"Alex Jones Responds To MSM Attacks Claiming He Is Fake / An Actor"
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I'm sorry but the idea that the intensity he brings to that radio show is the same intensity he brings to the grocery store is pretty retarded. Of course he's playing a character but it's not a contrived one. It is genuine but I have the sense that he has some self-control in public and more than likely around his kids.
>tldr: little column a little column B
fuck off, paid disinfo shill. I live in Austin and have run in to Jones several times. Dude is always a ball of fire.
shills BTFO
someones never taken a super male vitality brain force cocktail
>MSM desperately trying so save any credibility they have left by covering a story that alex Jones's show is quite in fact a "show," when MSM is largely just an entertainment program that gives you things that happened in real life
Of course he's got an "ALEX JOOOOONNNNEEESSSSS" version of himself. The idea that he's waiting in line at the butcher's counter screaming and crying to other customers about the NWO is ridiculous.
If it wasn't for that video I would never have know what the MSM are even saying about him.
Character assassination, one by one.
Sup Forums will be the last one, after they hit them all, screencap this.
just took my iodine...
love you alex, dont stop being you
Sad isn't it?
I'm not going to keep reposting this but I hope more people get to see it later in the day as it seems it's going to slide in the next few minutes
Fucking BUMP
MSM pouncing on him is a sure sign it's a smear campaign...any way at all to try to discredit alternative media....the guy is fighting for his kids..man I can't imagine the stress
>that normie Alex impression
Doing a shitty character of someone who allegedly does a character is top comedy, now i can really see the funny in Alex Jones.
Colbert is the epitome of blue pill
He literally played a character on that comedy central show
everyone knows about it but he makes people so butthurt that they just wanna hear him say it publicly
still based
Wait, so Alex Jones is an anti-vaxxer?
>Sup Forums
The clips in the beginning were fucking sickening.
You don't think cherry picking posts of a person who spent years on Sup Forums and went on to try and help the world wouldn't likely be met with something similar to "We have every time you said nigger, kike and faggot on paper"?
My take? If you're going to be a batshit crazy conspiracy racist, own it. Be it. Don't talk like that then hide behind a bullshit "performance art" line. You're a chickenshit and will be forgotten.
>crazy conspiracy
Do you know who coined the term, "Conspiracy theory"?
This is a very good point, nobody gives Colbert crap about being a character, he is still considered a liberal, why can't Alex Jones be a character but also be a Alt Right?
He doesn't have to be a jewish plant, this is just how he makes money, to be extreme.
Is he against giving kids vaccines?
I think he's stated that it can cause autism
People are just being purposefully dense.
Of COURSE he hams up his performance. Do you actually think he goes around screaming and ripping off his shirts when he's just sitting around at home? That doesn't mean he doesn't believe what he's saying. They're not mutually exclusive.
Was that the CIA or specifically CIA Mockingbird?
I have known about Alex from the first time he appeared on the internet. And yes, he's got some shit right.
>MSM is trying to prevent a man from obtaining custody of his child
They should be shot
Just think what would happen if Colbert's audience found out that he's an actor.
Told you fucking cucks, it was a typical shariablue character raid, stop falling for this shit, Bannon isn't going anywhere, there's no WH infighting and Alex Jones isn't going anywhere you dumb shits
I believe that his position is that many vaccines arn't all they are claimed to be (which is to say, they have been dosed with non-vaccine, poisonous agents); particularly the ones that are distributed in the third world.
To maintain the show?
Yeah, no.
His jewish ex wife is trying to take away his kids by using some of the more absurd infowars clips as evidence that he is unfit to be a father. Its a scummy, low blow by her. The defense that its "performance art" is basically saying that Alex purposely gets riled up for the camera and isnt actually a raving madman in every moment of his private life. He's saying what he needs to so he can keep his kids. Alex isn't "backing off" of anything. He's as all-in on Infowars as ever. The media is just using this as an opportunity for a cheap smear campaign. Liberals can't process the idea that talk radio doesn't have to be as sober as NPR. The antics Alex pulls have always been a staple of right wing radio. The impassioned rants on talk radio are a natural reaction to leftists bullying conservatives off every other platform
I'm a qualified nutritionist for what it is worth online.
Infowars supplements are actually pretty good in comparison to many that are on the market at the moment.
They use expensive sources for more rare or harder to obtain ingredients.
This actually means they make less money, except for the fact they sell smaller amounts for each individual supplement.
The pricing isn't bad at all either. Hell if you don't believe me, you can and should check the ingredients yourself.
Check the dosage/ concentration of each and compare the priced to others on thr market.
Also research benefits and side effects.
Google pulled infowars adverts, so he has to advertise more during the show.
>crazy conspiracy racist
Found the leftist.
He has the right to be racist.
I love this
>Literally puts his whole life and profession on the line to make sure he can have a role in his children's life that he loves.
>Libs and Fans attack him for wanting to be a positive role in his children's life.
Fucking sad, if anything i respect him more for his all in for his kids.
20 years is a long time to be acting, he started with radio and public access shows and he can be seen "acting" this way.
Alex Jones is a fucking king.
Nobody's gonna take him down.
Not even a jew fueled divorce.
I find it funny that the MSM is attacking Jonsie about playing it up on his show and being a character because it is one of the chief reasons they are losing
They don't understand why no one likes them anymore and Inforwars is beating them in the long run.
Think of all the popular MSM talking heads.
Anderson Cooper
Chris Hayes
Rachel Maddow
Chris Matthews
What do all of these people have in common? they are all boring as sin
None of them have any personality and aren't entertaining. They just give you a little bit of news and ramble about their opinions for an hour.
Who the fuck wants to watch that?
Meanwhile, even if you think Jones is a retard and disagree with his opinions he is entertaining as fuck. He goes on air and gives blood pumping anime speeches and talks about politicians being lizards and goblins.
It's FUN, something the political left severely lacks. And that goes for a lot of talking heads for the new right. A lot of them either know how to be funny or entertaining, or they have something else interesting about them that gives them a different perspective than just "I want to school to talk about politics."
It's no mystery why they hate Alex Jones so much, he's fucking entertaining as hell
It's not even a matter of tone anymore. So much of what mr. Jones has said is so unsubstantiated that the only thing that gives it any weight is that he's so passionate about it. Saying that all that passion is an act undercuts his entire platform. Why should be believe the government is poisoning us with chemstrails? Why should we believe what hillary is a lizard person? Why should we believe trump's inaugural crowd was the largest in recent memory?
He's got no sources, no verification, nothing but his passion backing him. The entire credibility of the show is that nobody could be that angry over a lie and he's just claimed that anger is a lie.
i thought you guys praised him ironically
Because the character he played was a parody of the right wing. He's left wing.
If you're parodying what you believe that hard, then you're either stupid , don't actually believe it, or aren't parodying it at all and it's just a stupid excuse
>his ex wife just made a statement saying he's way too intense all the time
Nah, Alex Jones is impersonating glubbalists while he takes out the trash at home too.
Pastor Jones is the MSM. His company Genesis Communications is an ABC-Disney subsidiary.
Are people ITT really this retarded or is this some new fangled ABC-Disney slide thread?
>several times
oh you.
How can you ever watch AJ seriously though? It's obviously an act. Like, he legit believes that AI and vampiric overlords want to take over humanity. He's retarded and only good for some cheap entertainment.
really making a good case for himself
I was just thinking the same thing. If they are intentionally giving him publicity it makes sense, if they think they can shut jones down they are insane. The foundation of his listeners are people that won't blow it off as nothing.
On and on that alimony, uh, yeah-yeah, she got you homie
Prove it
as far as i understand it, he and his team have invested a fair amount of energy into researching a potential link between vaccines and their side effects
i think his main deal with vaccines is that people should have the right to choose. now this is just my thinking- but i'm pretty sure that that's an appeal to classical liberal-leaning people. most greenies and *lots* of people in deep blue states have beef with vaccines; it wasn't just Sarah Palin touting that bullshit, my friend.
still unsavory, but that's my understanding of Alex Jones' connection to anti-vaxx garbage insofar as his show is concerned
What a load of bullshit. Alex has a particular world view thats been curated over 25 years. He doesn't just make shit up out of no where. He reads sources on his show everyday. He has high level people tipping him off on stuff constantly. Alexs credibility comes from how often he's been proven right. Anybody that actually watches infowars knows this to be true, which is why his audience is so loyal. People like yourself just buy into the MSM smearing and shit on him even though youve never really paid attention.
He has a narrative that frankly makes more sense than the MSM. Holy fuck. It actually blows my mind that folks like yourself are completely intolerant of people processing information through the lens of an alternative narrative. Do your own damn research on this shit. You would have sais Alex had "no sources, no verification" in summer of 2001 when he warned that the government was about to stage a false flag terror attack so that they could invade the middle east and implement a police state at home. He even said someone like Bin Laden would be used as a scapegoat and that airplanes would be used. Turned out he was right.
Youre looking for hard proof of everything he says. It doesnt work like that. Its difficult to find a smoking gun for a lot of this stuff. Its little bits of information coming together to form a bigger picture. Alex has actually got quite a bit more specific over the years, as the whole globalist system has come into clearer focus. Has Alex been wrong before? Of course. But youre just dismissing him because youre too lazy or close minded to actually do the research. Youve been trained by public schools and the media that the only acceptable information has been spoonfed from some official, rubberstamped source. No room for speculation. No room for analysis. No room for trying to read between the lines of current events to see the bigger picture. It ain't called an infowar for nothing
it's ok. maybe even an honest mistake, so i'll give you a quick rundown
>InfoWars is affiliated through GCN in a few states since it expands his reach
>GCN has absolutely nothing to do with Disney
>457 is shilling just as hard as they can
>don't ask for proofs in the future
>post your own
>like so:
I'm not even an Alex Jones viewer, but holy shit, every single mainstream media outlet is shitting on him. I just casually walked into my mom's room and CNN was shitting on Alex Jones. The clips just didn't stop. Hell, I didn't hear any abuse Alex did to his wife. It's disgusting how the media is doing this and not realizing they're contributing into a more broken home.
The MSM is retarded.
They're just sending more normies to Infowars, and they'll see what Jones has to say for themselves. No one really trusts the media so they'll investigate for the sake of curiosity.
Sure a portion of what Jones says is fucking crazy, but he's spot on a lot of the time.
I hear it a lot, but knew about gcn. Reasearched as much as I could before but could never find the connnection. Thought maybe I overlooked a source or something.
Jesus. Does Alex pay you in money or Super Male Vitality™?
Leftists are deranged and think he's preying on the mentally ill when they watch Colbert and the likes literal propaganda.
Alex Jones has been wrong over and over. He thought the world would literally end on Y2K. He claimed we'd have millions of Americans locked up in "FEMA death camps" in 2006. He just makes up wild random shit and is usually wrong.
IMO the ones preying the most on the mentally ill are the ones pushing this trans shit when 40% of them kill themselves
"Transitioning is the cure to gender dysmorphia!"
Obviously fucking not
But they bitch about Jones supposedly pandering and gaslighting schizos when 70% or more of what he says is true.
>implying the MSM gives a flying fuck about the sanctity of the family unit
honestly anyone who thinks that a radio personality is like that 24/7 isn't playing with a full deck. Is he an intense guy? Probably, but is he at the grocery store climbing the shelves and grabbing fistfuls of produce screaming "GMO is anti-human!!!" Definitely not.
Obviously he's a character, so is trump, so is colbert, so is bill o reilly, they are all playing characters, whats so hard to understand about that?