>The IMF raised its prediction for the second time this year, saying our economy had held up after the EU referendum

you mad klaus?

soon in a petty few weeks...the tories will win in a landslide,corbyn will be destroyed many of his seats will be sucked up and the SNP will be cucked out of seats also scotland are sick of her and when she goes so does the "muh independence" pest...look at them all lament at it in the house of commons lmao the stentch of fear is palatable

it will also cement Mays place as the PM rather than the "unelected" one.

and it means a reset on the clock,the tories will be in power till 2022

it will slap down all opposition to brexit and nothing will stand in our way.

we will brexit,we will be given a good trade deal,you will bend the knee and the empire will rise again!


Other urls found in this thread:

>anglo thinks scots in scotland are sick of independence
got bad news for u mate. ur on ur own. enjoy your come down to earth.

Most recent Scottish Westminster poll (chgs w/ GE2015)

SNP: 47% (-3)
CON: 28% (+13)
LAB: 14% (-10)
LDEM: 4% (-4)

(Panelbase / 13 - 17 Mar)


>someone doesnt watch british news
>someone doesnt know people are sick to death of sturgeon moaning on even though she doesnt have a plan

be quiet spain before you lose catalonia and that border town you have with out oldest ally that you stole


We have invested nothing in other areas, when a recession strikes, we are fucked.


alots happened in 2 years m8

people of scotland are pissed off with wee jimmy not getting anything done due to her chasing bronze statues of herself rather than fix scotland

what currency will they use? how can they use oil when its english firms who own the drills?
how will they fill the deficet leaving england without taxing the seven shades of shit out of the people? the eu will not take them so how can they stand alone? the average scot aint stupid,

better make that vote count muldoon,if you fail you are here forever

we need to get the irish building ships again
we need to get shefeild making steel again
we need to legalize weed and create another cotton style industry boom
we need to start building again

i want to believe! just one last time! i know we can rise higher than ever before! we cannot end it with a fucking colony outshining us!

>we need to get Sheffield making steel again

As a resident of Sheffield, i can only dream of that day.

people in england
ftfy retard
it might strike you to know that England is not Scotland and Scotland is not England.
'people' must be specified - and sure, people in England are sick of the SNP, but people in Scotland are even more sick of you, you just aren't aware despite the fucking obviousness of it all - sending 56/59 nationalist MPs to the English parliament

it was once world reknown

sheffield steel was the finest steel in the entire empire or even world


You are really, really embarrassing. Please stop.
t. A jock

people over the border you tard

and the same news is broadcast there,

jusst you watch pedro,you will eat those words screencap this post

>wanting to go back instead of forward
you fucking mongs, this is a prime example of your literal retardation

We're taking the Penon de Ifach too.

oh i'll remember you, and you are gonna get smacked flat on your arse by reality when it comes knocking son.
yeah you indoctrinate people in a foreign country and they hate you for it - are you living in cuckoo land matey? you're up shit creek boyo

Yes, selling up our Steel industry and creating mass unemployment was a great leap forward.

>wanting to go forward becuase identity history culture and pride is sooooo old fashioned and backwards ammirite goys?

you might of forgotten what you once was spain but we have not!

did america cuck the last bit of dignity and pride out of you with the monroe doctrine?

That is a poll from now you idiot. It shows how things have changed from 2015.

scotland is home for the english and england is home for the scots

it was a natural union of old enemies who are now allies,formed by a scottish king and has secured peace between out people for over 200 years

your pathetic union is a few decades old and already its falling apart,you know nothing

also daily reminder,every spannish poster has a 25% chance of being a jobless bum

Do you realise you're still in the EU?

if you mean jogging down the garden path then yes


>scotland is home for the english
wewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww get a load of this goy

Said the cuck that ran away to Fuerteventura, you seriously care about Scotland

you think the govt isnt privvy to top notch data? do you think a party with 3 years left would risk a snap election if there was not a huge chance to cuck the snp and labour? sturgeon is looking mighty nervous also


correct - i care about myself and the opportunities life affords me, which includes a huge fucking common market to sell my services to which has just been withdrawn by some incompetent trade-deficit anglo clubskulls who can't into the modern world. you fucking mongs.

northern irish are our people patrick not southern irelands


we will accept your services no problem,i suggest you take it up with merkel and put pressure on her to stop teasing our balls

Just imagine us as extremely slowly gathering our shit together in preparation for storming out of the house and taking half the EU in the divorce settlement.

>also daily reminder,every spannish poster has a 25% chance of being a jobless bum

That includes the ones that come over here trying to get jobs in the UK. the same ones that shit talk about the UK because they are scared of getting thrown back into their shithole of a country where we get pissed on holidays.

ay caramba

what even are you

why are spanish people in every british thread so eternally butthurt?

I have no issue with the basis of free trade across Europe and even some legislation to help protect smaller businesses to survive in a much larger grand scale market however the political ambitions and agenda of the EU was one I fundamentally disagreed with being implemented across all. The two became too closely intertwined that there was no way to sever a limb of trade in order to cut our way out.

He's some weirdo who claims to be an expat even though he lies about where he's from

I dunno ? keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better but from where I am standing you look like the rapefugee that left Turkey for Germany and his kid ended up washed up on the shores of Greece because that suits his families free money needs better. You ran for the purpose of your own greed rather than staying to make Scotland great but you know caring about yourself and the opportunities it affords you is all your doing caring about yourself and the opportunities it affords you caring about yourself and the opportunities it affords you caring about yourself and the opportunities it affords you

because spain is dependent on EU gibs,if the EU falls apart IE if the uk leaves the gibs end,also spain is VERY dependant on UK tourism

they fear we will just use gibraltar as a tourist hotspot so brits can get spannish weather without passport shit and visas thus they lose billions

basically spaniards know when the uk leaves it impacts on their wallets

they want us to stay for selfish reasons,they dont care about us! they only care about gibs and parting our pissheads from their cash in ibiza

oh i thought he might be the same guy, he doesnt even seem to have a sense of humour when he shitposts just anger

>Implying crashing down isn't a good idea
Fuck off from the EU already. Fuck off from here too. When you do, a right-wing coup will happen and that's good.

How can Scotland even legally vote for something like independence? Isn't the queen technically the sovereign, couldn't she just tell them to fuck off or does only the parliament have sovereign authority?

If that's the why even have a fucking monarchy. And why isn't that bitch advocating in the interests of her people by speaking out against immigration?

Why is this world so fucking stupid and gay.

we out gun and out nuke you spain topkek m8

I said. Get the fuck out of the EU now. Make sure to crash it down too. Also get the fuck out of here. We need to rebuild this country from the ashes.

if snp stay in power then we must give them a vote,we are not king george

i know in my heart they would stay i care not for the st georges cross,the union jack is my flag

we will be waiting to trade with you when it does :)

Restore your empire and genocide niggers and pakis, please.
We'll restore our dignity meanwhile.

Guys, why is the Anglosphere just the best? Love ya lads. x

>And why isn't that bitch advocating in the interests of her people by speaking out against immigration?
The royals have a policy of limiting their involvement in politics and current affairs. While I'd like a strong monarch to advocate for reduced immigration and so on, that also carries the risk of allowing other members of the royal family to shill for diversity, refugees and all the things we don't want.