What race are Turkish people considered? We are not white not brown not asian...
Here is a random street interview
What race are Turkish people considered? We are not white not brown not asian...
Here is a random street interview
mix of asian/arab/white.
sand niggers
Roach Race
if you are no data you aren't white
It almost sounds like there's slavic loan words when they speak.
>predicted from multiple environmental factors
Oh, so that's why it's extremely inaccurate.
There were no light skinned indigenous people in Australia, and Native Americans were/are never that light skinned nor that dark skinned. There are no people as dark as sub-Saharan Africans in South America; no light skinned Africans in South Africa; South Arabia/Yemen isn't as dark as the Congo, etc, etc.
No this is what shitskin looks like
Semites. Check your privilege
arabs, north india indians, persians and white people etc all fall under -caucasoids-
Most of them look Mediterraneans, but not as dark as Greeks. Some look like central Europeans, maybe Austrians. Some of the women look like mongrels.
I'm guessing this is one of the whiter areas of Turkey.
By that chart it looks like you guys are American white.
Whats wrong with japan in that pic?
turks are mixed race. turkey is not a turkic country.
This is a superficial map I just googled skin tone map and take the first picture and also maybe it's because african americans and mexicans
>Most of them look Mediterraneans, but not as dark as Greeks
You 'people' are a mix of whites and arabs
Mixed with arabs whites and asians
you are mutts
They like to put pizzas in the oven, but we need to put them in the oven.
Turks are sandniggers with minor european and mongol admixture.
96.25% Sandnigger
03.75% Other
What uz tellin me wuz we wuz corruption n sheet?