Why is almost every pajeet such a cringy faggot?

Why is almost every pajeet such a cringy faggot?

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Addled brains from all the poo fumes

ive wondered this

cuz most of them are closet fags

What's wrong in touching some butt!

Is it autism?

Serious question.

Watching too many bollywood movies.

I saw two pajeets holding each others hands with their pinky fingers before.

that is fucking gay, they had absolutely no problem just walking down the street holding hands with their friend.

>pretty cool dudes
>cringy faggots
You are the cringy faggot here.

Because their women are disgusting

Well, they are Pajeets after all, the most awkward race of men to ever wander the earth.

I dunno man, they look pretty chill and fun to hang out with.

You know what else is cringy?
> Your Flag.

I understand that interaction between the genders is very limited in India as children, so pajeets get some weird ideas of how to act. Further, a potential gf has to be inside your caste but outside your subcaste, so even if you meet girls, the chances of any sexual experience before graduating college is almost nil. Oh and to top it off many universities are stil gender segregated and forbid relations between the different genders.

Further, their media is 40 years behind the west in it's romantic storylines and it's style is 10 years behind too. Bollywood movie men too often fall into the archtypes of either unrealistically masculine guy who always has a cool line and friendzoned crybaby.

Add to this the fact the the "english" taught in indian schools (except for the elite) is broken and interspersed with hindi and that explains some of their cringeyness. Put this into social media and you get cringe.

The main cause however is selective aborition of female babies in india, this leads to the "gender ratio" of a state being a key factor which attracts migrants and students. A little bit of cucking by whites and jews in Mumbai, Dehli and Goa and the average pajeet has 0.8 women to choose from.

Pajeets are the best most loyal pets you can ask for, just be sure to properly toilet train them


shitskin opinions not welcome
especially on other shitskins

>a german cuck calling someone a cringy faggot
just kill yourself, seriously,, your days are numbered anyway, just do it.

Indian boys are raised beta, then thrust into a society where they are generally above women. Whereas girls are raised with adult responibilties and tend to be independent and confident/bitchy. It's just an awkward mix

nice come back raj
btw you need to poo in the loo, lately all of your poo has been ending up in your posts

AHHH fuck fuck fuck he talk bad about flag
fuck fuck fuck kill kill kill fuck fuck fuck eat fuck eat eat eat eat delete delete sleep

stop going to my gym pajeet

shut up pajeet no one believes you're syrian

>third of your flag represents islam even when pakistani hindus were expelled
>not the most cucked country ever

Don't you have a border to defend?

brazilian posting; the post

>cringy faggot
no. they smoove motherfuckers

Fascinating explanation for their faggotry.

The Pakistani guys seem alpha compared to Indians


>Read faggot.


Because they don't get socialised towards interactions with females; their parents will pick them a wife anyways.

Then suddenly globalism empowers their women, forbids dowry, and poo women go west to become doctors. So they suddenly have to talk to people they've never learned how to talk to. And their only example being Bollywood, they immediately go overboard.

>a tricolor with an asshole in the middle

nobody cares dude
now get back to answering the phones

Because they look like a fat beta white male smeared in shit. Also, they come from a upside down culture so they're bound to look like aliens trying to act like humans when they come to the west.

>Not even close

Leave tennis boy alone!!!!!!

Preach bruh

this is the result of arranged marriage right here. people just mix their genes randomly and create ugly children. Good job currymunchers

>German defending India
That's too tone-deaf even for me.

Genetically they are cousins of Aboriginals mixed with pakis.

Aboriginals aren't that clever

me on the left

Non-white women are either ass ugly or hot as fuck. I don't get it. White broads are usually average with a few outliers in both directions.


>showing you your flag on its own
>comebacks with a photoshopped image
you need to try harder, poo-champ

>Only haters will say it's photoshopped. boo hooo badonka donks.


soldiers who keep losing

Most poos and bangle-poos I've met have been nice people, if not somewhat quiet and autistic.

Their english is also interesting...something about the combination of Biritsh from the colonial days and native languages.

Listen to middle aged - older poos speak and it's also something like:

>Today I must do X
>Today I'm going to do X

It's hard to explain...it's very formal but also...existential or something.

Sorry, but those are not cool looking guys at all

That's like saying dog shit is tastier than cat shit. Could be true but it's still worthless

Imagine a world without Pajeets.
The global warming wouldn't happened


I'll never understand why Indians are so fucking bad at bantz.

>do milk

They're not used to being insulted or how to have friends that socialize beyond what their parents do.

To be fair I confuse Hungary with Bulgaria sometimes because of the flag.

>China manufacturing medicine from donkey hide
Jesus, how third world can a developed country be?

The entire central asia is dealing with us because of CPEC and Gawadar Port while you faggots are drinking cow piss and eating rat/cow shit and being avoided. Kek stay irrelevant, street shitter.
Nigger we taught the world how to succesfully combat terrorism. Your british soldiers come here to train on counter-insurgency ops.



Almost, Pajeet. However, in your attempt, you forgot one important detail about westerners; we don't eat curry, so we don't shit fire all the time.

found the shitskin.

Is this a jojo reference?

Idk about real life poos but a Malayali I work with explained that the cringy internet poos are because the Indians from ass-backwards villages have clashed with technology and the subtlety of the internet is lost on them.


Perhaps a more important question: What are they doing with their left hands?

>Chinese colonization is development
t. Muslim scientist


>Nigger we taught the world how to succesfully combat terrorism. Your british soldiers come here to train on counter-insurgency ops.

Really nigga, The Epicenter of the world terrorism. The birthplace of Terrorism. The advocates of Terrorists. The hideout shed for Osama. Neeed i speak a little more?

You know how high you get from that first hit of some premium jenkem?
Now imagine getting that feeling every single time you breathe.
That's what life in India is like.

yes well it's quite easy to fight terrorists when ISI are funding them.


Indian and pakistani are bro.

How is it worthless? Without the world's no: 1 intelligence agency (ISI - Pakistan) you faggots couldn't even wipe your ass in Afghanistan let alone counter the Taliban. Any and All success in Afghanistan whether it be defeating the Soviets or leading any OP in the region has been done so by the US under our guidance. Don't forget the allies, lardass.

Paki paki I don't think you should be laughing at anybody.

>ad hominem
and you wonder why people laugh at you

All of their popular culture is atleast 15-20 years behind.


get in here!

What isn't these days

Honestly whats with all these Anti-Poo threads lately? Is this MIDF or what is going on here?

Has pakistan actually ever won a war?

Drowning Poo.

Let the poo hit the loo
Let the poo hit the loo
Let the poo hit the loo
Let the poo hit the

I have a theory but its a combination of a few reasons

>their culture is male centric, they believe they're the best being made on earth
>they've never had to work for pussy since its handed to them
>their culture is 10 years behind ours at best
>bollywood movies are the cheesiest shit ever, yet they try them out in real life as if they're true.
>combination of broken English and I think aspergers because theres no way they're this self unaware leads to awkward encounters

being a breeding ground for terrorists doesnt make you a good IA, it just means you have inside knowledge

Low IQ

>a fucking wagon wheel

Wait, where are their other hands? I thought people over there got burned for shit like this.

Jesus fucking CHRIST

I don't see what's so cringy bout this. It's just a few lads grabbing each other's butts. Literally nothing wrong with that.

Yeah how do you think they're independent

Looks like an asshole to me.

>we taught the world how to succesfully combat terrorism.
>hey car thief, how do we stop car thieves?
Yeah righto, pretty impressive m8

>American education

Wait till we hang your spy who was funding terrorsim on our soil, the old days are gone poojeet, the great shift has begun.

>confession of poojeet spy caught in Pakistan, funding terrorism and bomb blasts



indians are veddoids a subspecies of australoids (aboriginals)


american education

>malaysian education

>continually loses
>Lost east pakistan
>about to lose baluchistan
>haha we're going to kill one of your spies XDXD

Your hand should never touch a butt you don't intend to wipe or fuck.