Antifa breeding ground IWW

So I've just realized that there's a local chapter of this quasi-union in my city, and are in active in 45 states. They are recruiting and are filling up the ranks of the militant far left.

Other urls found in this thread:

Apparently they are recruiting from student unions, and shit minimum wage counter workers, coffee shops, pizza joints, sandwich shops.



Anyone with any info about this group?
Anyone know where they get there funding?
They don't seem to be very successful as a union and keep getting thrown out of business after business.


They're thing is to sell themselves as an all encompassing union, not limited by trade, and including students or even housewives.

They've been making their appearance at every protest/riot recently including BLM marches.

Maybe we could get some of us to their events and infiltrate or even show up en mass and shut them down.

The IWW started as a marxist front to organize workers in 1905. Back then industrial workers were actually shit on and had some actual grievances to air. Now is not the case in the West. So what group could they "organize" next to target? Service workers. Their current headquarters in in Chicago. The reason they've been kicked out of every buisness they come into contact with is because they are a political organization manipulating people for their own goals. Marxist takeover.

You've got a great chance to pull some pseudo-ops. Talk to a buddy, infiltrate, gather intel on who's in charge, where they live, where they hang out, how the organization is financed, get an intimate sense of how the operation works. Record everything and have back ups, and if they want to go violent, take everything you have to the police.

Bump this shit.