What's Sup Forums's thoughts on Buddhism, and pic related?
What's Sup Forums's thoughts on Buddhism, and pic related?
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Bump for interest
Eastern philosophy is god tier philosophy.
I hate to say this but zen and taoism is where its at.
Get all my info from here
Good religion
The more eastern philosophy I absorbed the more conservative I became. But I know that can also change with time. ..
Dalai Llama is as corrupt as they come, and a CIA lap dog. Buddhists are hypocritical sneaky cunts for the most part.
Buddhism may be interesting, but will only lead to Hell.
Everyone is a hypocrite. Buddhism is about seeing your original nature and seizing anxiety about being a normal human.
Wtfuck is wrong with westerners and faggoty obession with foreign cultures?
Grab your waifu pillows, you weeboocucks
Oh and Alice Bailey was a stupid, filthy and ugly whore
Original nature as in seeing through the illusion of the self. Our personalities don't really exist in nature. You and your identity is only as real as a telephone number. You beat your heart just as much as you shine the sun and move the galaxies. To think that only voluntary action is you is the illusion. Involuntary action of entire existence is also us.
it is kool tbqh
it is not religion tbqh
The only respectable religion in the world.
I am a Buddhist and I support him
One of the most nihilistic religions there is, hidden behind a veil of benevolence and wisdom.
This guy knows.
Worse than Jews
Buddhism is peaceful, it teaches inner peace & denounces earthly possessions unlike Islam where heaven is described as a materialistic & lustful place and their religious leaders call for violence against non-believers.
And Wirathu only promoted violence against muslims because he knew what muslims were doing in other countries and in theirs, plus Buddhism itself doesn't tell its followers to kill non-believers unlike islam where jihad is prescribed to its believers
Buddhism provides good insight into life and how to live it, unfortunately it is incompatible with Western civilization because the West is all about the ego and accumulation of material wealth.
>Wtfuck is wrong with westerners and faggoty obession with foreign cultures?
The Dominican said in English, on a copy and paste Japanese website, using a made in China computer, posting pepe holding a likely western designed and made gun
>Grab your waifu pillows, you weeboocucks
Buddha came from India/Nepal, not Japan. Japan's religion is Shintoism
>Oh and Alice Bailey was a stupid, filthy and ugly whore
Buddhism doesn't teach anything and doesn't denounce anything. That's western Buddhism. Real Buddhism has nothing to do with any of that. .
Buddhism is okay I guess, it seems nonverifiable still, but most Buddhists (not Western meme ones) seem like good people who don't hurt others.
Also Ashin Wirathu is fucking based beyond belief.
What an insightful comment. Care to elaborate?
Buddhists leave me alone and won't try to rape my sister or daughter.
They're ok in my book.
I'm Buddhist and I'm very compatible with capitalism.
This is an uninformed opinion
Not only that but the west is OBSESSED with sensual pleasures
>Buddhism doesn't teach anything and doesn't denounce anything.
This is an uninformed opinion
> Doesn't know who Alice Bailey is
> Only knows who what budhism is because of the work of said luciferian whore
>complete denial of most elements that constitute human nature, full self-abnegation and refusal of natural urges in all their forms, disregard of the value of life compared to an undemonstrable "everlasting soul" and the cycles of reincarnation
>not nihilistic
Telling a Buddhist he's uniformed isn't an insult. If you knew anything about real Buddhism you'd "understand"
Real Buddhism has nothing to do with western ideas of karma or do goodery
A real Buddhist doesn't deny anything. He's more free to be a human with less anxiety.
True Buddhism would say sometimes it is necessary to willingly take on bad Karma for the sake of others' lives and then go out and kill the enemy.
Also, Buddhism is a proselytizing and converting religion. They didn't get all over Confucian/Taoist China without war.
I like the self reflectiveness through meditation part
Buddhism, inst that the overall accepted religion among feminist and leftists alike?
>inb4 b-b-but real buddhisms different, we get robes n shiet.
>only knows what buddhism is bec-
Good god shut the fuck up, faggot.
>won't try to rape my sister or daughter.
Not only that, we won't even LOOK at your women in a sexual manner, it goes against the teachings of Buddha to do so
>Only knows who what budhism is because of the work of said luciferian whore
I know what Buddhism is because I have read translations of the 5 Nikayas from the Pali Canon
>nothing to do with ideas of karma or do goodery
That is literally how you get into a higher plane in the next life, among other things
In Buddhism, genuinely good intention, and a deep desire to do right is more important than the actions themselves
Remember the South Park episode where cartman went around doing good so santa would give him a present, he didn't mean it deep down, Buddhism cares more about somebody who genuinely intends to do good, not for karma points
The quest for eternal equanimity is something all people should strive for.
Buddhism is similar in those with Greek Philosophy. Who used to be the basis of Western Civilization.
>Leftist accept something, therefore it is bad
This is identity politics, instead of thinking for yourself, you attach yourself to an anti-identity.
You must remember, a broken clock is still right twice a day. There are NO absolutes
Nobody is absolutely right, nor absolutely wrong
Get fucked you cocksucking cultural appropriator.
Seriously, 'merica is so devoid of their own culture that they scan the astral planes for the gayest shit on earth to be more progressive and feel a sense of belonging.
> Doesn't recognize the name of the first western woman to convert to said shit religion, and imported said homosexuality into the west
Should probably become the world religion, a pity it was bullied into non-relevancy by the fucking chings.
Yea I should avoid that it's just hard after two years of ID pol being the normal, got to unlearn.
Besides, buddhism reminds me of this, and it just isnt me: youtube.com
>In Buddhism, genuinely good intention, and a deep desire to do right is more important than the actions themselves
What? No. It's not. It's about eliminating desire so you're free to go about life without suffering when your desires aren't fulfilled. There's hardly any more to it.
If I didn't have so much shit and didn't want any of it, I could totally be a Buddhist.
Its good to practice, but is it obtainable? like when they are sleeping they are done role playing, their thoughts to themselves.
There is no salvation is there? what do buddhist even believe with the after life.
Right. But. If you become seriously Buddhist you're going to have to hang out with braindead lefties. Harshes my mellow, dude
Yeah, no. Buddhisms roots go to Iron Age India, and developed completely independently of Western ideologies and thought. A 30 second google search was all it took me to find that information
>Knowing how to do anything other than get Yellow fever and get robbed
Plus they are the most uninviting people ever
You ever even walk near a buddhist temple in Seattle?
respectable religion
Please, do go on.
>It's about eliminating desire so you're free to go about life without suffering when your desires aren't fulfilled.
>There's hardly any more to it.
You are neither right nor wrong. What you speak of is the main quest-line for all followers. What I speak of is the side quests for one who wishes to reach the heartwood of the spiritual life, who wishes to be a monk and to take his monkhood farther
Out of all the things you can follow and lead your life with, it's probably up there with the most peaceful and content outlook on life practices.
Would probably be neat to adopt a few of their traits to make your life better.
>Dad is Buddhist
>Obtains 10,000 dollar ex-president's couch.
>Lets cats claw the absolute shit out of it to the point that they were living inside it. Completely fucking trashed.
>physical objects don't matter xdxdxd by the way you should take a loan for college
Shambala publishing dude has a book, The Illustrated Guide to Hell IIRC that covers Buddhist afterlife.
>frog education
>denial of human nature
Civilisation is the suppression of some qualities and encouragement of others
>disregard the value of life
Buddhism teachers never to harm any living thing because all living things are one. Reincarnation is not a reason not to value life, no idea where you got this. Most Buddhists are vegetarian.
I feel like buddhism gets a pass from mockery by people because they perceive it as a "noble" religion, but really its even more stupid than abrahamic religions.
Ill squish that ant if i want to fuckers, its not your great aunt!
Yeah, they might be so 'uninviting' because they're not looking for people to join them, if you want to actually study and learn Buddhism, it is on you to seek a teacher. Buddhism is nothing like Judeo-Christian religions who send out missionaries and kill you if you don't agree with them.
Nice guys. Decent Muslim repellent.
>We are, surely, the rightful heirs of Christian symbolism, but somehow we have squandered this heritage. We have let the house of our fathers built fall into decay, and now we try to break into Oriental palaces that our fathers never knew. Anyone who has lost the historical symbols and cannot be satisfied with substitutes is certainly in a very difficult position today: before him there yawns the void, and he turns away from it in horror. What is worse, the vacuum gets filled with absurd political and social ideas, which one and all are distinguished by their spiritual bleakness.
In other words people are desperate to fill the spiritual void and have either turned to the religions of the east or to things like marxism.
Not sure what you were trying to prove in this thread with your autistic green text, but material possessions don't matter. You don't take anything with you when you die. Humans are not happy because of material possessions, a lesson that Western cultures will learn the hard way.
I'd argue against the peaceful/content outlook desu
The most rage-addicted people I've ever met were all Buddhists. Maybe a chicken/egg problem, like how degenerates adopt some forms of Christianity and then brag I wuz a Sinner and love to tell you all the degenerate shit they did.
Sounds a little exaggerated, never met a Christian that even pressured me into being one, I even told the Mormons I am not interested and they said they will always be around if I change my mind, they even wished me a happy day.
The Buddhist in Seattle are like Muslims, they got the robes and everything, but their children sell drugs outside the compounds and since they are so deep into role playing teacher their kids end up turning into gay Asians that Ed Murray likes to abuse
>what do buddhist even believe with the after life.
Unlike other religions, there are many planes of existence that you may reincarnate in. It depends on how much good, and bad you did to yourself and to your surrounding lifelings
Every temple I go to is completely SURROUNDED in an uncountable amount of Swastika's. It's very calming considering I'm coming from a Sup Forums formed ideology.
Do not say the water is cold, when you haven't even laid eyes upon it
>more stupid than abrahamic religions.
But braindead lefties are only buddhist so far as going to their yoga class and just talking about it with their friends. They dont actually read the dharma and seriously practice meditation or they would have serenity and control over their emotions, and if they werent driven by rage and jealousy they wouldnt believe in communist ideas anymore
When did I said that Buddhism was a copy of Greek Philosophy?
What I said was that Greek philosophy is similar to Buddhism AND used to be the basis of Western Civilization.
Besides Buddhist being unable to raise a proper family (from my experience in Seattle)
(Yes these are robe wearing bald headed buddhist)
They stay away from politics, which is nice.
Because reincarnation is an even more absurd power than resurrection
>Do not say the water is cold, when you haven't even laid eyes upon it
I know more about it than I let on.
Dude your from Seattle, everyone is hyper liberal there. Im pretty sure most of the "buddhists" there are very different from many other buddhists.
So then do you believe at death you will go into a void, and no longer exist
lazy fuckers that do nothing all day but act like they are philosophers
You utter fucking faggot. Are you physically retarded if you can't understand the point of that?
You're only making me hate your shitty ass religion more.
Cool perspective bro, but one local temple that you observe from the outside isn't reflective of all Buddhist culture.
I live in a small town that has 3 churches, and a large portion of the people that go to church are of questionable moral character and drug addicts. Is that reflective of all Christians/Catholics in my town?
Also, I hope you know that if you did decide to join the mormon church and became a part of their community and then decided it wasn't for you, you get completely ex communicated. No one from that community will ever talk to you or socialize with you again if you leave the Mormon church.
I also can't even tell you how many people I've known in my life who gave the finger to their super religious parents, and their parents pretty much abandoned them. Again, it goes into the ego, people tie their entire identities in the things they believe, when you cannot control your thoughts or emotions you are a slave.
Most people in America who identify as Christians/Catholics practice nothing of what the actual religion requires, they think going to church on Sunday and attending Mass automatically makes you a good person.
I wont go into a void, ill just stop existing. Its a scary thing for me to face, but facing it is called being an adult
But you're still wrong. Western ideology and culture is all about the individual and the ego, Buddhism is not.
Literally what is that flag
>shitting on America
>from a slum in a remote island
I know who Alice Bailey is you mong. I've read more of her shit than you. I just don't like your shit tier banter, and you come off as a massive douche.
I'm not even Buddhist, but good try. It seems I have triggered something in your ego that has caused you to get defensive, but I promise you I mean you no harm.
>they think going to church on Sunday and attending Mass automatically makes you a good person.
Which irritates me to no end, I'll quote the Bible and they have never heard of it before despite being a Christian all of their life
No, it's called depression. Deep within you are suffering, and to you, death is a sweet release to this current life. You give yourself a pat on the back and say you are being an adult, when really you are trying to escape your suffering by saying "It'll be over soon"
I've have never met somebody happy who thinks like you. Study the Dharma, find happiness
sour grapes; the philosophy.
still a better guiding light than leftism
Yeah, no Void because then that Void is the Final Reality of Everything when in truth its all Illusion.
Think more like ripples in a pool. They bounce around and replicate, maybe affect things in the pool or at the edge, but eventually they are just gone.
Afterlife then is asking, where did the ripples go? They were just done.
But you remember them. Maybe something like that, too.
I am just happy I live in a Christian nation, where I am free to believe what I want, and not prisoned for insulting buddhism.
Yeah buddhism doesnt give a shit about the individual, its why theres a possibility of war in tibet over the next individual to be the dalai lama
>this whole post
>That picture
Fucking a, Britain, made me Kek out loud. Going to London in 2 days, how much do I have to worry about cultural enrichment?
It's pretty bad not gonna lie
The further away from the centre of London you get, the more British there are
How do hapiness levels relate to how true something is? Plenty of happy scientologists around
Yeah, I'm sure China has nothing to do with that meddling, seeing as how they essentially own Tibet right now. Fun fact, when you pay for a visa to enter Tibet, you're paying the Chinese government.
The only violence that Buddhists have been apart of has been against Muslims and themselves. Prove me wrong.
Really? I went to America for a week and had a Christian pushing flyers at me saying Jesus loves you outside the Hayden planetarium.
Of course its due to chinese meddling, youre missing my point. Im just saying tibet clearly goves a shit about the imdividual
Every religion needs a head
Buddhism is gonna be dead soon, and I don't only mean the normie tier stuff but also the monastic practices. Buddhist monks are shit at handling modernity, they even watch porn on their phones. If you're curious as to who posts those creepy comments on porn videos, there's a pretty high chance it's some shifty monk in Dharamsala
Duly noted, only going to be there for a few days, going less for pub crawls and more to see some awesome museums and history you guys have.
>Mfw Americans think some of their houses from the 1800s are 'old'
>posts one exception
>see see Bhuddism is great against muslims
>Posts Crusades
>yeah whatever they're cucks it doesn't count even though they did it for hundreds of years
>you will go into a void
The 'you' ceases to exist. There is no 'void' because there is no 'you' to experience it anymore.
Ever go to sleep at night and wake up in the morning without dreaming? Ask yourself how is that different from your conception of 'teh void'.
>A Christian nation
>Implying consumerism and the dollar hasn't been our 'God' for more than a century
>Implying that most of the Christians/Catholics in America do anything more than go to church once a week and pretend they are 'right with God'
Not him, but I can answer this. Capitalism promotes individuality and self-reliance, whereas socialism and communism promote conformity, slavery to the state, and a reliance on handouts. IIRC the real hardcore Buddhist monks live entirely on the generosity of the local villages to feed themselves, being taught to be truly thankful for the meal that was donated out of kindness and not obligation.
Hinduism lite. :3
Atman or anatta? The disagreement seems odd to me
Less sexy hinduism probably. Id fuck Kali, not even gonna lie
See, now this is what I like to call a reasonable and well thought out response. Well done.
Yes, but you must also PROVIDE. You can't just accept a meal and walk away unless it's their wish, you must provide some form of knowledge, some advice, you are to be a spiritual guide using the teachings of the Buddha.
It is business by your terms
Confucious4life KILL all the buddhists! For the YELLOW EMPEROR!