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is he dad

Are you his bastard child?

>another O'Reilly thread without a source
I hope you get b& OP.

What's funny is that leftists think it's all over.
All conservative ideas have been crushed.
The only people watching television are fucking retards. Who cares?


it's drudges headline. seems like the Murdoch's are sick of dealing with cunts, lying or otherwise.

just got off the phone with my father in law about it, we are going to drink later over it.


Show's over!

Word of the day is fired folks, do not be fired when writing into the factor.
Name and town if you wish to opine.

>According to sources
>Wednesday morning, according to sources
>Sources briefed on the discussions
>sources say.
>According to sources,
>According to one source,
>Spokespersons for 21st Century Fox and Fox News did not respond to requests for comment, nor did O’Reilly’s agent, Carole Cooper.
Eh, I'm going to go ahead and wait until we have something more tangible before believing it.

What's next for him?

Never liked him

>huur....by my book about kennedy pinheads

o'really sucks balls

banged up a quickie

Killing O'Reilly ?

I bet tucker will get bills time slot then Tomi will get truckers slot.

And there's no redeye now as well

Give me a quick rundown on what happened.

ORLY has always been a cunt. It's finally coming back around to him.

His "interviews" are just him shouting over people.

Tide goes in, tide goes out

>get paid millions to scream at geriatrics and push viagra pills
>get blown by an endless stream of hot blonde interns
>get pissed that Megan Kelly won't fuck you
>blow it

O'Reilly goes in, O'Reilly comes out. You can't explain that!

Pretty much, yeah.


I AM NOW UNEMPLOYED! What sayeth you? Send me your pithiest comments you pinheads!

WSJ is saying it too and they are owned by Murdoch as well.

What's even been going on with him? I've been hearing liberal grumblings about him more intense than normal, now he's fired from fox. Did he beat his wife or some shit?

10/10 posting




Please shills understand that nobody gives a fuck.

Don't delude yourselves into thinking that this is any sort of victory.


if he is then I wont be watching fox anymore
so whatever

would fox really punt the face of their organisation?

Why does O'Reilly need to go? The article linked was nothing but a stinking uninformative pile of shit.

Is he off to debate Jon Stewart again?

I see it as foreboding.

First Bill, Hannity's next, then Tuck, then change the whole network until they too become a bunch of liberals spewing the Leftist line until they go belly up.


Based grandad I never had
I'll miss that generation
>inb4 boomers so bad
kill yourself pinwheel head

He talked dirty to a woman again.

The majority of the media being libtards did not help them win the election. Some would say it drove division further.

Fox turning liberal would be a bad move strategically. But the people are caring less and less about TV so eh, whatever, feel free to fuck yourself Fox.

free the homie

Oreilly was really all fox had going for it imo. Tucker was funny at first, but he really doesnt btfo his guests like people in the trump gens say he does, like at all, sometimes he gets crushed and you guys drown it all out. And his expression has gotten really old

He's always been the Conservative Chris Mathews.
I would pay to see Mathews and O'Reilly debate, it would probably end up as a geriatric "The Quiet Man".
But it would certainly not be quiet.

The jews are marginalizing Trump. They know he is addicted to watching O'Reilly and Hannity. Any of these voices that are influential to him are being permabanned.
It happened to Ailes with the same bullshit excuse.
It happened to Bannon who is now irrelevant in the White House.
And now it is happening to O'Reilly.
They are trying to isolate Trump from ideological influence.
Fuck, their (((trickery))) is sophisticated.

Welcome to the no job zone pinhead

what habbened?