What is the hardest redpill to take?
Something that will make your world crumble.
What is the hardest redpill to take?
Something that will make your world crumble.
Other urls found in this thread:
She never loved you
Water is poison, and is what kills us all.
There is no invisible enemy like the patriarchy or the Jews or the illuminerti that is actively keeping you down.
All of your failures are your own
we're already cucked, and will be for the rest of our fucking lives
All red pills are actually blue.
There's actually nothing wrong with spending all day on Sup Forums.
That the one single worst enemy fighting the west is a sub section of whites known as "leftists"
We are destroying ourselves. We're that fucking stupid.
Oxygen genuinely does
Lucifer is actually the lord and God is decieveing everyone
materialism is false
Our current life is so sinful that we will most likely have a very very painful time ahead of us, unless we surrender to god.
Maybe. In order to believe that you would have to disavow cause and effect.
We don't swallow our pills.
We are forcibly injected, including red "pills".
Porn and video games are super bad for you
You're not special. At all.
You will die and disappear. There is no line in the history books for you.
Genetic tests are falsified and no one is actually white.
Human population constantly changes, either from genetic mutations and so on, so there is no reason for countries to exist.
There is absolutely no objective reason as to why Western civilization is superior to other civilizations.
The Jewish Question
Satan is actually the good guy in the bible.
chaos theory?
For christfags, that their god is fake. Same applies to every other religion of course
>What is the hardest redpill to take?
That the moment an AI is invented and manages to spread, we disappear. And no, it won't "merge" with us.
There are no gods,there is nothing after death spiritualism is completely a human delusion. You were given one shot at life and greatness but youre too scared and lazy to make anything of it and squander it on minor comforts.
Adults are just older children without supervision.
everyone on Sup Forums is an edgelord faggot
Either whites are superior to Jews or are feeble and controlled by them.
It doesn't make MY world crumble, but it would Sup Forums's...
There is no god. Religion is a waste of time created thousands of years ago to create an eternal and supernatural fear of misbehaving, as there was never before, nor ever since, a more effective deterrent than the threat of eternal torture. It's been going on so long now, that disbelief feels inherently wrong; people even confuse this feeling for some indication from god that disbelief IS wrong, but it's not.
After taking the initial redpill that race, sex, tribe, etc. taking the one about genetic engineering and AI and having to unlearn the other redpill since it will become obsolete.
>No one really cares about you exept for your mother, but She has no choice
>everyone is bi
>Aliens are far superior to us, were like stupid animals to them
>Religion is a joke
>Weed cures cancer
>most humans are retarded
that's not a redpill, more of a red herring
Western/european genetics and culture are worth saving not because they're "objectively superior" but because they are subjectively OURS, and wanting to watch them die and crumble out of some sense of programmed suicidal self-hate is just cuckery at the foundational level, not some ethical calculation
The order of love:
Men > women > children > cats > and cats love no one
Pay your debt and stfu
They exist for cultural reasons.
That the EU and americuck liberals are trying to unite the whites and trigger an economic meltdown through socialism to restart a rightwing revolt against niggers and degenerates by sacrificing themselves when the revolt comes.
Donald trump and brexit won to interrupt this and steal the glory before the revolt could solidify
reality isn't real
the more you realize it the worse it becomes
love is temporary chemical reactions and nothing more
>Thinking that matters if you're dead anyway
>wanting to be known for an achievement, as if your random combination of noises/symbols is actually you and worth recording more than your actual contribution to positive change
This is true.
I remember being 12.
that argentina is white
Wrong person
Don't forget under so called conservative governments turd world immigration was never curbed and only increased.
There is no left or right wing when it comes to the shit that actually matters.
>left or right it's always kike
Sounds like somebody's a faggot heathen.
Seriously though, sort yourself out, user.
>Cultural reasons
Cultures are nothing more then one group of people way to do things.
Like language, songs and other crap.
They are fake!
This is something everyone should check out, I know you were shitposting but anyway
Biggest red pill?
You are the only oppression in your life, and everything in your life is a direct consequence of you and your actions.
What did Kek mean by this?
There is a different planet outside USA.
Sounds like you're the one who needs some sorting.
Porn I understand.
Vidya I don't play, is it worse than watching movies or TV? Why?
There is no such thing as the """alt- right""". Its just an insult the left uses to lump all young conservatives into a group they can dismiss. Also, if you haven't noticed, conservative humor is haram.
Slavs are masterrace.
Jews are the master race.
that some "red pill" cult members are sadomasochists and falsely believe that truth only matters when it hurts themselves or others
I'm sure it's a lot easier for you than it is for me. Twelve was a looooong time ago for me, retard-user.
>Even if you don't value his views, or believe in the National Socialist beliefs. Or if you don't respect it's creed.
>You cannot deny, that in the end he was right.
The hardest redpill to take is that we were the bad guys all along.
Kill yourself commie
Shit. That's why my gf got so retarded after I started fucking her...
Don't be childish, user.
>Adults are just older children without supervision.
Americans are the problem not the jews.
Read the book "The Thirteenth Tribe" that says todays Jews aren't the chosen people of God, Israel is an invention, the Star of David is really the red hexagram of the Rothschilds... all of this is the true redpill because everyone believes the path to Revelation of St. John ends there.
There are two outcomes if we ever develop a self learning ai that is as smart as all of humanity combined. We either get all genocided or and the much more favorable outcome.. i will be the last invention we ever make simple cause we can literally ask the maschine anything how to solve world hunger? how create world peace? the perfect goverment system? living for ever? any and all sickness? the robot would have answers to every single on of these simply by constantly teaching itself. It would be evolutonariy speaking billions times smarted than all of humanity and would be on a complete other plane of understanding and intellect.
Either its the end of humanity or literal heaven on earth that will push humans into basically into a interplanetary organism in a matter of decades not millennia.
And thats the problem if anyone truly is so weird and makes a self learning all field encompassing machine connected with all knowledge.
Not really, jews can't live on their own without leeching from the goyim.
user... (((AI))) already exists
>the alt-right doesn't exist!!!
>now check out this based black guy in a trump hat
>What is the hardest redpill to take?
That there is no free will
You have zero (0) part in any and all decisions our governments make.
Trump's victory was preordained, both world wars were preordained, every decision you think the people took part in was already decided behind closed doors decades earlier.
This world we think we know is just a smoke screen to hide that fact from us. In reality, you have two choices: join the elite by making yourself known as a remorseless mercenary, or be a slave for the rest of your life.
Final red pill is white eugenics selecting for high testosterone, big cocks, tallness, and musculature to compete with blacks
Whites have the second lowest testosterone levels of all races, including arabs, blacks and hispanics
>tfw turned on like a eugenicist might be when you spurt out wasted small dick cum next to a prime breeding female, some of the inferior quality semen hitting her ass as she gets inseminated by tall big cock white alpha cum
White eugenics is the final red pill for white betas
Take your own advice, user. Perhaps one day you will become enlightened to the religion blue pill, too.
This is true. Mr. big, bad suit and tie guy will look all hardass and 'mature' in a business meeting but when he's not in the board room, he's just as immature.
Gossiping about other co-workers at lunch, getting drunk and watching stupid football on the weekends, running red lights and talking on his cell phone, having road rage in rush hour, etc
atheism is bluepilled as fuck
Replying to "reply or your mother dies" posts is irrelevant because your mother doesn't die from it.
Not only is Baron Trump's bottom smooth as silk, its also feels great in your hands
Now listen here buddy! Fuck you colony, you are the last one to talk!
You are so mixed that you need genetic tests just to determine what heretage you have!
Is there any ethnic group souch as Canadian?
You are literaly no diferent then americans and there is no fucking reason you shouldn't be part of it Fucker!
Life is a doomed setting, the entirety of humanity could be snuffed out by any number of cosmic bullshit and the entire rest of the universe is dead and barren. We're just a series of chemical reactions on a fertile planet that are reacting to each other until that reaction ceases when all resources are gone.
also lovecraft lol
pre-roman judea
For people who reproduce the hardest red pill is that only idiots reproduce. They will very strongly deny this truth. They're extremely delusional.
I want to go back ;_;
Trump is selected by jews to destabilize USA.
Yours is a phase that just about everybody goes through at some point or another.
Most people grow out of it...
Religion wouldn't be so bad if the people participating in it weren't cherry picking what to follow.
Never change, Australia.
>For people who reproduce the hardest red pill is that only idiots reproduce
you didn't say anything about motivation, you're just aggressively asserting that nobody should ever do it without explanation