The Great Carrot

Is he, dare I say, /ourcarrot/?

At the Auburn protests last night, a student dressed as a carrot effectively shutdown two antifa loudmouths by mocking their outrage. As the antifa railed on, Mr. Carrot got the students on his side, eventually leading to the antifa running off pouting.

Is mockery of antifa the way to handle them? They are quite ridiculous and only have power because people take them seriously. Antifa live off of the energy of virtue signaling. Take that energy away from them and they starve.

Other urls found in this thread:

All hail the Mighty Carrot! He is definitely a prophet of Kek.

Antifa is where the left goes too far. This is where everyone - even the furthest left rational people - draw the line and denounce their actions. Anyone sympathizing with antifa is insanely radicalized on the level of legitimate neo Nazis and Klansmen. Normies absolutely DO NOT support them, even when the "alt-right" is blamed.

praise carrot

perfect work done by mr carrot

Mockery always works. It's one of Alinskys Rules for Radicals

It's fun, meaning your supporters will enjoy it and there's no defense against it. Gaslight, gaslight, gaslight!

Carrot for prez 2024

>Is mockery of antifa the way to handle them?
You would think they are used to this by now.

Their rage should be countered with absurdity every protest. praise based carrot

>your dorms
>your neighbourhoods
>your university
>your apartments
>your people
>your school
What did he mean by this?

He said that he's neutral, so no, he isn't our guy.



Jesus Christ is that SJW an ultrakike or is he actually trying to impersonate Bernie Sanders?

When should spread a rumour that antifa is endorsed by Isis haha


>When I was 14, my friend had a burning cross in his front yard.
Id LOVE to see some god damn proof of this, there would have had to be a police record.

Trust me, it works. Ridicule is extremely powerful, as Alinsky himself was aware.

A couple of trolls set up a group called 'Boston Antifa' on Facebook, posing as real members of Antifa. Perhaps one of the funniest aspects of their online antics is just how pissed off real Antifa are about it; you can see how much it gets to them, even if they try to pretend that it doesn't:

This is a little stroke of genius:

>all that impotent rage
>that dancing carrot man

this timeline man


Everyone should dress up like this for the next battle. Antifa larpers think they're serious business so mockery is out best weapon.

wtf I love carrots now, who is this guy he's great

He's just a humble fellow in touch with his roots.


Politics is such a joke.

marginalizing and mocking mentally ill faggots is exactly the method you need to use. Bravo carrot man.

None of this BS even became mainstream until we started paying these faggots attention.

He's got lots of vitamin Kek

This is actually a pretty good idea. Seems like most other tactics add fuel to the fire, making them look like the retards they are and not giving them the reaction they want is probably best. Then again violence on them is good too but it's not worth getting an assault charge or some shit

He should've asked, "Why was your friend burning crosses in his front yard?"

This is great stuff.
>All those people in the comments thinking it is legit.
Love it.

Kek confirms !

He's a student who said, fuck both sides. Imma be a carrot
t. Someone who talked with him about it

Im upset he didn't have a stash of carrots in those shorts.
Would be a full 100/100 if he started handing them out to randoms.

But yes, Carrot man. 99/100

What were they chanting at the end?

i just peed a little

On a side note: carrot had headphones on. Any user that's ever had a gf knows that this is a woman's weakness. Headphones+not caring are often enough to make a female get physically violent and quickly. I bet it irks some of the male estrogen-laden antifa participants just as much.

In the article I linked () they try to palm off the fact that Alt-Right types think it's real as making a mockery of the Alt-Right, whereas in reality, the very fact that people mistook it for the real thing only makes THEM look ridiculous.

Their FB page is still updated pretty frequently; despite Antifa blogs coming out and saying that they're fake, Alexis and Brandon are continuing to troll and enrage people who think that they're real:

Which is pretty hilarious, in many regards: nobody listens to real Antifa saying that these guys aren't real Antifa, and for the very simple reason that nobody listens to real Antifa. We're more likely to listen to and believe a group of trolls who make a blatant mockery of them online.

Now to complete the circle Boston Antifa should try to align itself with real antifa groups around the nation to create an antifa civil war

Sometimes I like to lay on the floor and pretend I'm a carrot.

Yeah purely the fact that the blatant mockery is somehow hardly indistinguishable from the reality shows how far the extreme left has drifted into their own little universe bubbles. Their causes arent even close to being associated with reality anymore

Knowing them, that's probably the next step of their master plan. What a timeline!

Nailed it! Their causes aren't even close to mainstream leftism (if there even is such a thing, still).

Love it:

Also, Quinn is cute:

>The look of defeat and dejection on the girls face as the crowd starts changing carrot.


Beating them up just fuels their pity party. Remember who you are dealing with here... ANTIFA are not serious political actors, they're just a bunch of kids trying to be a part of something.

I'm only 31, but I'm not so far away from that age group that I can't relate. If you make being an SJW lame, nerdy and uncool... If you make fun of them are beat them in the court of social opinion, you will win.

Defend yourselves against violence, for sure... But the most effective way to kill this trend is to make it fucking lame as fuck to be a part of.

Someone make carrottman smug pepe




It's a huge psychological blow to your opposition while at the same time gives you evasion or an out
It's why Jon Stewart and Colbert were such potent weapons years ago for the left
Being mocked fucking sucks and if you show you're flustered they have the "it's just comedy bro" out

Praise be my good man.

California Sup Forums, I think you know what you need to do

Dude that was random as heck ROFL!!

Everywhere you go, you will find tattooed trash.

meh shes worth a quick pump and dump

Please the bash the fash meme took off like wildfire with almost every major news outlet praising it in opiumion pieces

As edgy as i expect a Sup Forumstard to be in real life.

Should we look for n00dz?

I loved when the guys in Berkeley chanted "blah blah blah" at the Antifrauds in unison.

The Left used to understand this, and some of them still get it; this Antifa girl understands just how powerful satire is, and even admits that the Right is funnier than the Left at the moment:

After what happened in Berkeley, I think we can agree. It's badly needed.

Are carrots, dare I say, /ourfood/?

It's not a zero sum game
Different tactics work and need to be used accordingly.
If the cops weren't around and their were more of them they would of attack carrot guy. I have no doubt about that considering they have shown in the past they are willing to attack peaceful people in a line or the elderly

Some serious butthurt there, lol.


Then why the fuck are you on a political board

It should be "lie on the floor."
>american education
The question is, did carrot guy get laid?

No. That would be fine, if they were just showing up to chant and ave drum circles. Berkeley proved, they ARE trying to get weapons past the cops, they WILL use them.

Don't throw the first punch, but the only thing that will break these wanna be thugs is kicking their asses and curbstomping every one who brings a weapon and tries to use it - including cam whores from LA who try to bottle people.

Mocking them is good for the people watching. Kicking their teeth out is the only thing they're gonna listen to.


tehehe so true xDDD

Leaderfag with drum owned by big scary black man, pisses pants


Everyone fucking hates them now

Their shaninigans are all over jewtube

It's kinda funny how in the age of cameras they try to stop people from filming them and it ends up working against them hard

The momentum is in our court. Currently smacking these fools in self defense is working. The line can't be crossed though

lol havent you noticed all the literal hitler ww2 soldiers executing people in the streets and your kitchen every day? what are you some kind of nazi?

looks like carrots will be having the race card pulled on them shortly, watch your backs my orange brothers..Orange Lives Matter

normie here, can confirm that nobody cares in the real world. You people give them way more attention than the media.

>using humour as defense

Smart carrot!

fucking lol
"uh hes black what do i do???"

>always a 3d option

>Is he, dare I say, /ourcarrot/?
He did good.

I upboat dis. Xdddd

He is probably a clever Sup Forumsbro who didn't want to out himself as a racist.

Mockery is always the way to handle something ridiculous.

That's sort of the beauty of comedy, it's easier to make fun of stupid things than stuff that makes sense.

If these Antifa-fags had something meaningful and important to say everyone would have ignored the carrot but as it is nobody cares about their unspecified outrage and unclear objectives. They are a joke, someone just has to point it out.

My dream is for them to piss off the bikers. Hell's Angels lean more conservative than not, shockingly, and if they get involved, and provide security for Trump rallies...they will put a beat down on these kids the likes of which they cannot believe. The Oakland chapter was getting involved over the last decade protecting conservative gatherings, I'd love to see them get involved here.

Keep thinking that. I'm seeing the story, especially the shot of Moldylocks with the bottle, making more and more rounds on social media and sites. All it will take is Hannity getting hold of it, and it will blow up.

There's more pro trump rallies coming and Ann Coulter is speaking in Berkeley. There's plenty more opportunities for Antifraud to show their asses and get more of the public against them.

I'd blow a load of my semen all over her titties, if you know what I'm sayin'.

"t" stands for "time to leave"

Ridicule works super wel, they are also extremely triggered if you are well kept, good looking etc. spencer may be a faggot at times but I know leftist women want to hate fuck him.

I would love to see them call carrots fascist.

the pepsi shenanigans really helped put a spotlight on the ridiculousness of it all too, hell they probably redpilled some of the very people they were marketing to


Oh sweetie this is seriously me XD le perfect

Carrotguy and Fat Pepsi guy are my fav hero's so far

Fat Pepsi guy

Based Carrot Man

>the antifa side had more babes than the other side
Did we pick wrong guys?

not even bro. probably has herps from dat culture enrichment


what is it with Sup Forumss obsession of basic bitches

What people should note is the near hypnotic attention given to Carrotguy.

You literally just have a guy in an orange suit dancing. But it's so unusual and so baffling to them that the entire crowd faces him and remains that way continually.


he cares so little that he went out of his way to shitpost irl

yeah he definitely cares

>uh guys, hes POC I cant.,.. i c-cant do anything uhhhh
>guys remember we need t-to stop the facsistas uhh
>u-uh this POC i here I cant d-do anything

this is the best Sup Forums can do? Pathetic

It's a good strategy. Silliness, mockery and memes will always win against crazy ideological LARPers who take themselves too serious. Bystanders will always side with carrot on this.

My best friend in a girl with a bunch of tattoos.