the word.
They are capitalist welfare states. More capitalist than today's USA actually
Economic systems can wreck a country of smart people, and right now, all economic systems in the developed world are shit. Hint: None of us not selling goods in black markets have experienced real capitalism. We've all experienced central planning.
*national socialist
A planned economy misallocated productive resources? No wai! Tell me more!
Also the fact that iraq was not literally starving, in the cradle of civilization where agriculture was invented, is hardly an argument for the wisdom of that system.
You're fucking retarded.
You do realize the country was full of poverty when he took charge and he was in power for like a decade? It's impossible to change an entire country's economy in 10 years.
I swear you mongoloids know nothing at all
>How it affects ambition, interest in risk taking, irreverence in general
It kills it.
Why do you think the vast majority of the best europeans with an ambition in business/technology move to the US every year ?
but what happens when the people know fuck all about oil exploitation.
venezuela should've been a super power by now.
>Venezuela was very successful under Chavez
> discount sweden
Damn, I only pay about 10% myself and was extremely irritated the first time I got my taxes. Like, you're taking fucking 10% of my yearly income, that's fucking insane. If I'm making 100k a year you're taking $10,000 out of my pocket for what again? I fucking work for the government anyway, so the whole situation is silly.
>Venezuela was very successful under Chavez
people unironically believe this.
you have to go back josé
>There's are countless failed capitalist systems.
name one you huge retard
So you're saying that as long as a country has a valuable and easily obtainable natural resource that it can exploit and sell at high process then socialism is A-OK?
Because the adults that espouse the merits of socialism/communism believe they would be "party members" after the revolution and thus protected from the famines and mass executions.
>We need 20 years president terms.
Yeah no fuck you
>when you add you add up VAT, energy taxes and all taxes called "fees" you get something like 70% here in Sweden.
Same in Norway. And 33% on income tax is for genuine poorfags, not the average. The income tax rate for the average income lies at about 38%.
Dutch disease. If a specific sector is very profitable, it'll attract a lot of labor while other sectors will get marginalized. It requires an active action of the state in promoting those other sectors to have a balanced economy.
(sorry for not replying earlier, I was away.)
Or it could end up being an even worse oligarchic mess. You never know what could happen: strawmanning all socialist nations as being managed by incompetent states is the same as marxists strawmanning capitalism as being about the big bad bourgeoisie bullying the poor.
It is possible to have a dynamic economy in a socialist state. I'm not advocating for total gov control.
>the fact that iraq was not literally starving, in the cradle of civilization where agriculture was invented, is hardly an argument for the wisdom of that system.
I wasn't pointing this out as an advantage of socialism; I was just saying that the horrible mess currently going on in Venezuela with food shortages isn't proper to socialism.
Venezuela had a specific resource it could use to quickly develop human assets and services in the country in the form of oil. Through a well-planned economic policy, they could've reaped a lot of advantages out of this. However, they were retarded and didn't, preferring to buy social peace without paying attention to the state of the country as a producer/exporter of goods.
The most valuable thing a country can have is a healthy, educated population. In an initially poor nation like most African/Middle Eastern/some latin american countries, for example, socialism/state capitalism would've allowed them to quickly and heavily make the average citizen's life (and productivity!) better.
It doesn't really depend on natural resources as much as the capital the state holds and what their return on investment is by improving the living standard. It's true, though, that small city-states like Singapore wouldn't benefit from this as much.
You can set a clock to the tune of "It wasn't real socialism." They ignore that every time people try to implement socialism or communism it turns into some hellhole where everyone's starving to death. Every time.
It'd be like if people started trying to swim to the bottom of the ocean and kept dying. Their defenders would say, "They didn't actually make it to the bottom of the ocean before dying, so you can't say that swimming to the bottom of the ocean is what killed them."
i pray
*sucks dick*
it ain't real socialism!
socialist dogmas and rampant corruption, they stick too much to their ideology even though it dosen't offer an effective solution, governments must choose between multiple patterns of governance and economics (pragmatism) in order to cope with the problem. in order to be succesful a government must get whats best an ideoloogy has to offer and to drop the irrelevant shit. free market stimulates the economy and some marxist ideals make good welfare programs. if you use both you will be as succesful as the scandinavians before massive immigration.
venezuelans aren't to smart to do it.
Socialism is the first step to communism. Socialism will not work because you can't hand out stuff for free like that, it will tank the economy. When the economy drops low enough there will be a large percentage of the country under the poverty line. Soon enough there will be too great of a divide and a revolution will happen. Because the people are already used to getting hand out for everything and socialism didn't work, communism is the next step. Bernie Sanders was pushing for communism just as much as he was socialism.
Because Venezuela isn't the be-all and end-all of all types of socialism, except in tinfoil hat blogs or "intellectual" groups like the Mises Institute.
For a while during Chavez's term living standards increased a lot. Things just went to shit afterward because of his irresponsibility when it came to relying on something other than oil.
Can only work in white, completely homogenous societies. If these conditions arent met socialist governments usually bankrupt themselves or collapse within 25-30 years
>poland flag rotates with the replies
Epic meme.
It actually worked pretty well until the oil price crashed
Some other oil-reliant states are going to shit too. Look at Angola or East Timor.