What are you doing to boycott google?
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't click adwords links, and adblock enabled
I click one wrong picture on every captcha and use duck duck go.
After breaking through their laughable security by accident, I decided to ignore their recruitment emails. The facilities are more disgusting than my freshman year dorm bathroom, anyway, and that's after you get past the infantile romper rooms full of greasy geeks and the free food yoga chambers full of people who can barely speak English.
So by and large I just make fun of my friends who continue to fall for their absurd gimmicks, but in my professional life I pretend to like them because it's all just a Jewish money game.
good start. i'm using ublock origin, disconnect and https everywhere. do you use other search engines?
nice. duck duck go is legit. i use dogpile though.
they tried to recruit me recently after i spent some time googling python related stuff. i told them to go fuck off.
time to level up
Typing Info Wars into the search engine
"Alex Jones Responds To MSM Attacks Claiming He Is Fake / An Actor"
No, but I do use a paid VPN service. It makes me practically worthless for data-mining.
Try my best not to use ANY of their services.
Degoogled a long time ago,
Emai? Protonmail/cock.li
Youtube? just remember the people you enjoy watching and check back every so often manually.
Android? Just use a degoogled ROM
Search engine? searx.me, startpage
maps? Bing maps/OSMand
very good
such 1337
And I can't emphasize enough, NEVER CLICK THEIR PAID LINKS FOR SEARCH RESULTS. Some searches like DUI attorney (city) make Google a few hundred dollars per click, yes really. Adwords is where they get most of their income from.
Oh wait, I use an add blocker. It's something.
there ya go.
@thread, would i be a hypocrite if i started using adwords for a new website? what are the best alternatives?
>"Alex Jones Responds To MSM Attacks Claiming He Is Fake / An Actor"
obvious communist is triggered
Sup Forums should promote boycott of this shit
full firefox/bing/duckgogo/new video platform usage instead of youtube, and other shit
vimeo is viable as a youtube alternative
you can even see frank yang's penis on it
You can never escape the jews.
another youtube alternative: lbry.io
>Let's be real guys.
If you boycotted or boycott Facebook it didn't or doest matter cause all the millions of people gladly apreciate this service. You are only missing out then.
If you think that Google is the root of upcoming evil there is no way around but to organize demonstrations, hang up flyers or launch an attack against one of their buisnesses to raise public awareness.
You saying you are doing your "job" by having cookies disabled and using adblock is like a vegetarian saying that he/she is disrupting the meat industry. It doesn't matter fly shit.
So get your asses out there and fight for what you think is right, or end up in nothingness.
What am I missing out on by not even knowing how facekike works?
As far as I can tell, everybody I know IRL who has used it regrets it.