Really makes you think
Really makes you think
So Muslims are prone to terrorism? Okay got it.
Hate to say it, but she's not wrong. To be completely honest, reading this just now made me change my mind about Muslims. I will now try my best not to challenge or talk back to them, because I don't want to enrage them, which might create terrorists that hurt our country.
>Don't call Muslims terrorists or they'll kill you
White people gonna kick off soon then?
Sounds like a mafia shake down.
Same logic applies to any group.
>The more you call whites bigots, the more they become reactionary.
What an annoying cunt. So of course we just made her an honorary citizen.
I dont care what that fucking cunt has to say about muslims or jews or what religion, race or any political subject whatsoever.
I fucking hate her snarky face that looks like she did a week of shoots at facialabuse dot com.
I sincerely hope she dies horribly in a car fire.
>talking shit about a religion that openly embraces and actually wants you to murder infidels creates terrorist that would have been created anyway because the religion still encourages the murder of infidels regardless of talking shit and uses terrorism as a method to instill hostility and religious doubt funded by jews in order to further divide and conquer us is what will create more terrorist.
Kill all muzzies.
Truth. Speech is useless, only total annihilation of terrorists will solve islam problem
I've found that anyone who has a nobel prize is not to be trusted.
>the more you call whites racist...
I wonder what the outcome to that be?
Look it's not so simple you idiots.
If you repeatedly insist that any group of people have certain characteristics, then you will create a self fulfilling prophecy.
Thought experiment :
Imagine relentlessly telling redheads that they are superior athletes to all other hair colours. It's absurd right, but some of those redheads will be excited by the idea, train really hard and become top athletes while dark haired people will be put off. This will lead to an over-representation of redheads in sports, and further the stereotype that they are good at sports. The cycle is complete.
So just by insisting that redheads are athletic, you get athletic redheads. If you insist that Muslims are terrorists, you will get more muslim terrorists.
If you do what the left does however, and claim it is a peaceful loving religion, you will get more peaceful loving Muslims. It's not a bad tactic, in fact, it's the only practical, actionable tactic we have.
Isn't she the one who was shot in the head because she spoke against the misogynistic laws of her muslim country?
You firthy gaijin btter not bomb the shitto out of Hiroshima and Nagasaki or we kill you. The spirit of the Kamikaze will never be broken. Shamefur dispray.
This is narcissist logic. You're collectivizing Muslims without a logical reason and for what end result, less mean things said about Muslims? What is your end goal here?
>If you insist that Muslims are terrorists, you will get more Muslim terrorists
This is breathtakingly stupid. Who is insisting that "Muslims" are terrorists? Does stating the widespread barbaric beliefs and propensity to harbor terrorists in Western countries mean that all of them are terrorists? Does any criticism of Islam fall under the blanket of accusing them of terrorism? Fuck off
why do leftists literally not understand causation
AH! Tfw that won't happen in Canada cause cuckdeau made it illegal
some of you guys are muslims
don't go to the university tomorrow if you live in aruba
t. malala yousafzai
The more you blame the West for making terrorists, the more terrorists you create.
Yes, we need to submit to Islam. OP you are a genius!
the more you blame op for blaming the west for blaming terrorists, the more terrorists you create
The more you speak out against speaking out against islam, the more islamophobes will it create
Yeah and the "self esteem" movement did wonder for the millenials.
Made me think of a documentary made by a guy who was responsible of anti racism in UK, he said by the that by preventing hate speech, it would suppress hate tought. Pure madness.
Nice try Khalid. Now gtfo out of the West, before we demonstrate that there are, in fact, other actions that can be taken.
>be friendly with islam
>they start bombing
>be unfriendly with islam
>they start bombing
i dont know guys
The eternal Anglo
>For what end result, less mean things said about Muslims? What is your end goal here?
The end goal is to neutralize Islam. It is a barbaric cult that must be modernised.
So my argument is that by consistently saying Islam is peaceful, caring and inclusive, Muslims would start to believe you.
Feel free to argue with that point, but it is quite well known that humans will behave in ways that people say they behave. First born children for instance are told by their parents that they are smart and successful, so go on to become astronauts, presidents and doctors (look it up, first borns are highly over represented in successful jobs).
>Who is insisting that "Muslims" are terrorists?
A lot of people. Western governess call them "Islamists" officially for example. Imagine "Christianists" being used to describe the KKK and IRA, or any nutjob that happens to be christian. This would negatively affect Christians views of themselves, and lead to negative behavior.
>This is narcissist logic
No it's using psychology to influence people in ways that suit you.
>Does any criticism of Islam fall under the blanket of accusing them of terrorism?
Unfortunately when the criticism is "Muhammed was a violent warlord", then yes, calling Muhammad a terrorist is directly equivalent to calling all Muslims terrorists. Muslims will attempt to imitate their prophet. If we instead say he was peace loving, they will attempt to copy that.
>muslims rape pillage and murder all across europe
They're already terrorists or prone to terrorism. The whole bunch is bad.
>stop calling me a terrorist or I'll kill you
really gets my hamster wheel turning
Source is Deus Ex:Human Revolution(2011) set in 2029.
that twitter facebook pic is fucking ridiculous, she looks like something from a character selection stage of a beat em up
She does have a point, but only when you remember Machiavelli's lessons. When you fight an enemy, you should either destroy him completely, so you won't ever have to worry about him again, or make friends with him, so, again, you won't have to worry. Antagonizing your enemy but doing nothing to nullify his strength only makes it harder for you in the long run.
There are no muslims here.
We dont have a university.
there were no masses of muslim attacks in the west before the west bombed their homelands
better luck next time, idiot
Or we could genocide them all and get them the fuck out of the West and they can go back to killing each other instead of us.
kikebook /arubamuslims/
The war began in the 7th Century AD. It's not recent.
Well it worked on trump supporters.
I always wondered about this, how not a single Japanese faction has ever threatened revenge for Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Have you read the Quran? It literally tells muslims
they are superior to other people
what is ottoman uprising
>comparing a single campaign to a millenia of Islamic empires
Where's the map of Christian and Christian denomination battles
>there were no masses of muslim attacks in the west before the west bombed their homelands
>there were no masses of muslim attacks in the west before the west invited millions of them into their capitals and built hundreds of mosques across Europe
Some did. But we didn't pussyfoot around with our presence in Japan like we did with the middle east. And their leaders wanted to move on like a civilized nation unlike some sand-savages.
I insist you stop being a retard. Did it work?
"The more you speak against the West and against white people, the more Nazis will it create." - Malala
Yousafzai, Nobel Prize winner and activist
The left aren't just offensive, they're dangerous.
Hmm. I like this.
You wanna talk? Let's talk.
Let's talk about the 8 years of Barack Obama's presidency and how we coddled the 90s generation and Muslims. Remember that kid who purposely knew what kind of reaction he would get if he brought a bomb-looking device to school? The President at the time said NICE CLOCK.
It was very obvious Obama was only saying that as to not alienate the Muslim community. Yet that very community SHOT UP A FUCKING GAY BAR IN FLORIDA, killed dozens of people in the Boston marathon bombings, and how about that California couple that shot up their workplace?
I was a hardcode liberal but now I'm a centrist leaning right. You take your fucking high horse ideology about coddling up people and go shove it up your ass after you get that stick removed, you self-righteous pandering asswipe motherfucker.
ISIS was LITERALLY created under the Obama Administration's apology tour to the world, in particular to the Middle East. Why did it take until President Trump to drop a MOAB in Afhganistan? Probably because Obama and Bush JR thought about holding back so as not create a PR disaster, guess what? We're dealing with ordinary people or an oridinary religion.
It's become painfully fucking obvious the Western world and Islam are seperated by at least 500 years of rational thinking. Call out a terrorist for what they are, a terrorist.
Call out a religious death worhshipping cult for what it is, Islam. Fuck you UK faggot for trying to sell us on Obama's love and peace message, tell me, how did that love work out for you tolerant Europeans in Nice, France?
The war was largely unpopular. The exact details are shady but it's thought of that the emperor and his council where the ones who supported the world. Culturally and religiously the Japanese were pacifists (influences from taoism and the idea of living with harmony in nature). When Democracy kicked in pacifists won.
You pussyfooted in Japan more than the ME. You had anti insurgents in ME for a decade.
If you keep telling people a thing they will do the thing
I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads - Muhammad
Because sand niggers get triggered.
>watch closely as youre about to witness a sand nigger moment.
if you keep calling normal people racists and nazis ...
>You pussyfooted in Japan more than the ME. You had anti insurgents in ME for a decade.
The fuck are you talking about? One of these sentences contradicts the other.
the logical fallacy is strong on this one
Christians get shat on every day by fedoras and mudshits, yet Christians don't go out on killing sprees.
Just Nuke the mudslimes
Is that a fucking threat, bitch?
lol I lived in Saudi before the gulf war ... funny how even before I had armed guards protecting my compound and bomb checks daily on vehicles.
Which part of the Middle East did you live in op?
The difference is that redheads do not know their genetic code. If they believe they have a genetic advantage in sport then they will do sport. This is simple and expected. The situation with Muslims is different. We can't read entire genetic codes but we can read the Koran. We can look at Muslim statistics. We can look at what they say, what they do, what they support. Muslims enforce dress codes, they enforce censorship, they do honor killings, they do holy wars. It is literally written word for word in their holy books which dictate their conducts. Claiming they are a peaceful loving religion will only create more victims.
Hey now, us fedoras get called the worst genociders in history and we don't do that either. In fact, there's only one ideology that seems to do that.
Really hard to take muslims seriously when their prophet, their idol, Muhammad, was a terrorist bandit who raped women and children.
This is labelling theory key point here is the word THEORY.
Hey, at least he waited untill she was 9.
>If you repeatedly insist that any group of people have certain characteristics, then you will create a self fulfilling prophecy.
We wouldn't be calling them terrorists if they didn't regularly commit acts of terrorism. You're basically saying that we should smile and look the other way while they kill us in the name of their desert god and hope that eventually they magically adopt our values for no reason. This isn't going to happen for two reasons.
1: By offering no resistance or even criticism, we appear weak. What strong culture wants to adopt the values of a weak culture?
2: Even if we could somehow assimilate the Muslims already residing in our countries, we have a never-ending tide of immigrants fresh from the medieval ages constantly flooding in from their homelands to spread the glory of their prophet.
If we continue to do nothing or try to "play nice" our countries will be Islamic countries in 50 years.
hope that bitch gets gang raped nobel prize wtf
If you destroy most of their power, even if more people want to join them, they will still be weak, just slowly and steadily take care of them,and if more of them become terrorists kill them too
He was a violent war lord. He united the middle east through war. He went on to conquer more and more land until they started fighting Europe. They killed thousands of people and he was a violent person. Saying this is a criticism isn't right. This Is A FACT.
>Really makes you think
It actually did not
>Really makes you think
Said picture makes me think that Hillary advocates total subjection to her Islamist overlords in order not to offend them.
>If we instead say he was peace loving, they will attempt to copy that.
Look how well that worked out for Christianity in the dark ages.
Every Muslim will be eradicated from the west.
How come that people speak very badly about Islam in Eastern Europe, like Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia -- but there's virtually no islamist terrorism?
How come that people bend over to be raped with glee in Germany, France and Belgium, but there's still an enormous islamist problem?
Could it be that terrorism isn't caused by speaking badly about Islam, but rather by the presence of muslims?
> If you speak up against your bullies you will only get bullied more.
Not saying that she is wrong. But im saying being quiet is the wrong way to deal with a situation like this.
I had a bully once, he was an awful kid who was sick in his head, he tied me up to a flag pole with his friends, then let me bake in the sun for hours, forced me to masturbate while holding me captured in a closet and all sorts of wierd shit.
One day I just kicked him off a flight of stairs and jumped from 1.5 height onto his chest, that little faggot didn't pester me anymore from that point on.
Someone comment this on her post
>be nice to me or I will kill you
>Hey, at least he waited untill she was 9.
muhammad raped slaves all the time. Women, boys, girls, anybody he could get his hands on. Do you really think he stopped with aisha?
> Surrender peacefully or we will use violence
Really made me think.
Yeah she has a point. If you so much as try to debate a Muslim they practically become terrorists in response, arguing for sharia law and jihad. They never ever argue against those things but always for it
>The more you speak against Christianity and against Christians, the more terrorists will it create.
>The more you speak against Buddhism and against Buddhist, the more terrorists will it create.
>The more you speak against Hinduism and against Hindu, the more terrorists will it create.
>The more you speak against Atheism and against Atheists, the more terrorists will it create.
said no one
Muslim attacks on west started about 1300 years ago, with invention of islam, and never ceased since then.
It will go away when the world is subjugated by Islam, or when Islam is wiped off the face of the planet.
Muslims are so unhinged that criticism of them turns at least some into terrorists.
I can't believe weedman gave this kebab honorary citizenship
>If you repeatedly insist that any group of people have certain characteristics, then you will create a self fulfilling prophecy.
Kind of like calling every white man who isn't a faggot nu-male liberal a Nazi will ultimately result in you degenerate commies getting lined up against a wall and shot as God intended?
Shit, Nigel, you really nuked my neurons, now go face-fuck a wood-chipper.
I can tell you ad nauseum to have sex, gain height and get a clue, but it's not going to do anything.