Press S to shart on grave
Press S to shart on grave
>part ginzo
>part spearchucker
Who is this?
dead troublemaker
Dumb handegg spic dies. As a proud member of /polgb/ who NEVER watches football except with my family for the Super Bowl, tell me why I should care. I'll wait.
He get shanked in prison or something? Suicide in shame?
Imagine If Joey Barton killed someone and was sentenced to life in prison and then killed himself. That's who that is. That's the only Premier League figure I can compare him to
Hung himself
why do people care about this faggot?!
he was just a violent thug who happened to be good at some sport that is show in between commercials on TV.
What were the actual crimes he committed?
Germany Gets it.
Halfbreed piece of shit football player that committed at least three murders but was acquitted of two of them. He was still sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Decided to check out with a bedsheet earlier today.
But Joey Barton is a national hero
>never watches football
>acts as though that's a good thing
Neck yourself, manlet.
When you get acquitted on a double murder thanks to casey anthony's attorney but you still have to serve a life sentence because you were convicted of killing a key witness of the original double murder so you kill yourself on the same day that your old NFL team is visiting the white house and Donald Trump is somehow the president of the united states
When you put it that way it sounds pretty awesome.
>Get paid millions of dollars
>all he has to do is run and catch a ball
>Has access to top tier medicine in case of injury
>Playing with Brady guarantees at least one superb owl
There just one catch, you can't kill anyone
And this is why America broke away from you fags. If Joey Barton is even joked as a national treasure theres a reason the sun now sets on the British Empire
enjoy watching an hour of commercials
Who is Joey Barton?
Complete piece of shit soccer player from england
Ah, okay. I'm guessing like a soccer version of Ryan Klesko.
Close enough
t. Ousmane Dabo