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Drudge report is similar to Sup Forums, in that bot websites dont look like they have been updated in terms of looks since 1998.
Never saw the attraction myself.
Wow user, I would've never noticed that had it not been for your comment. Have an upboat
the O'Reilly Factor was literally the only place left in the mainstream media (besides reddit) where there wasn't any bias and you could speak your mind without being censored.
So whats the reason? Or is it just rumors flying around?
Go eat out Leslie Jones, faggot
He suffers from successful dirty old man syndrome (allegedly)
>Besides Riddit
You have to go back
Anybody else read 'allegedly' in Bill's voice?
Yeah. I'd say it's actually the least bad if he actually didn't. If he was innocent...
Well... I guess Hannity's next. Blood in the water...
Fox News was losing many many sponsors after all the sexual harassment allegations came out.
Fox News is, first and foremost, a business. They can't lose 110+ sponsors over a 6 week period and do nothing.
he invited everyone but if you said something he disagreed with he would interupt you so often that you couldnt even form a single sentence.
F to spit on grave. Fuck Bill O'Reilly and his boomer-tier neoconservatism.
well im done watching fox then.
they are corrupted globalists same as the left.
Ohhhh noes. Who will put text on screen and them read it verbatim out loud like we are all idiots and can't read.
So fucking annoying. Give me tucker anyway of the week, plus Tucker is so dreamy. I'd like to just sit there and run my fingers through his thick brown hair, ohmygod, he's so cute.
Doesn't matter if they loose more Viagra and buy more gold sponsors. Their base has been dying off for years now. Any chance they had with a younger generation, died with their war against Trump.
Literally who?
Fox News paid over 13 million dollars in settlements alone to Bills victims (there are multiple victims) concerning Bill's sexual harassment.
Fox News admitted Bill would call female interns while masturbating, but admitted no wrong doing on their part (as a corporation), claiming they took all steps necessary as deemed by law in responding to each allegation.
Bill was going to canned eventually.
Go back to plebbit
Kek moves swiftly.
Praise be to him. Kek wills it
Press F to "Fuck it! We'll do it live!. Fucking thing sucks."
Im sure she is happy. She was one of the accusers of sexual harrassment I think?
>itt reddit: the thread
So simply being accused of something is enough to lose your job? Really salted my almonds.
>hire cute blonde interns who harbor leftist opinions
>'oh no i wuz harassed'
this is why you do not under any circumstances hire women in your company. To satisfy whatever hiring quota for females is required of you, hire old, fat, women in non-critical administrative jobs that have little to no interaction with the business/production side of things.
Sure. Women always tell the truth. Even when they are found to have lied, you still lose your job from the accusations.
It sounds like a fantastic idea, but you will get fucked in the end.
So this guy that got fired sexually harrased a cute blonde. No great loss then.
>listen to bill
>he goes on about we need to bomb the fuck out of syria and send in troops immediately
>even mentions we need to move in and bolster israel in the same breath
bill also was furious at what people were saying about mccain, and that right there is a red fucking flag.
this. he was with the megyn kelly cliche and now fox is clean of that faggotry. Tucker is going to take over the time slot as he's extremely popular
kek'd, checked, and yes
So what is to stop people from doing this? So no protection for the accused? Seems fair.
He kissed Obama's ass and isn't really that nationalist.
So... time for someone who speaks to the new conservative generation.
Isn't using your corporate power as leverage to silence your political opponents what actual fascism looks like?
No he suffers from trusting rich old guy syndrome
He gave women opportunities and actually spoke with them and flirted back with the ones that flirted with him thinking they were humans and not leftist whores.
many such cases,SAD!
Checked. Praise praising Kek.
Chill user, I said allegedly
You're an idiot. Tucker Carlson fixed that problem and brought the young back in.
What did he actually do?
>satanic trips
This thread is attracting some numbers. Maybe it is Tucker's time to shine.
well obviously he gets fired so he can get his huge severance package
you are fucking retarded. fox news viewers are way fcking up and viewership from all age ranges are incredible. most watch fox now exclusively and Tucker is when viewer count is the highest
No one knows. All speculation with no evidence.
Remember Trump's 14 rape victims? Where are they now?
If you bring a 20 something or 30 something female into your production work space, pic related happens every time. Don't do it. Not only will work slow, the work you get will be substandard.
Hire old fat hags into accounting and never look back.
Tucker Carlson is just another FoxNews puppet he will either burn out or suffer a similar fate getting cucked by the man. All mainstream media including FoxNews is worthless.
Tucker could get his spot.
They don't know what they have in store with Tucker. Tucker is going to find himself in a situation similar to Bill's, but Tucker won't hesitate to publicize the whole thing to put a show on for his fans, tearing fox down as they try to do to him.
>liberal degenrates are ruining our society!
>nearly every every conservative is either a closet homosexual,pedophile, or sexual predator
>muh family values
Don't invest time in meaningless threads. First you act like a 12 year old msn kiddy and second you waste endless time and ressources.
O Riley was annoying anyway.
I never liked O Riley, he always interrupts people and is such a prick. Sure he has some good segments but he is so annoying. They need to move Tucker to O Riley´s spot and get someone more charismatic like Tucker as well.
Jesus Christ I heard CNN discussing this story and what a bunch of pricks. They said that they need to replace o Riley with a chick since all the have is white males for their news casters at night and emphasized white males. Bunch of faggots.
I like Tucker because he is quintessentially southern.
>south rises
So it begins.
Should give his spot to one of these two.
>hire old fat hags
You can hire 20 or 30 something women and get shit done. Unproductively as may be, but done.
Hire old fat hags and you get nothing done plus disrupt the whole building with their inherent annoying shit they bring inbedded with their dusty vags.
Plus he doesn't interrupt his guests as bad as O Riley did. I dunno why old people loved O Riley so much, Tucker is sooooo much better.
Plus Tucker does not come off as much of a asshole compared to O Riley
Old people are assholes because of seniority. O'Reilly's base will probably follow him even after he leaves Fox, though it would be stupid for Fox to fire him.
Yeah, I don't get it. This wasn't his 1st scandal with sexual harrasment and it went public again. Who under 40 watched fox still?
might hurt fox in the short term but o'reily has been on the air long enough, and he's got plenty of money let him go. also seems like a good time to get rid of watters
Tucker is /ourguy/ kys fucking faggot
Ann Coulter should get the timeslot. She's basically one of us, but she has millions of dollars at stake so she can't reveal her power level
Ann Coulter concern shills too much.
...uck him!
>Globalist stooge.
you have to keep the separation. Every business has an administrative side and a production side. Hire only men in the production side. Keep the old fat hags in the administrative side. Sure they have drama... but the 20/30 something women have drama + they distract every man from their work.
Coulter triggers the left so much, she'd never be able to hold down a regular new/commentary time slot.
You are literally braindead.
He describes himself as a moderate
O'Reilly was a fuckboi anyway.
>I'm not a fucking bot
>why do they always call me that
fucking amazing
I think waters will get a spot, another guy replied in another thread saying waters is really unfunny and stupid, which i sort of agree with. I feel like hes been getting groomed to get his own show on fox for a while. Im sure O'Reilly saw it coming a long time ago.
Are the harassment claims true?
>not allowed to fondle and harass your secretaries anymore
should've never let them even work unless they were relegated to secretary and nurse, let alone have the vote and equal clout in the workforce
every time a woman at my work talks to me in any tone that's not cordial I just wish I could backhand the shit out of them
Western men have become so weak why did we ever allow this failed gender experiment
Hate this fucking guy
I've had 3 women fired for sexually harassing me at work. The rest of the women now treat work like a workplace, and shit now gets done.
Say it with me:
How'd the moon get there??? who put it there??
tide goes in, tide goes out!
Fox News is done. They'll never fill the void left by O'Reilly.
lmao, fucking psycho
fucking /thread
He sucks. Hopefully Tuck the Chuck Slayer moves into his spot.
Three 3s of truth
Thank god this smug shit-for-brains will finally die in obscurity. We may share some political overlap, but as a human being he's worthless, a loudmouthed ignoramus and an all-around fucking gunch. Long overdue and good riddance
Good. Now hell have more time to write amazing history books. Certainly the real highlight of his career.