would you have supported him?
Would you have supported him?
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I wouldn't have wanted the US to invade him but it depends on what you mean by "support."
I voted for him errytiem
is he a failed Assad who got screwed by america?
Probably a bastard, but he was OUR bastard.
Yes, he is le based muslim dictator!
why did we hate him?
Sup Forums was libral back in 2001
who said Sup Forums doesn't support sandniggers?
The only way Iraq could have literacy and railroads.
i cry evertim
Removing Saddam was a mistake and is exactly the thing that sparked the Arab Spring leading to the collapse of the Middle-East. You can say what you want about Saddam, Gaddaffi etc but they did keep their country and people and the entire region for that matter in check.
Sup Forums was made in 2003, Sup Forums was made in 2011
fuck off newfag roach
Sup Forums was first made in 1995 by snacks and then pol was "news" and it was started in 1998 when moot had his first child . i know better
I only support myself
No. I would have attempted to and succeeded in assassinating him had I lived in Iraq.
>his smile and mustache: gone
that's what it should have said
He had gold plated AKs and fed Muslims into wood chippers to teach them how to behave...whats not to love?
Where is he hanging around these days?
All he shuld have hade is support from his own people not mine or american. Do you get the nod.
We did support him?
We literally trained him in espionage and warfare, helped build his bunkers, and armed the everloving fuck out of him.