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I'll repost my last reply because I want a response
>So you could count a quadroon as "white" if you wanted to?
Tell me where you draw the line, is 99% white non-white? how about 98%, how about 97%. It's a stupid argument relying on fringe cases that really do not matter. I can use the same argument to deconstruct Marxism, when exactly does someone in the working class become middle class? Anything definition you make will be arbitrary, but are you going to argue that there's no difference between Bill gates and Joe Bloggs just because the distinction is arbitrary?
>He has said it himself
>Check out this isolated clip I found out of hundreds of hours of content where he mispeaks in such a way to vaguely imply he's Jewish
You'll need to try harder than that
>what is white
end this meme
we'll figure it out once the commies have been physically removed. in fact we probably won't have to figure it out since the question will solve itself.
I voted for Trump but this dude is straight out of a fucking Hitler Youth instructional video. This is not the direction we should be going
I hope the exchange proves to the Polish guy why you should never treat a deconstruction of whiteness as if the argument is made in good faith. Just attack it and show it for what it is, a slimy Jewish tactic.
I'll repost my last post because I'm curious if anyone else gets the same vibe
This was pretty cringey. He kept using emotional language and cheesy metaphors to appear "deep." You can really tell that he's full of himself and he imagines himself to be some great charismatic leader who's going to save the west. But it was just embarrassing to watch.
Any other anons Get that vibe? I used to know a lot of theaterfags. They were so melodramatic and full of themselves, and their attitude was pretty similar, basically the always tried to convey themselves as "deep." Is Richard a theaterfag?
I know this is satire but this is exactly how trumpshits think.
You are right.
Very good.
If we don't define what is white like Enoch wants us to, then anyone can consider themselves white.
I voted for Trump but this dude is straight out of a fucking Hitler Youth instructional video. This is not the direction we should be going
did you even watch the speech from last night??
I voted for Trump but this dude is straight out of a fucking Hitler Youth instructional video. This is not the direction we should be going
>t. r/the_donald
>Is Richard a theaterfag?
Unironically yes. His original intention in life was to direct plays for a living before he got into this.
Fuck this CIA nigger.
>heh fuckin plebs if u take anything seriously ur just a square xD amirite guys heh he's not even being postironic what a tightwad haha lets go drink IPAs
Why did this thread need a repost? Your old thread ran its course, Spencer. This is not how chans work. You don't get a subchan.
Its bullshit no one ever tries to deconstruct black identity
Well can you define what exactly is a black person? are somalians black? what about arabians?
I voted for Trump but this dude is straight out of a fucking Hitler Youth instructional video. This is not the direction we should be going
>heh strawman
Anyways, take for example that corny ass line "as morning dew is drawn to grass."
>he's taking himself seriously
yes, very seriously. reddit seriously.
Mike was high energy as fuck during this. He's a good counterpart to Spencer for these sorts of events.
I watched it, it was alright but let's be honest here Spencer is a fag.
Enoch and Spencer tour when?
His Sportsball argument is just stupid a fuck considering that you had the olympic games in Greece and gladiatorial combat in Rome
Anyone has the speech Mike Enoch did?
remember when rome collapsed because everyone was having gay sex and watching shit at the death stadium?
there are HD uploads coming of the speech.
He even recognized gay sex as a part of ancient European culture
does he something interesting?
He was talking about worshiping niggers
He's making the point that people currently identify themselves more with mundane pop cultural things like football or soccer than more meaningful things like European heritage and 2nd Renaissance movements.
I voted for Trump but this dude is straight out of a fucking Hitler Youth instructional video. This is not the direction we should be going.
Was typing this out when the last thread went full so I'll post anyway.
This is actually something I was mulling over about a year ago, the loss of individual white identities and so forth. The links to our ancestors are, to most, unimportant and forgotten, but in the case of American blacks, they're creating a new identity incorporating their past while still being very separate from that of their African forefathers.
I think we're inclined to romantically look to the past for a way forward and for our identities as whites. To me it remains important to incorporate that into our identities, while still remaining aware that those times are past and that is no longer who we as a people are. Spouting old proverbs and philosophies of ancient Europeans just seems dated and goes over the heads of the wider public, because you have to want to absorb, or at least want to hear such things for them to have any impact.
The reason I've never felt comfortable labeling myself as a member of the alt-right is because when I look at those who do, I tend to see a heap of individuals with loosely related ideologies spouting memes.
I sense that it may become a more cohesive movement if it's members, and not least the projected leaders, tidy themselves up a bit. Richard Spencer actually seems to be a fairly good role model for this but people like Milo and Sam Hyde, while funny at times, just detract from the public image of the alt-right.
I guess most of us have been to caught up in the gateway topics of a certain global syndicate and race politics to realize that we need to focus on our selves, make sacrifices, and work to establish a new identity instead of adopting a past one.
Is this some kind of new pasta???
He makes the point later on that athletics serve a purpose as a show of physical prowess and human achievement. I think the point he was trying to get across is that white people in the US use team sports as a surrogate for racial identity, I think it hits true especially in the South, I can see the same thing here with Rugby. If it were just about appreciating athletic excellence you'd be better served with solo competitions (such as the Olympics and Gladiatorial combat) rather than team sports
>Richard Spencer is a plant because he espouses all of my viewpoints but with a haircut I don't like
I don't get it
I'm watching it right now
This is fucking gay and cringy as fuck.
He fucking sucks.
This, we can't let Spencer get his hands on the nuclear codes. He's too fashy
Seeing how people in Germany would kill for their favorite soccer teams, but hold no loyalty whatsoever to their nation&people I can definitely see some validity in his claims.
>"ban football
>individualism is for fags!"
>supports an individualist
You have roasted me peanuts, lad
+1 this
I think most people get the feeling that he's trying to use the momentum Trump created for his "cause" which seems more like a side effect of his ego. He should be shunned. Or maybe not? That way the unironic stormfags can flock to him making it easier to distinguish.
Although i'm not sure if the majority of Sup Forums is ironically or unironically stormfags so i might be the only who feels the same about the later.
I got the same feeling. I was looking forward to it and was left disappointed. I thought it was a terrible speech at least in delivery.
I don't give a fuck, his roasting of libertarians was hilarious.
I'd be happy with whites realising that they are white and they have group interests. We're never going to have some homogeneous racial identity that spans North America, Europe and the Antipodes
Okay, this is literally sounding like an ACTUAL Nazi.
And not in the cutesy fun way.
This guy is his trying to make an actual WHITE POWER movement.
I didn't agree with people punching him and claiming he's a nazi, but now, really.
This guy is just a real fucking klansman/nazi trying too hard.
Thats why I've been saying to redpill people easier you need to reconnect them to their white identity. If you love your identity then you don't want it to be destroyed
How about you watch the whole damn thing before you spout your shit?
lol go back to sleep
I'm halfway through and he just said alt-right is a white movement
I think people are so afraid of being openly WN in the open and so used to hiding their power level that whenever someone doesnt they assume its going to hurt them
yes. European folk.
I don't disagree with the stuff he's saying, but the way he's delivering it is cringey as fuck. It's like he watched too many Hitler speeches or something with his flamboyant hand movements and constantly fixing his belt buckle. Plus the fags recording the speech are annoying as hell with their forced laughs. Why can't there be just one WN figure who doesn't resort to cringey LARPing and instead delivers a speech that won't put off normies?
all of these
>"This embrace of something as sick as the SEC and all this stuff. something as sick as that, we are covering up some hole in ourselves, we are rooting on these people that we have no connection to, that don't represent you. You are rooting on this sick industry, to substitute for that hole in yourselves, and I feel it. I understand you, I understand why you want to substitute something for that identity that has been ripped away from you! For that identity that has been declared illegal, for that identity that has been declared immoral, that is; you are a white person! You a part of the story of Europe, you have a deep connection with Rome! You have a deep connection with Athens! You have a deep connection with Byzantium!, with this whole world that has been ripped away from you!, and instead they substitute it with some disgusting bullshit football game!"
I don't understand how people can miss his point.
>white people in the US use team sports as a surrogate for racial identity
I don't buy this, i think you're over-complicating it to fit a "race" narrative. Yes, some sports have racial identity aspect to them but all that is just a side-effect. Blacks give props when a non-black does good in basketball, whites cheer one blacks in football, Mexicans cheer on the LA Lakers for example because they're from LA, its just tribalism, my tribe/city/state vs your tribe/city/state. Sports aren't about showing "physical prowess" and "human achievement" you're romanticizing sports, its just tribalism in civil form.
That's why Raider-fans are seen as thugs, Oakland is ghetto and mother fuckers like the colors and associate it with the hood. That racialness is a slight side-effect, race isn't the goal. The goals is about making money, if there's more people on a team then there's more fans who have their favorite player and there's more shit going on as the nature of team vs teams. Its stupid to think someones going in there purposely trying to separate all the races and shit.
This is just retard, unless idk, maybe im misunderstanding what you're saying?
>practically illegal to fly the German flag except at divegrass games
user, wn is larping. Either go full natsoc or be a regular nationalist like everybody else.
>you have a deep connection with Rome! You have a deep connection with Athens!
Snowniggers BTFO
>Why can't there be just one WN figure who doesn't resort to cringey LARPing and instead delivers a speech that won't put off normies?
Because the WHITE part of WHITE nationalist will never be accepted by the majority of normies. Even nationalism wont be accepted by most normies when you get down to the nitty gritty of it
Mental disorder.
I voted for Spencer but this dude is straight out of a fucking Trump Youth instructional video. This is not the direction we should be going.
I don't think the white part is what's unattractive. Most white people are sick of the anti-white rhetoric and want a movement that will stand up for them for once. It's Richard Spencer's obvious imitation of Hitler's speaking style that throws people off.
It's not that sports have a racial aspect, it's that for whites they're a surrogate for racial identity. Because pride in being white is demonised they transfer the natural urges they have onto team sports, and I'm not saying it's all one thing or the other, of course there's an element of pride in regional identity, team sports aren't unique to multiracial societies after all. It's the sort of jingoistic obsession they have with it.
>you have a deep connection with Rome! You have a deep connection with Athens!
Spencer's whole subtext is that he's white and scared, and that we need powerful Security State government so nervous white people can live in Happy Days communities and isn't the Fonz the greatest?
You guys should totally go and get arrested, I'm going to sit back here with the Jewish women-folk and hopefully rake in some popularity bux!
Oh and if the Feds come asking about me, it was all Satire! Honest!
Mmm, cuck
>Worked for muslims for bush
>Dated asians
>Said it's okay because they're honorary aryans
>Still calls himself an ethno-nationalist
Why would you support someone like him? He's a faggot.
>inb4 shill
Ethno nationalism could not work in america because everyone is a mix of something. Try it in europe instead
>Because pride in being white is demonised
No, it's pride in nothing beyond being at a certain pigment intensity that's mocked and ridiculed.
We'd be glad if you took some genuine pride in yourself and some actual accomplishments of your own.
Your self-satisfaction at things in which you and most probably your direct ancestors played no role is genuinely funny. Especially from someone LARPing as a New Zealander.
Re-read that and try it again
These are the same people who idolized Milo "the coal goes in the hole" Yiannopoulos.
It's not that people can't enjoy sports, it's that people grow up conditioned to treat sports as their culture and ignore what's around them and who their ancestors were. Then they create entire institutions for learning that are taken over by that sport culture and everyone gets distracted and dumb.
>audience immediately starts to groan and react uncomfortably when they thought Spencer was going off on tangent and about to say something actually racist against blacks
What did they mean by this?
NatFuss when?
Henry Wrinkler is an authentic son of Rome the same way Spencer and his entourage of tools are authentic White Nationalists.
they are riding the college scene for views and hopefully bux.
Is this the guy all of us Alt-Righters(tm) are super duper into right now?
>Race is skin colour
Nice meme
>they are riding the college scene for views and hopefully bux.
Until the next 13 yr old girl starts quoting Mein Kampf on social media.
>for that identity that has been declared immoral, that is; you are a white person!
>You a part of the story of Europe
This shit. This is just power fantasy bullshit. Maybe SOME of you fags feel this sure and that's fine but in general there has always been a divide between America and Europe ever since the wild west. Memes aside, America has its own culture and a Texan are more likely to relate to a Mexican despite any negative standings because he kind of understands them then say a supposedly "classy" britbong of a pansy Swede wearing a nordic garbs/dress who'll be uncomfortable just by seeing his six-shooter. This is just shoehorning whiteness because as soon as you point out that Mexicans technically share the "Roman" connection those same fags preaching ancestory will sperg the fuck out and ignore Rome had bad blood with North Europe / Germantics.
Fucking power fantasy fags.
I add the previous
>of course there's an element of pride in regional identity
Don't downplay it as just being an element, IT'S THE ENTIRE POINT OF TEAMS FACING OFF OTHER TEAMS! That's why America brags about winning the most metals at the Olympics, that's why America is able to have its own sports culture completely separated from Europe, because America has 50 states.
Also people do appreciate physical prowess still, in the form of MMA / Boxing. But i think you dismiss that because people don't see that as racially, people appreciate seeing a fucking monster like Mike Tyson biting someones ear off and people loved seeing who can slay him. People who see "race" in sports are fucking low-tier fags who have no self-accomplishment and are seeking out something bigger to relate too, that's why blacks are so fucking racial, they're low-tier hoods.
anyone criticizing spencer is literally a niggerlover, pay them no mind desu
Oh no wait, they are trying to harness the frustration and sense of despair tearing at Buffy and Chadswell at Big University.
(My God you are easily rused).
xd good talk, very cool, very cool
I'll clarify then, a large element of regional identity. You've still managed to miss the point though
He should be criticized though. Why wouldn't you question anything anyone says?
All races have their own type of skull shape. That would be a good way of indicating who's white.
>criticizing a faggot whose entire "movement" is based on the complete dellusion of establishing a white ethnostate in the US
I would not be surprised if Spencer is a con man. Some of the anons who say he works for the CIA could be right.
I love watching intellectual pleeebs try to outwit Spencer in their questioning, he's not falling for your bullshit university tards.
This is bizarrely wrong. White Americans are Europeans. British, German, French and so on. Your heritage is literaly in your soul. You don't just become a new thing.
He's just a Reverend Cash-style flim-flam artist.
His endgame is the book deal or television punditry.
>literaly in your soul
Appeals to magic aren't going to alter the Constitution or the way American society is run.