Why are slavs often regarded as non-white?
Slav or white
2 of those types are nords, also (i believe) it's because you are mongoloid/white mongrels
Tatars, Yakut and Kazakhs are mongoloid you twat.
Slavs are still 50%+ majority in Russian populace.
Well, I'm asking why we're not regarded as white... Southern and parts of western Europe are darker on average than most European Slavs (not counting the ones in East Russia).
Not cultured enough.
i'm talking about slavs, you have mongoloid admixture
>Why are slavs often regarded as non-white?
Because we have kikes and shitskins hard at work, all the time.
southern europeans are often regarded as non-white too because we have arabic admixture
Pay attention newfriends, and don't fall victim to enemy memes.
Ever met a slav? They're fucking awful people and have literally no manners.
You're white. Slavs are white. The promotion of Slavs being non white come from either those who don't like Slavs or other groups who seek to divide and conquer
Okay, so who's really white nowadays?
Yes, I have, I'd say most are okay people, the ones I have problems with are 2nd gen migrants from South Balkan and Albania
The only mongrel here is you, darkie
Slavs are not a race, dumbass. It's the same shit with muslims. there are white muslims as there are white slavs, even germanic ones, and anyone who doesn't get that is an autist.
I wonder really.
I consider Slavs as white. I married one so I guess I have to.
Slavs are white. Don't listen to the shills.
Dude, none of those are even Slavs. What you've got there is "Eastern Nordid, Baltid, Eastern Baltid, Northern Pontid". Guess that last one might but it's still too vague.
And as already stated, it's either as a way to an "exclusive club" or because many of them got roach'd hundreds of years. Both are pretty shit arguments as far as I'm concerned.
No one, apparently.
Slavs aren't white is just a meme, Ivan. We know most of you are white.
Hmm, I wonder (((who))) could that be....
Who cares?
Whites are future losers.
Of course we are white.
>inb4 no culture/no achievements
Bullshit. If these are the factors that make us not white, then Germans aren't white as well.
Damn Germanistan, you're in deep shit...
It's a leftist subversion tactic.
Divide and conquer, etc etc...
eastern Slavs can be quite mongolid often times, it's just a dumb generalization, western Slavs are definitely white
They are white, but they are reduced cromagnoids and NOT aurignacoid (which is always unreduced)
Extreme brachycephalic, extreme infantile are the two most important points when talking about slavs
morphs are shit 100% because they are always massively cherry picked 1. and 2. you don't get any infromation about the skull only from the front
and 3. they average out faces which can make people look much better thna they actually do
pic related is f.e. a typically gorid person
here is an extreme example of a aurignacoid vs a reduced cromagnoid
I never said *I* didn't consider meds and slavs white, i just said we're often regarded as non-white and said why that is
lol eat a dick konstantin
pic related is f..e a very progressive-mature auringacoid , that he's old only adds to that but this is something you almost never find in "slavic = eastern euro/baltic" countries
This is a comparison between a fit chick and a whale
You had a nation where whites have subjugated other ethniceties, and made them servile, kept them in check.
Thanks for overthrowing the monarch you wester cucks! Now enjoy fapping to your women getting rammed by nigger cock.
no, even if the woman on the right lost all her fat she would still have the facial proportions of an infant
it's not really possible for reduced cromagnoid women to lose all their facial fat anyway
look at f.e. pic related
Horse faced women look horrible
to underline the main difference between "aurignacoid" (which includes nordid, mediterranid , north-indid, north-iranid, atlantid) a very good comparison of body types between a indobrachid (which is the indian version of a reduced cromagnoid farmer type) vs north-indide (which is the nordid of the South Asian continent)
guy on the left is a energy saver (body type, saving skull material by shorterning it (brachykephalization), round forehead, snubby nose , short extremeties) while the guy on the right is a greedy type
you see thisi s what many women learn , is tilting their head or taking weird pictures to counter their facial expressionw hich is often times extremely infantilized
more like :p
f.e. this woman has a very childish face (you couldn't say she's almost 30 or 13)
in this picture from the front
because slavs have to low IQs to be considered white, also different hablogroup
left is a hottie
and this one where she slightly tilts the head as to make it appear to as if she had more dominant traits like f.e. a positive chin, slightly convex nose, leptorrhinity
Reverse Oreo.
Looks good to me.
compare these women f.e. to this one, that won a price for being "a very good example" of the "nordid" race
she is, except for her eye region maybe , completely unreduced
well that's the problem, infantilized women ALSO look good ,
they just look CUTER, YOUNGER, LESS THREATENING (compre to the side view of this nordid f.e.)
the problem is that 1. breeding with them means you will lose any progressive racial traits you may have inherited 2. reduced cromagnoid males look like fucking babyfaces
what country is she From?
read the filename faggot
fucking slavs
Baltid women are god-tier, nordids are horsefaced.
You also don't find that in Switzerland, you mountain gnomes.
Because Jews don't want whites to unite against them.
Kek, phone posting
and well, to be fair to the southern slavs, they differ massively from the reduced eastern euros,
since they are mainly dinarid , which is very progressive in some ways (very leptomorphic, extremely mature-progressive) , but overly specialzied (for high altitudes, FLAT OCCIPITAL)
pic related is what you could call a "southern slav" and that's much better than reduced cromagnoid in many ways
Whiteness is historical and contextual. One can look white but they aren't White.
Whites are Anglo-Saxon, Spanish, and Francs.
Slavs barely had any colonies in the Americas and Asia.
A true White is one from a country whose language is spoken in majority in another nation. You hear Africa, Asian, and American nations speaking English, French, and Spanish but not Russian or Croatian.
Thats how you know who's a White.
Portugal barely counts
ay lmao fokeng slavs mang
t b h its all becuse of 2 worlds wars and commie genocide, best male genes were wasted
rate my theory
fuck off you dumb cucked Heinz
burger education , 150 k in debt and still dumb as shit
typical retarded slav being a nuisance wherever they are
I feel like I look like top far right but with brown eyes. Am I slav?
>let me tell you who is white
I don't want to be associated with the same race as americans
>typical retarded slav being a nuisance wherever they are
what do you mean, dont get it. also rate theory mr. anthropologist
The two guys in the middle are cute.
what a nice pussy to bad she is showing it off like a whore
the morph is cherry picked, slav is a metaethnicity and not a race, slavs live in many countries with different races
but the main racial component that predominates all slavic countries (except the ones that are located near the dinaric alps) is reduced cromagnoid / gorid
here another side view of the typical slavic girl
>checks flag
>checks history book
You probably don't want to be associated with cockroaches. But Oops!!!! TOO LATE!!!
These are like the rivals to the bogdanoffs, they look like a crime family with psychic powers
because they behave like niggers
What about this family.
This is just retarted
sp*c telling me about my history, good laugh
That girl looks extremely ugly.
If we're both shitskins, why are you defending these cumskins and pretending to be one?
It's not okay to RP, even if you're a Turkish rape-baby.
German,Slav and Turk have the same roots.. read more about the runes you idiots!
only problem i have whit slav is they use the name that was given to them by the Romans.. slav(slave)
Imagine being born the only shitskin out of a dozen albino siblings. Would you be relieved to bitter?
the eternal cucked german kraut strikes again
hope the jews finish you off this time for good
albinos always look retarded and extremely uncanny , even the "white" ones
Dravidian albino.. in the ancient times they all fled north. probably from the hot sun and maybe the same witchcraft we se in Africa..
>here another side view of the typical slavic girl
Looks like you picked a wrong image
They need their genes corrected. They need melanin bred into them. To save them from the heat of the sun. The same way your ancestors gave you your freckles and birthmarks.
>Why are slavs often regarded as non-white?
Slavs are just depigmented poo in loos. Prove me wrong, you can't.
>clear Asian features
Gee I wonder why
im not pretending to be wh*te either , just laughing at americans who act like their flag holds any weight in these conversations.you don't see me posting about whos white
russia is 100% mongrel
The third ones look like Finns or something.
>implying any for of colonization will ever be as badass as the Russian empire
>Implying the Russians aren't the kebab removers by excelence
Yeah, theyre Baltic
Dude, hold my phenotype a sec. Here is a Nordid Male.
>German,Slav and Turk have the same roots..
Dumb and wrong. Turks have this degenerate J haplogroup, Slavs and Germans don't.
The dumbest shit i've EVER heard, even for an American.
Slavs are the true founders of Europe
>R1a haplogroup is top tier
>I am Russian
>light hair
>blue eyes
>well built
>good looking
Russian stats on paper don't look as good as other easten euro countries because Russia is just so huge and has so many fucking ethnicities. But if you took samples just from European Russia it would give far different results.
I was at Orthodox mass this easter in Madrid and it was the largest conglomerate of blue eyed tall people I have ever seen in Spain.
>american flag
>calling russians mongrels
>tfw 100% russian and people frequently say i look like hitler's wet dream.
American mongrels are always funny when they are triggered
There is at the very least trace amounts of mongol blood in Slavic people
The Mongolians conquered much of Eastern Europe and they were some of the rapeyist rapists, Genghis Khan himself has like 10k people today that are direct descendants
>A true White is one from a country whose language is spoken in majority in another nation. You hear Africa, Asian, and American nations speaking English, French, and Spanish but not Russian or Croatian.
So by that logic you, Canada and Australia aren't white because you're simply colonies, speaking language of it's masters.
Ok, chuvak.
davai ne budem chernazhopit i govorit takuyu huynu.
izthochnik nashey sili eto pofigism.
looks like a good time
Because Slavic Europe is the most Whitest part of the world and you can't change that?
Also that's paintings not pictures of real people lel
Only balkan slavs are non-white. And not all of them, but it's easy to spot the arabic influenced ones. I'm half polish heritage and I look like a Dutch or Swedish guy. There ain't jack shit non-white about me
Obviously Turkic mongrels like yourself are just as funny when triggered.
The more south you go the more mixed people are
I saw a lot of drunk Anglos in Cracov. Shold I say now that everyone of your kind loves to piss himself and swim in fountain? Well... I won't. I still have some respect towards Brits. You proably met some white niggers.