Who were behind this?
What went wrong?
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White "people" ruining another African country. Mugabe did nothing wrong
nigger spotted
Kissenger convinced South Africa to end its trade and support with Rhodesia, ultimately leading to their turn over.
>What went wrong?
USA/USSR proxy conflicts
The same thing that fucked over every country in central and southern America, but "hurr they're not white" so nobody on Sup Forums cares.
We adore Chile with Pinochet though, if you consider Sup Forums a hivemind on this subject.
Bump i love Rhodesia threads
Many reasons.
Following WWII, England and France found themselves unable to afford the high cost of maintaining and empire. Around Africa colonial powers were withdrawing and granting the populace majority rule. Meaning blacks were now in charge. In some cases this went well and were somewhat stable, but in most it went to hell. Rhodesia, not wanting to become a nightmare overnight. The Rhodesian front, led by Ian Smith, wanted a more moderate transition to majority rule that would take place over time. England did not agree, so Rhodesia said fuck it and declared indepence. As Sith put it. "I don't believe in majority rule ever in Rhodesia—not in 1,000 years, I repeat that I believe in blacks and whites working together. If one day it is white and the next day it is black, I believe we have failed and it will be a disaster for Rhodesia"
First and foremost international support was next to nothing. Rhodesia was kept afloat by South Africa and Portugal because of mutual interest of keeping stability in the region. The rest of the globe condemned them. England, run by a Labour party parliament being the strongest influence. Being on the UN security council they had a massive sway on public perception. It doesn't help that the UN is stocked with bleeding heart "global citizens" and has been since it's inception.
Once Portugal withdrew that opened the floodgates for more insurgents to come over the border through Mozambique. To counter this, the Selous Scouts conduced OP Eland in 1976 where they killed thousands of guerrillas in a "peaceful village." The guerrillas originally claimed that it was the South Africans who did the "massacare" as reported by the UN which forced the had of South Africa to end support. They had their own problems to deal with. Two years later Smith compromised and the country became Zimbabwe Rhodesia.
Also alot of Sup Forums is supportive of Assad and the Syrian government, to end proxy war fuckery there.
And they're not western European white.
Indeed yes, didn't also Israel support Rhodeisa? or was that next to nothing?
Second. The Communists. China and the Soviet Union played a large part in propping up the two dominant insurgent groups, ZANU-PA led by Mugabe and ZAPU led by Joshua Nkomo. In almost every single engagement the insurgents were beaten. But with the massive amount of equipment thrown at them by the communists they were able to prop themselves back up even after total crushing defeats after OP Dingo and OP Eland. Insurgent commanders even admitted in an interview that they were knocked flat.
Both insurgent groups were in favor of land reform with sounded great to many tribesmen living in Rhodesia. Despite this the insurgents were brutal in their coercion of the populace, a practice called "stoning the dog," was often done to shock villages. "Stoning the dog" involved picking a woman from the village, claiming she was a witch against them, then forcing the rest of her community to stone her to death. From there they would force the village to feed and shelter them. There are two reasons why. First, insurgents rely on the support of the local populace. Second PR, which I will get to later.
Yes. I haven't looked into it much but the two primary support nations were Portugal and South Africa. I'll have to do some more homework.
Burgers and pussy cabinet ministers in Whitehall fucked it over
Clicked post too early.
In comparison Rhodesia was fighting a war with no money and whatever donations they could get. Once support was withdrawn it was only a matter of time before fuel and ammo would run out. Which is why Smith dissolved the Country in 1978 in an effort to lift international sanctions.
What happened to that /k/ larp about retaking Rhodesia? Did they pussy out?
You didn't actually think this was real did you?
Third, and probably the most overlooked aspect, is the PR war. A staple of insurgencies is to make yourself look like the good guy overthrowing an oppressive ruler. For ZANU-PA and ZAPU this was easy, Rhodesia was viewed internationally as a bunch of backwards racists that are getting in the way of progress and freedom in Africa. To westerners unfamiliar with Africa, it was a nice way to virtue signal that they actually give a shit despite not knowing or having to live with the consequences.
Rhodesia was fighting an uphill battle when it came to PR. Despite the well documented fact the insurgents were murdering whites, blacks, missionaries, and coercing a populace to support them, Rhodesia still had the stigma attached to them. It was easy for the rest of the planet to sidestep the atrocities committed by the insurgents because of a narrative pushed by the insurgents and sympathetic voices of racism and oppression. The UN was by far the biggest factor in that perception.
I mentioned OP Eland earlier and how the UN went with the insurgent narrative of "wholesale civilian slaughter." that is just one of many examples. For every sucessful Rhodesian OP there was a whole slew of lies published by the insurgents and pushed by the communists to keep the positive PR on their side. It was easy for the UN to dismiss the reports as lies published by the Rhodesian Government to cover up what they are doing and stay in power. Little did they know that in a few decades they would be putting sanction on Mugabe because he slaughtered 30,000 blacks from another tribe that opposed him politically.
Do you have the greentext?
Are you next going to tell me that we're not really taking over Tuvalu?
That's why I called it larp
best Rhodie song.
>What went wrong
Britain went soft, and had Labour governments.
The Queen was pissed off that yet another colony wanted independence. So out of spite she and her younger son(USA) decided they'd place sanctions and embargoes on Rhodesia followed by the CIA's favourite pastime of arming and funding murderous terrorists who intimidated minor tribes into voting for them. The Blacks and whites in Rhodesia didn't really have any problems with each other.
Another example of how white people can be slimey pieces of shit no better than a Jew if they don't get there way. My father was Rhodesian Light Mobile Infantry. AMA
Finally, the sheer persuasiveness of Mugabe and Nkomo. Following the dissolve of Rhodesia in 1978 the country formally held elections and Abel Muzorwa of the more moderate UANC became the first black prime minister of the newly formed Zimbabwe-Rhodesia. A majority of the parliament was black and the courts, police, and military would be slowly transitioned over from white to black control.
Mugabe and Nkomo called Zimbabwe-Rhodesia a "white puppet state" and continued the fight. At this time the Rhodesian military had no fuel or ammo left because of almost two decades of sanctions and Muzorwa was forced into negations. Mugabe and Nkomo pleased to the UN that the elections weren't fair because they were weren't included despite the fact they were invited to join. The British government intervened and negations with all parties ended with the Lancaster House Agreement.
Zimbabwe-Rhodesia would dissolve itself, become a temporary colony, and hold another set of elections in 1979 with ZANU and ZAPU on the ballot. In return the insurgents agreed to assemble at pre determined points under the eye of the British military. That didn't happen, and on election day ZANU insurgents wen't out and coerced the population into voting Robert Mugabe, who became prime minister in 1980. Smith initially agreed to work with Mugabe, but that relationship fell apart and Mugabe consolidated power in the early 80s.
And now we are left with a failed state and Ian Smith laughing his ass off at the UN and the Labour party from beyond the grave.
>tl;dr, no support, communist influence, bad pr, the faggots at the un, and backhanded political plays by the insurgents led to the fall of the jewel of africa.
Israel had deals with SA primarily and traded with them throughout the embargoes but they would sell to anyone they can make a buck from. They used SA's scientist and resources to develop a couple of nukes. SA was compromised when one of the leaders of the AB was assassinated. After that they were slowly being sold out from within by (((them))) and the communist.
>live far away from people
>have no port
>be surprised when you're surrounded by niggers
It was only a matter of time.
The United States and United Kingdom trying to push their (((progressivism))) on Rhodesia was the main problem. People here will say communism, look at SA, they fell to the same issue.
Wasn't it the Russians that were supporting MK/ANC in South Africa? Why do this? What do they have to gain?
The Carnation Revolution, suddenly all of Mozambique was safe haven for guerrillas. Also, something about 5% of the population controlling everything to the exclusion of the other 95% being unsustainable.
Yes through their agents like Joe (((Slovo))). SA had to be taken down in order for globalism to be pushed. You cant push one world govt if you have 1st world white/euro nations that have achieved near autarky status.
Another big issue for Rhodesia was when they decided to tack on a absolute shit parts of Zambia to them like Nyasaland and "Northern Rhodesia".
Also very nice yes.
Yeah I can believe and have seen/read about (((their))) influence during the aparthied. But I want to understand why Russia would help the rebels out in SA and Rhodesia?
It would bring them into the second world which would allow them to cheaper resources and another ally if the cold war ever went hot. Not to that it was also free pickings due to those states not backing down against the Western nations.
Has toppling a foreign regime ever been profitable for the country being toppled?
Wouldn't have been more beneficial for Russia to support the SA/Rhodesian government
never 4get...
The whole Israel thing is a decoy. Everyone knows Jewish involvement in destabilising white Africa. What practical help could a country the size of new jersey, that was fighting hard to not get their shit kicked in themselves by Ahmed, offer?
Source on that insurgent interview?