Honest thoughts on MGTOW?
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it's for fags who can't into women and are intimidated by them
so perfect for us here
Literal faggots
Dumb meme and guilable beta fagt that got jew tricked.
reminder that your thread is about to be swarmed by assblasted females
They're a parody of themselves.
>"Fuck women, they're pure evil!"
>only talk about women
closeted fags
>fucking whore, why doesn't she want to suck my dick?
There are problems with current society and women that put men in bad positions. Men's answer is to pretend that they never wanted it in the first place. It like Christianity's "I can't take revenge so I'll just turn the other cheek" or "I can't be rich so I'll pretend that being poor is better". Nietzsche would be disgraced.
>same end goal
Feminism = MGTOW
As an ideology, pretty solid.
As a movement, absolutely cingeworthy.
it's a pretty good way to stop being degenerate and maintain your autonomy.
Men have a right to be pissed but without artificial wombs and acceptable level sex bots they are just bluffing.
It's fucking retarded
>honest thoughts on mgtow
that we should stop having so many mgtow threads, this isn't politics
Controlled by the Jews to trick lonley White gamers into adopting an even more isolated lifestyle.
Start a family, even if she is ugly, just get them babies popped out.
Classic jew trick to further erode white civilization
it's a cop-out for failed weak beta pussies
literally feminism for men
I gotta call their bluff, if any attractive female was even remotely interested they'd drop the MGTOW movement like a hot potato
A sign of the weak willed men and a generation of quitters.
Like most marxist bullshit, it sounds like a good thing on the surface.
In reality it is only taking the path of easy wrong.
It is the job of the man to assert his dominance by leading and informing his family.
By avoiding traditional relationships, you are dooming a generation of women to a life of degeneracy and marxist hell.
Some women, not all, can be saved from themselves. The key is picking properly, courting them, and ensuring they are salvageable before considering marriage.
Giving up on your people is not the answer but some do not want to be saved.
It's a logical solution in an overpopulated, dysfunctional, dying civilization. Western women demand everything, and offer nothing in return. They can walk away from marriage at any point, and take everything from you. Why would any sane of logical man risk that for some pussy? Are there good women out there? Of course. The chances of you personally finding one are statistically not in your favor.
Social media has made it easy as pie for women to do what they have always done: Monkey branch for the best possible mate. It doesn't matter if it is superficial, they do it just because they can.
Instead of fighting for a better world they just give up. Fact is women are not evil at their cores they're just easier to manipulate, women are only as evil as their societies.
>Muh family argument
Too bad this falls apart when you realize that women only care about their own happiness. How many fucking stories do you need to be posted in MGTOW threads about marriages ending 5-10-15 years down the line because the woman decided she just 'didn't want to do it anymore' and there 'isn't the spark anymore'?
The whole 'well you're just a quitter faggot' shaming tactic doesn't work, half of all marriages end in divorce, and three quarters of those divorces are initiated by women. She'll likely take the kids, your house, and anything else you think might be 'yours', and if you don't comply, she has men with guns sanctioned by the state to make you comply. You cannot refute this, it is reality. For every happy marriage out there there's dozens of failed ones, or people who are just staying together 'for the kids'.
Ok, I'll fight for a better world as soon as you lead the charge, Leaf. What sort of better world are we fighting for? How does the skyrocketing divorce rates, rampant promiscuity (mostly from women), rise of single motherhood, and overall generational decline have to do with 'fighting for a better world'? This world is dying, and the evidence is all around you. The fight is lost, there is nothing to save. Civilizations collapse when the cultures they are trying to continue no longer match reality. How many times does history need to represent this?
Absolutely fucking this.
MGTOW is a made up word so incels don't have to be called incels.
The real MGTOW is just being casual about women and not making your life revolve around them, by not being obsessed by them, nor spending your time whining about them.
Most men can't really into women.
Their behaviour of women good for getting humans out of the jungle with hypergamous mate selection, but has always been discordant with society. Most rules were in place solely to counteract the destructive behaviours of women and those the competition for them causes in men. We lost control of them a few decades ago and every time this happens, as far as we know, society inevitably collapses.
Fortunately we're at the point where we can start replacing this 1.2 billion year old menace. It is only a matter of time before technology assisted asexual human reproduction is possible combined with artificial intelligence capable of being a better wife and mother than any human could be. Few men will put up with the mind games of women when such a superior replacement exists.
Women won't be happy, but no-one will care this time.
Of course it will fall apart if it isn't maintained properly from both sides. No woman leaves just for the fuck of it.
Women do tend to be self absorbed but a normal one loves her kids above everything. If she recognizes the importance of a family unit for the well being and development of her children, while feeling cared for and valued then she won't leave. Show me a divorced man who says he dindu nuffin and I'll show you a man who somewhere along the way failed his wife.
Of course ignorant normies will have multiple failed relationships, they are blind to the cancers in society and when nothing is sacred, then why should it matter?
Marriage and women are not the problem, blind men making the wrong selection is. Most men are too eager to jump on a piece of ass and ride for as long as he can without giving serious thought to her nature until later on when it's falling apart.
Mgtow is a male reaction that plays into the hand of Marxists whether it was planned to be so or not. You were able to be redpilled to the point of seeing the problems, but instead of finding a woman that you can impart your knowledge on and build something with, you would rather condemn them to the sinking ship of their ignorance while believing you've beat the system when in actuality, you played right into the design.
Perhaps if men entered into marriage, believing that divorce is forthcoming, you would work harder to ensure that doesn't happen.
As far as your money and shit goes, you are guilty of the same self centered greed that you accuse women of. If the worry of it is so great then get a prenup.