If everyone showed this kind of love and respect all over the world, imagine how wonderful the world would be
TG is the way the country should be
why do these people insist on infiltrating into a white country though? really makes you think.
>and the award for best goy of the year goes to...
>would smash that elven hascidimeña tbqh famalama-desu fampai
A jew, a tranny and a bomb maker walk onto a train...
guess what those Jews and those muslims are thinking right now you stupid cuck
nobody gets off alive
That is a tranny, right?
that's a man baby
is that her real hair, or did some poor indian girl shave her head to feed her family so that some jewess could wear a hair hat to look like a goyess in public whilst still technically obeying the law?
>Look at me I am so great
>I am a better person than you
Some guy casually moved over so someone could sit down that's not even a kumbaya moment.
Why do they get off on this kind of stuff? Why are they so diametrically opposed to homogeneity? Are they ashamed when they interact with whites? Do they really think that Jew, that tranny and that explosionkin give half a shit about the native population?
So many questions, I have no idea what it's like to be mentally ill.
bomb energy disperses at a rate or 1/r^2, so the farther you sit from a muslim the less the explosion will impact you.
The train awakens its nen ability and turns them into cat girls.
there is no white country. there is no christian nation. A majority of people inhabiting north American are white because immigrants came mainly from europe. That doesn't make it an official white country.
Stop being an insecure loser and grow up.
Just a complete lack of awareness that the entire world is coming for the wealth of the white western world, and if we don't assert dominance NOW we will lose it from enemies foreign and domestic.
They think history is over and the world order is set when in reality the second and third world smell blood.
>A majority of people inhabiting the country they established in North America are white because immigrants came mainly from europe
>That doesn't make it an official white country
good. goy.
why do leafs do this to themselves
Hitler gave them their own trains.
... after which they all go home, the Juslim complains about Jews, the Jew complains about the inferior gentiles, and they both complain about the degenerate tranny they want to stone. #LetPeopleBePeople
the sight of a muslim makes me physically ill. A veiled muslim woman looks like some kind of insect.
It would be even better if someone gassed that whole car
Sure would be great until you have a disagreement with their religious views, especially when it comes to making laws. I wonder what happens then?
If they were so concerned with whites only why didn't they include provisions in the constitution to say only whites could immigrate? Face it, your argument is weak.
Sorry if you can't handle the truth.
it's bullshit. founding fathers intended for this to be a white european nation.
No they didn't. They never wrote anything saying that, and anyone telling you that they did is bulshitting you to support THEIR racist agenda. Go ahead and get defensive though, calling me a leaf and saying how because I'm Canadian I couldn't possibly have an interest and study the founding of America, US Constitution, Revolution etc etc.
>no they didnt
okay bud
While this is obviously a tranny, I feel bad for the small portion of actual women who are just ugly.
Only white landowning heads of household over 21 could vote originally. Good try.
the baby is actually a bomb
Of course he is more than pleased to not mention Christians.
>moving to convenience strangers
what a beta move
Anyone not a slave, got it. Remember there were a lot of white slaves as well. A lot of founders wanted to eliminate slavery in the Constiution but there were key players in the southern states that would not agree to that, so it was left out.
There were founders that looked at common people as dirt, and probably black slaves evn more so, but you're implying literally every founder was thinking "yeah set this white nation up", that is not the truth.
But the Jew has every ones money in his pocket.
how long do you think your apartheid state will last after america becomes nigger run?
Not long....
So we're pushing for 90% Jew run instead!
>how Easter sunday should be!
except there are no christians you fucking degenerates
>A Taoist
>when you realize that's not a joke
Isnt taoism chinese voodoo?
>a taoist(me)
come ON
He nullified his "deed" by posting it on normiebook
you think the non-religious/atheist jews have your best interests in mind?
Israel will be gone within 20 years Shlomo the pendulum swings both ways
*in all seriousness*
If it lives outside of Israel, Never celebrates the holidays of Israel, and actively works against the safety of Israel.
How Jewish is it really?
>A Taoist (me)
day of the nirvana when?
>And then I took a picture of it and shared it on social media.
>This is my America: virtue signalling to others about how great a person I am.
Haha I genuinely thought that was a progressive tranny.
that's not what religion is. that isn't piety or devoutly humbled worship of God. The people who you are aparently defending hate you, even though they are ethnically semitic. The atheist is your enemy, yet you promote and defend them because they are trashing the Christian countries first. These same leftists hate religious jews and will always virtue signal in support of 'muh palestine'. You do realize that the 'safety of israel' has nothing to do with these people and has everything to do with the Protestants in america right? the same people you attack.
>giving your seat so some people can sit together
First of all you Goy- this idea that Jews are somehow responsible for poisoning your #pure#otherwiseincurraptable#innocent culture. Is false
If some Guy decides he is Jewish because his dead grandma was and shills a bunch of Goyim, to work against Israel, that doesn't make Israel or Judaism somehow at fault, it makes you somewhat stupid.
Crashing this train. WITH NO SURVIVORS.
Kek, people who share shit like this are so fucking weird and I don't even disagree with the message of unity but what kind of faggot trips out this much over letting people sit down. Must be a north eastern cuck who's never experienced manners before.
if the dumb girl moves her bag then they can all sit down
>taking the yinyang pill
way to wu wei, faget
(obviously this is directed at the author of the pic, not OP)
Real Taoist don't post on Twitter or support big government.
>assuming American kikes and Israelis are the same
Never understood why Sup Forums thinks this. A lot of American kikes cheer on the death of Israel at the hands of Muslim savaged.
I thought the same thing. Sure as hell looks like one.
it's rare to see such a limp wristed israeli. I can only imagine how ashamed your parents are of you.
Your liberals are the gre-......
Liberals (in general) are the greatest poison known
Seems like this taoist is weiing pretty hard by posting this and LARPing as some enlightened cuck.
>I don't even disagree with the message of unity
you should
these people are all parasites feasting on the corpse of our civilisation
Your future jew.
On an American clock it is now 14:02 on a Wednesday.....
You are on Sup Forums.
Even a Camel can see his humps
Liberals, at this point that are so toxic that they will betray their country, their race, their species, their morals, and eachother for no clear purpose other than being a degenerate.
Its like they're souless, but not empty, just possessed by something evil.
He's a JIDF kike
There is no way that's a woman
Some women have Deeks, get over it
you promote the destruction of white Christian countries and then kvetch about how liberals... something is off with you. why are irsraelis always so conflicted?
We aren't all like that guy. Also, I doubt that guy's a real leaf, he's probably an immigrant.
Why's this a news ? random strangers giving up their seat as an act of kindness happens a million times a day in public transports !
thats what happens when you crucify the truth
This. White people moving to nonwhite countries, imposing their cultures and customs? Evil colonialism. Nonwhites doing the exact same thing except in white countries? Yay multiculturalism.
It's getting pretty fucking tiresome.
>Left out right after that some smelly homeless nigger came walking through the car harassing people for money.
Serves you right for riding the shittiest subway in NYC
Because virtue signaling
They probably all smelled like shit
This. Even if they don't literally kill us, they're going to suck us dry and make us all poor.
Until you draw a picture of the prophet Mohammad.
>If they were so concerned with whites only why didn't they include provisions in the constitution to say only whites could immigrate?
They said only white land-owning men of good character can vote.
>imagine how wonderful the world would be
>look at me, im the good person here. look, i did a thing, keep looking at me so you can see what i did
So would you rather be broiled or grilled?
a place with no identity easily conquerable by any outside force since there is no identity of unity
Thats a man baby!
Liberals that make shit like this dont realize that despite our problems this is the only place in the world that this would happen.
HunterxHunter sucks fat horse cocks.
JK, I like that show.