I'd probably have to go with Milo and/or Pewds
You just can't redpill the amount of people they do without the platforms they have
I'd probably have to go with Milo and/or Pewds
You just can't redpill the amount of people they do without the platforms they have
Other urls found in this thread:
Pewds needs to lose the faggoty hair and hit the fucking gym.
alt right is new gay.
Fuck off with ur e-celebs
A redpilled political scientist and a comedian are not relevant to our movement?
How is making money not redpilled?
It's like you guys want to shit on everyone who supports our movement
You don't have a fucking clue on what you're on about. If Felix made £10,000,000 for shilling alt-right shit, I wouldn't give a fuck.
You're just a retarded little sperg who can't handle Sup Forumsitics, you little cunt.
Why are you here if you're not alt-right?
Go watch some Crowder or Gavin or Sargon and report back once redpilled
What has this board come to? Worshipping a sodomite Jew and a Swedish guy who made his fortune screeching while badly playing video games?
making one joke about Jews and bashing the media after the lash back doesn't make you a political figure
>if you honeslty believe he is /yourguy/
This is where I know you're a deluded commie faggot on meds because you're weak willed faggot. Nowhere did I or anyone say anything about Pewds being our guy, but yet you make up a narrative like the commie kike you are.
You realise we are going to win and then find you and kill you, right? You're little (((Stormweenie))) will do nothing when I fucking split your head open with a hammer.
>having idols is gay
it is indicative of you having a background in poli-sci
Why not pick a better idol?
I am not raising my kids Christian
Pewds actually makes a better spokesman than Spencer, because
1) He's rich and the Jews can't touch him
2) Large audience of normies to redpill
3) Actually funny, and that's what attracted people to the new right to begin with—humor
Good points
The Jews sacrifice their children to Satan. They are worse than wild beasts. The Synagogue is a brothel, a den of scoundrels, the temple of demons devoted to idolatrous cults, a criminal assembly of Jews, a place of meeting for the assassins of Christ, a house of ill fame, a dwelling of iniquity, a gulf and abyss of perdition.
>the only way to save the white race
Yeah, okay user.
Did pewds do anything noteworthy recently? Last thing I remember was when he coordinated with weev to BTFO some lefty reporter who had dissed him.
He said 'jew' in a video a while ago, it's pretty cool to see how he's not afraid to drop knowledge on his audience
so does "alt-right" just mean "young conservative" now?
>K-on is actually incredibly implicit
Are you really just now becoming familiar with what it means?
Notice how the shill threads are often backwards-looking. "Hey, gents, let's rest on our laurels and debate these notable figures from our past". Good goy
Neither are 'Alt-Right'.
it's an ambiguous term designed by former liberal hipster and faggot-loving cocksucking Richard "Pedarast Fedoraist" Spencer so that liberals can define us and shabbos goy degenerates like former anarchist and nigger-lover Gavin "White people should adopt black babies" McInnes, infamous whiner Michael "the alt-right funnyman slash crybaby" Cernovich, and kikes like (((Milo "Now that white people are rediscovering their identity we need to discontinue identity politics and by the way I really, really love black dick" Yianopolis and (((Michael "Savage" Weiner))) can continue to use their perfidious opportunism to attract viewers from the marxist-genocidist disinclined while still serving their anglo-jewish megalomaniacal elite's whims
If you want to stand for something just put it in the name. Liberals call themselves "anti-racist, anti-misogyny, pro-woman (feminism) etc etc"
What kind of treacherous scumbag uses something as ambiguous as alt-right and refuses to steal the one practical thing liberals are actually good at - word control?
A subversive treacherous scumbag undermining the effort to end liberal destruction of the foundations of western society, that's who. .
haha yeah! My favorite alt-right leader is Ron Pau.!
You're literally Canadian, why do you care what Trump supporters call themselves?
Ron Paul would've made a good president, sad to see how cucked he is hating on trump
Friendly reminder that Sup Forums is not an alt-right board.
bump. can somebody please explain this lol
>the alt-lite existed before the Nazis
I post on there, how do you think I know of this place and became redpilled?
How is that implied by the picture?
Gonna have to say Svenpai
The guy you responded to is a mongoloid that believes Christianity is a Jewish cult because American Protestantism was irrevocably cucked when the Scofield translation of the Bible was released in America.
I don't watch that cartoon if that's what you're getting at
Ben shapiro. His debate skills are godly.
Makes logical arguments but understands the need to fight an emotional arguement with emotion.
Should've stayed there
it's not
Literally bluepill
David Duke!
Seems like you're mad about something?
Well sorry then, but I agree the numbers are iffy on the Gavin adoption quote
nobody's "mad", we're just having a chuckle at what an obvious retard you are.
Sometimes I wish trolling wasn't such a big part of our identity as Trump supporters
pewdiepie seems to have only recently found Sup Forums and found out that racist and offensive jokes are "cool" and "hip", he even started making those r9k-esque "i want to die xD" jokes that most failed tumblr inbreds use.
He is a manchild who's constantly trying to fit in and you're probably an underage.
I'm in my 30's, buddy
The edgy jokes are essential to the alt-right and he's pretty original about them so not sure what you're on about
:( It's a shame. These Babylonian Jews are the natural enemies of Christians, and yet it seems few people understand this. Christians and pagans alike.
He does have a fag haircut but who cares?
How did you decide Pewdiepie is an alt-right figure
He has literally said jew in multiple of his videos and constantly bashes feminists
How is he not?
bashing feminists = alt-right?
And he definitely did the jew stuff as a joke and he has apologized for it.
>a degenerate paedophile
But yeah, the whole alt-right thing is pretty edgy and gay
Go back to Call of Duty mate, you aren't splittin anyone's head open, my man. You're right, pewds was never /ourguy/ because there is no /ourguy/. Sup Forums was not and never will be one person. Go back to your stormfag website if you don't want people to disagree with you.
lmao, original? He literally said jew and nigga in a video one time and then immediately apologized in the next one.
I wish it was 2012 again when it was cool to hate him for leeching off of ads and doing nothing except for trying daily to appeal to a twelve year old audience. I don't understand what's up with everyone liking him all of a sudden, he still seems a tryhard faggot to me
He is spreading g awareness to anti-pc culture and bringing people in to the Alt-right, he only apologized to save his career and platform
He is redpilling people left and right
That and having a MAGA hat seems pretty clear to me he is one of us
it's a meme u dip
The alt-right uses memes but is not one in and of itself
he's starting to use filthy frank style of humor
Unlike you, he doesn't say that stuff anonymously. His cash flow is now declining because of it. It's the equivalent to you walking into work and making kike and nigger jokes. Pewds is having ads pulled from his videos, I'd guess that his days making money off youtube are coming to a close. What he did was ballsier than anything you have done mate. Although he is rich af, so I guess he can afford to take those risks....
>le redpill meme
You sure you're in your 30s?
pewdiepie being a nazi is a meme, and calling him a nazi is funny
ur fucking retarded
Give him a break, he's Swedish. He's come a long way from where he started.
My favorites are Gavin Mcginnes he likes to put black dildos in his tight gay butthole and hes pro gay and of course pro interracial gay sex AND Milo whos is a based gay jew who also likes having gay sex with black men. BASED ALT RIGHT! PRAISE KEK :D
It's impossible for some people to understand Sup Forums. Everything is said with such varying degrees of irony that people, especially the media, can't tell who is joking and who is serious.
I have kids, bub.
Memes when used in combat blur the lines, it's kind of essential to our movement
Haha yeah having a gay guy BTFO so many feminists was really a blessing for our message, praise kek brother
They are completely right though, once again reddit seems more level headed than Sup Forums reactionaries.
>anyone who isn't a white nationalist and doesn't hate gays is the enemy
>but go Trump!
Nice double-think you moron.
Now comes the part where you pretend you never supported Trump.
> a literal faggot and a Swede who pushes the "le hitler XD" meme to be edgy aren't relevant to our cause?
Return to Reddit pls
More like Lord Rectum..
Repeating other people's opinions doesn't make you redpilled. You can teach a parrot to repeat your opinions.
I would argue that these figures and the whole "MAKING FUN OF SJWS IS SO ORIGINAL" fad make people LESS redpilled. If you ever talk to some high schooler or redditor who follows these alt-right figures, they're even less understanding and unbiased than some apathetic average joe. Bunch of annoying close-minded zealots who operate like SJWs but with different opinions.
You're like a faggot SJW. You don't want to interracially marriage, nobody is forcing you to. You, on the other hand, think everybody needs to abide by your stormfag, trailer trash ideology. Your movement will never get to the mainstream because your an authoritarian cunt. What you consider the "alt-lite" is the future of this country and you can't do anything about it
Trumps daughter is fucking a jew and Trumps grandkids will be jewish Trump is a civic nationalist pro jew pro black cuck. Also Im clearly not american so I cannot vote for le Trump
He was being sarcastic, he doesn't like Milo lol
oy vey /r/The donald is here. braise kek :D Braise civic nationalism and multi culturalism :D:D:D Dont forget the gays and the jews
Being anti-SJW embodies thinking for yourself, it is a widely unpopular train of thought
There are some intellectuals like Milo who have opinions more well-researched than some of us have time to do
>I want to forever remain in obscurity and fap to the idea of an utopia instead of putting any real political change into effect
You're basically the same as the anarchists, just with a different ideology
I still think alt-right is a bullshit term designed to pigeonhole an entire political movement into literally Hitler for not voting for queen cunt, but I enjoyed Pewdies little shitshow the most since I always thought he was a particular brand of raging faggot before he got political so it made it interesting.
Oh, so you're just pretending to be a redditor to get replies. I see.
Good on you, I do it occasionally too. Makes them look bad.
Agreed, i like how he has gotten political too
I don't mind the alt-right label because it allows me to have something to categorize myself as when talking shop with people, and I get to explain to them what it is if they don't really know
Sup Forums started the_donald you retarded spastic. Civic Nationalism is something a faggot Fin will never understand because there is nothing for you to be proud of. Naturally, you turn to being proud of your broadest affiliation: being white.
Milo says dumb stuff sometimes, but I do like him. I like that he isn't afraid to speak his mind, and regardless of all the shit talking he does, he always has some type of facts to back up what he says and can cite them.
I also ask myself that kind of question regularly when interacting with americans on the internet. Must be the junk food or reality tv
>Sup Forums started the_donald
>Civic Nationalism is something a faggot Fin will never understand because there is nothing for you to be proud of
civic nationalism is cuckoldry and multiculturalism and race mixing and basically white genocide since its only a thing in white countries with mass imports of niggers. Civic nationalism is the west right now and I live in the now so clearly I know what civic nationalism is
meme scream supreme, a perfect example of the next generation being based af.
There is nothing in civic nationalism that requires the country to have high immigration and the notion of "multiculturalism" does directly against civic nationalism.
Japan isn't an ethnonationalist country on paper but it has stayed ethnically Japanese due to strict immigration laws and requirements. That is all you need to do to preserve white nations.
So what's your end game then? Deport all niggers?
What you fail to grasp is that America was always different than most Euros. We were, at our founding, a mixing of all different races. How the fuck can an American be an ethno-nationalists when we're all mixed? Everyone in America, even the whites, are a blending of all different Euro ethnicities.
Milo doesn't really drop redpills through memes but Pewds definitely does
I have nothing in common with some somali nigger who moves here and claims to be a finn. It will basically turn into every man for himself. It creates racial divide that is unneeded. Have fun in the future with your black lives matter finland protests. Civic nationalism doesnt work
Nothing in civic nationalism stops a nation from putting strict restrictions on anyone from Somalia trying to come there. You think Japan allows Somalians to easily come live there? No.