So I did something racist today and it almost got me killed. Some black guy was giving the dude at the coffee shop a hard time and I was kinda looking at him all pissed off and he's like what's good faghot? And I thought (stand up for yourself) so I laughed and said I'd rather be a faggot than a stupid nigger. Bad decision. I blame you for this.
So I did something racist today and it almost got me killed...
Other urls found in this thread:
>you are still alive
we regret very much
>get into a fight
>same thing as nearly getting killed
stop being a pussy. If you want to talk like a man, act like one.
>protip: over 80% of niggers are faggots too. They just refuse to admit it.
>they call it "the downlow"
Sounds like a win-win
>Faggot OP gets killed
>African goes to jail for murder
He gets mad at me for saying something back. Even the Asian coffee shop man thought what I did was wrong. Like wtf is up with this world. The black guy started filming me and told me to say it again and he'll fuck me up. I told him he's on store cameras go for it. Pretty sure that saved my life. Fuck
Here's the thing I am a pussy. I probably wouldn't have said anything but you fucks have warped my brain.
If it makes you feel any better, i think what you did was ballsy and reminded the nigger of what people truly think of his kind
Good job fuck Niggers, good thing you put his ass in place. Fucking lazy and ugly they all are.
No, your canadan neighbors have warped your brain into being a pussy. Stop it. You were born to be a man, not a cuck.
op is off to the re-education facilities
its not wise to call people racial slurs IRL
t. normal functioning adult
You're doing gods work. But time make sure you're at least six feet tall and have a thick neck and bigger muscles. And a better jawline
Is nobody going to recognize a leaf did this! Fucking good on you man.
Lol. This story is fake but I wish it was real.
t. good goy
>Lol. This story is fake but I wish it was real.
normaly you'd be right but canada is insane
Not bad
fuck off nigger faggot edgelord
Great first step. Next time greet the offending shit talker with a chair to the head. You're on your way to being a man, leaf.
When a nigger acts like a nigger, you call them a nigger
There is literally nothing edgy about that
If he kills you, you win.
Ask your president, leaf.
Yeah I realized that. Shit slipped out I didn't even think about it which scared me. It was like *say something*. Then I had said something racist and was like wtf where did that come from.
thank you leaf you are a great man
we must put these niggers back in there place
no but its funny
You should have just shot him if he came at you
>Then I had said something racist and was like wtf where did that come from.
You've taken your first step to becoming a man. We're proud of you OP. That nigger is going to hear your words echoing in his empty head for the rest of his life.
Put up or shut up moron. You're just another nigger.
How many nogs actually live in Canada
You're an adult. If you want to talk shit, don't be surprised when someone wants to fight. If you can't win the fight, then don't pick it unless you're willing to take an ass kicking.
Kekd hard
>I didn't even think about it which scared me
Good but don't listen to these faggots saying you did a good thing. If you want to lose friends fast and look like a trashy human start calling people racial slurs and think its ok. Especially up there in Cucknanada with all those bleeding heart liberals.
t. dual citizen Canada/USA
have you ever even seen a nigger? if you take that russian cock out of your mouth long enough you might notice.
700 000
you can google it
you stood up for yourself. be proud and stop being a pussy
good job
He fucking started it!
>leaf admits to be a faggot
Sounds about right.
And you're too much of a bitch to finish it. That's the point.
We're responsible for everything you do now
Now go cure cancer
Yeah that's true. I just wanted a double double.
Spotted the nigger. Shouldn't you be smoking crack or something?
You decided to "assert your superiority" or whatever by crossing a line but you couldn't back up your words.
Lolz you fell for his angry Blackman routine if he was going to hit you he would've right away just don't try it downtown they're bold in high numbers
No, I just understand how the world works. If you say something negatively against someone, they're going to react. If you're a poor little bitch boy like OP, then they're probably going to kick your ass, because they know they can. That's how it's worked for literal thousands upon thousands of years of human civilization.
stay based japanon
>That's how it's worked for literal thousands upon thousands of years of human pre-civilization.
Fuck I guess. I haven't been in a situation like that since highschool. I told him he could go for it though? Asian man was screaming for him to get out though and the place was busy so he dipped. He was pissed that 2 beef patties and a coffee cost 6$. Like get the fuck outta here.
you did the right thing user, niggers think they can do whatever they want, they need to be put in their place
I never thought I'd get to use this unironically.
What? You think just because we built buildings and lived together fights just stopped happening? What kind of sheltered life do you guys live?
what are you even implying?
Dude you're canadian you're born to be a pussy you can't act like an American.
>What kind of sheltered life do you guys live?
One where phobias aren't punished.
OP has negrophobia, a disorder beyond his control. Stop shaming him and justifying violence against him based on his verbal symptoms.
>Asian man
>beef patties
They werent beef patties. Actually they were dog patties, which are more expensive
>i am a weak minded lemming that allows propaganda, and opinions, and jokes to influence my behavior rather than adhereing to logos in my personal life
>you did this to me!
like pottery
then maybe you aren't a leaf, maybe you have some potential as a pinecone or sprout.
Drink a caffeinated black tea Nigel, your trolling is slipping and you've got a long night ahead of you.
I'm merely warming up frend.
same thing almost happened to me last week.
>at subway restaurant at 12 am
>right behind this nigger his two buddies and their fat white mudshark hoes surrounding the pajeet cashier
>he was showing the pajeet some coupon on his phone
>pajeet says it doesn't apply to what he ordered
>this goes on for 15 minutes
>20 other people behind me
>nigger starts patronizing pajeet
>stupid white girls start doing the same like little hivemind sheep while hiding behind the nigger giggling
>nigger shows me his phone and tries to get me to agree with him
>i don't even look at the phone and tell him "hurry up people have shit to do"
>"what the fuck are you doing white boy?"
>apparently i'm supposed to be on his side
>i just ignore him
>pajeet finally gives in and gives him whatever discount
>finally my turn and the niggers are still on the side of the counter calling pajeet stupid and being extremely petty
>i can't pay for my sandwich because pajeet is busy arguing with the niggers
>i tell the niggers to leave him alone and move on
>pajeet calls the guy a monkey
>everyone goes awooo or whatever wurrlstar
>stupidly i go "wow not even the 13th amendment could own a nigger like that"
>the nigger didn't even notice until all the coalburners went "HARD R, HARD R, HARD R"
>a respectable black man behind me puts his harm around the nigger and walks him out
>i apologize to the black dude and said he hates niggers too
>kek based
Practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect. Try harder.
Protip: If you're gonna fight someone, dont say anything but just start throwing punches.
And never ever say you are gonna hit someone thats standing in front of you..
You guys here are so pathetic when it comes to fighting.. Cringy AF
You did the best you could have a upvote.
Lol china man cucked you into thinking your a pussy the white race is done Sam Hydes skit has never been so prolific.
>id rather be a faggot than a nigger
have you ever meet a faggot, they are annoying as hell
This is true shit.
morons, more people die from fistfights than guns, knives, even cars.
In defense of the niggers of the mudsharks (sorry, my sense of fairness compels me), subway pushes those smartphone coupons all the time, and the fucking illegal immigrants they hire NEVER honor them. They can't read the fucking words printed on them in black and god damn white. It's so frustrating. There are individual subway """""restaurants""""" I refuse to patronize ever again. And not for the $0.50 they cost me, but for the agony of being lied to and then refused service by a pack of 80 IQ mexicans acting like they can assert dominance over people because they have a ballcap and a name pin on their uniform.
Fuck now that I think about it I should have said WHITE faggot than a stupid nigger. So does this make me a racist? Should I go do that thing where niggers chain you up and treat you like slaves?
Likely because there are just far more fistfights. But calling a spade a spade doesn't necessitate a fight. It's just that if you open your mouth, you better back it up.
survival of the shittest
You did nothing wrong.
It just feels that way cause your brainwashed
>It's just that if you open your mouth, you better back it up.
Is that what the first amendment says?
Japan bantz are best bantz.
I had some negro try starting some shit with me when I was getting some coffee at a joint. I wasn't even saying anything. He walked in front of me to his girl friend ahead of me, looked back and says "You got a problem with that?" I called him out on the spot. He froze up, and looked away. I call them fuckers out all the time.
well you fucked up, it's that simple. you could have made him feel like a stupid nigger without calling him a stupid nigger, you stupid nigger.
Good job, it's about time ppl start giving the privileged few what they deserve
After Obama was elected the US was full of uppity niggers, almost got in a fight at a gas station once by a guy twice my size, when I didn't back down, he did !
Feels good man !
What the fuck is a nigger doing inside of a coffee shop, isn't using crack enough?
Grape flavored coffee day.
Avoid the subway. It is literally the sewers of the city.
Yep, you can notice how uppity the nigs got collectively after King Nigger got elected. They thought dey wuz da new bosses. Hopefully they'll get back in the fields now, so to speak.
That civilized people do not act like niggers. Trash talking and resorting quickly to violence is not civilized, it's niggerish.
He meant subway the fast food place with sandwiches, not the actual subway that transports people
>tfw I was a hardcore racist in middle school
>tfw I'd call blacks monkeys and have to fight them
I'm glad I got over that when we were young and they didn't bring guns or knives
In that case, he should avoid it twice.
PS: sorry no restaurants from that chain where I live.
They fight terribly, no training, brute animal-like force. The most the can muster is american boxing or a shitty version of sumo called Lutte Traditionnelle. study Bataireacht and carry a small staff in your trunk or in a bag or some shit. He wants to suddenly go primal on you, beat his ass into submission.
Made my fuckin day kek- please, stay based japan.
No, it's what the court said.
Oh he's a leaf that explains the pussywhipped rhetoric.
A small staff wtf. . Canada you cannot use more force than your attacker. Of a man pulled a knife in me and I magically had a gun and shot him because he was trying to kill me I would be in the wrong and go to jail.
He was looking for provocation.
When he busted out the camera he was looking for a reason to hit you and get a free shot because the man was keeping him down.
Its a pattern we are seeing more and more provoke/video/justice
When this shit happens we needs to respond the same way.
A nigger starts acting shitty start recording.
When he goes apeshit there is proof instead of half a video of him being oppressed and retaliating against the man.
Canada is literally a non-country.
nigga thats fucked. and like a billy club or a bat. I have one in my car. but im pretty sure america is nothing like that. like i could blast someone with a rail gun in self defense and i'd be fine. At least in Indiana i bet i would be.
>Even the Asian coffee shop man thought what I did was wrong
stay away from that estrogen brewery
>gives advice to keep broom stick in trunk in case of chimp attack
Top kek