Hey, what's it like living in the forgotten parts of New York? (Niagara, Buffalo, etc.)
Hey, what's it like living in the forgotten parts of New York? (Niagara, Buffalo, etc.)
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Literally the ugliest borders ever without going into full border gore.
um, that's a tad rude, my ethno-nationalist friend.
It's great if you love amphetamines, CPS, abandoned buildings, petty crime, and EBT.
well i can tell you that utica has a refugee relocation center, and is full of slavs, bosnians, vietnamese, karens, burmese, somalis, etc
and yet shit ethnic food
Lose Long Island and its okay. Atleast its not delmarva tier .
you haven't seen anything yet
people from the city have started registering to vote in their second homes up here, but there are a couple of based trump supporters with trucks and flags that roll around scarin em
y tho
>but there are a couple of based trump supporters with trucks and flags that roll around scarin em
I am one of them.
Buffalofag here
Its allright
traffic is ok
easy to get around
great food
possibly the best in America
people aren't radical leftist retards
lots of Trump signs still all over the place
our niggers are usually pretty nice and normal
jobs are a plenty if you're not a nigger
summers are the best
winter is awesome if you ski or snowboard or are an eskimo
music scene is kinda crap, but it's getting better
lots and lots of bars and that micro brewery crap
pic related - my favorite beer
Living here, every day is like the last day of the Sabres' season and they have yet again to make the playoffs
What about the little part of Virginia beneath it?
I'm one of the few people around here who don't give a shit about the Bills or Sabres
It's glorious not caring about your shitty teams
gee, sounds nice, almost like the great plains states.
From what I know from visiting, Buffalo is a beautiful city, home of the buffalo wing, and they have a awesome hockey rink. The only downside is it has tons of coons, and abandoned buildings.
Niagra is ugly compared to the Canadian side. It's got a nice park, but that's about it
True. Except the buildings part.
And our niggs tend to stay in the hood for the most part
Buffalo and rochester are pretty red in values compared to nyc.
Buffalo is by far the worst it will never die either because of trade with canada.
Rochester is relatively new and upcoming the problem is kodak died so there a bunch of boomers eating up the job market for kids.
If your in buffalo or rochester get a "garbage plate"
I'm surprised you didn't mention the nigger problem out there. Niggers nig-ing have turned Boston into a hell hole.
You forgot heroin. Lots of heroin and junkies.
LoL, I always say "go bills...& take the sabres with you!" When Wilson died, I was praying some other city would take that losing ads extra tax-payer expense off our hands. Yet everybody gets so sad when they lose...again, & again, & again..
I know
Fuck them
On Monday morning during football season I'm always amazed at all the butt hurt people after their fucked up football team lost on Sunday and I'm like ,did we lose? They hate that I don't even care
Buffalo is finally getting rid of the old way of thinking. They're starting to make better decisions for the city. And we hate Canadians more than anyone. Especially Toronto. Fuck them leafs
The foods good and the Bills suck
It is all rightful PA clay.
LI fag here. We need to secede.
We're the presidents home state but he never visits. We feel abandoned.
Everything east of Albany needs to go
Include Albany and we have a deal
I lived in Buffalo for two years. People are very friendly, midwestern sort of feel culturally. But lots of the city is pretty damn bad/dangerous. You'd hear gunshots, most people who'd been living there long had been mugged at least once, I'd ride the subway every day and there would be various types of degenerate making everyone on edge. Weird, flat accent.
your little jew sandbar is gonna be underwater in 20 years
Another thing I'll say for Buffalo, you can live pretty damn well on a low wage if you're willing to live in a bad neighborhood. Big old rundown victorian houses cut up into apartments, that sort of thing. The place I lived in was absolutely beautiful, 600$/month for three bedrooms, but in the puerto rican neighborhood.
Upstate NY is pretty damn depressing. You can smell the political oppression and disenfranchisement emanating from NYC.
its not bad here in SI... but the chinks are starting to cross the Verrazano and are moving in. :(
What does Sup Forums think of Long Island?
Lange Eylandt?
Rightful Dutch clay.
Upstate New York, Lake Placid fag here.
It's a White Paradise. Probably 95% white, though we get the occasional Indian Chiropractor or Paki pharmacist.
I live on 60 acres and have a small hobby farm, my legal practice meets my needs and allows me a good life. Pretty comfy. My wife makes goat cheese and gardens.
We have a Highland Cow, his name is Ragnar. Pic related.
Living the dream, raising a family of 4 boys with my redpilled cutie 3.0
Couldn't be better actually, the nogs don't like the cold and are scared of animals.
Living in da woods is where it's at. All my neighbors are people with survival skills and great morals. We hunt, fish and camp on the land as the God Emperor intends.
The riggies are okay but the people were so shitty. I moved out a couple years ago to Rome.
Now that's the life
How are the winters there in the farm? Lots of snow?
Just keep coming North user.
Only need to go as north as mazzaferros friendo
nothing fucking happens. its not bad though. im surrounded by wineries and farms. its next to fucking impossible to get a fucking gun though.
We had about 2-3 feet of standing snow from Jan to March-ish. We're close to a main road though, and the local DPW does a good job.
Life is quiet and peaceful, living closer to the earth tunes you into what's important.
Agriculture is the basis of moral white identity imo.
Last two winters have been mild, we have had aome rough ones too.
tons of meth labs in my are also
Would you rather live here?
I could never understand the irregularity that is Maryland.
I spend a significant amount of time in the Tug Hill region each winter (snowmobiling). I'm continually amazed at how your state handles that amount of snow with ease, yet my shitty DOT (in PA) can't effectively clear 12 inches from a major state highway.
Break off and float out to sea, more like it.
As a European who drove from Toronto to New York City. Up state New York is fucking shit, although Syracuse looked kind of nice. Only drove through there though.
It's rural Murica. These days it's all the same, cept for the snow.
Thank you for adding nothing to the conversation.
>I have no real information or frame of reference, but here's my shitty opinion
I'm an Arizona faggot. I went to Syracuse University for grad school on a whim. There are some fucking comfy small towns in central & upstate New York. I'm a desert fag so I love water & trees and shit. Women are pretty ugly though.
We have the biggest dyngus day celebration in the world. Get on our level, Poland. Also (literally) burned out factories and grain silos everywhere.
-t. Buffalo
Better not like cars too much though, that road salt up there eats cars for dinner. Nothing up there lasts long on top of that salt.
where you gonna flee to, senpai?
all the black people drive up to toronto on the weekends to go to the clubs. if they're willing to cross an international border to do this it can't be that great living there.
Wilmington fag here. Can confirm
Wash your car regularly.
It sucks. I live in Western NY, all of upstate and western NY is conservative but we're suppressed by downstates voting bloc. People keep leaving because Albany and NYC are running these areas into the ground with their policies. The weather here sucks too, whether we get no snow or a lot the sky is always grey in the fall, winter, and early spring.
I should also add that there are not many attractive women in western NY, not sure about upstate. I have been to other states and it is like another world, so many fat people in Buffalo