America BTFO by BASED redditors

America BTFO by BASED redditors

fuck neocons and fuck Sup Forums shills

I hate niggers, fags and jews

>leaf trying to fit in

Good for leddit, only a matter of time before they become more based on Sup Forums desu desu

but America is the only place where tipping is a thing?

and mudslimes, and trannies, and freaks

>loan from colonies
>loan from themselves
>germany ball complaining about anything

>no shades
absolutely unamerican

Tsundere americaball is too cute

because the manager takes all the money

>complaining about tipping when america is one of the only countries in the world that actually tips workers

>America is an entitled nigger
Oh wow, so it took a Reddit comic to finally reveal this huh

why not? complaining is a essential part of our culture

This is fucking retarded.

but Americans are the supreme tippers


they did make japan democratic tho





Since we're all making fun of neo-cons/boom-cucks..









> waiters
> workers




>tfw asuka will never be real or irl waifu

Why is it that everyone that shits on America does it for the wrong reasons? This is fucking retarded because all the newfags love america because the left doesn't like it.

Why even live?

b-but Trump is gonna change all that


US cities are hell holes

>they somehow drew us ball wrong, but I like this trend of makeing it a fuck up when its a female
>for some reason they imply Murica doesn't tip.
> they fail to explain that Mexico constantly invades and steals from u.s. ball so that's why she's putting up a wall

Go live in iraq if america is so bad
Fuckin pussy

yeah after the bombs you fucking hue-monkey

Well personally i would've but we bombed it so i can't anymore you retard.

I hate leafs,leafs,leafs and leafs

No he is right, we built them and then just let nigs and Mexicans just take them over

you really can, though. you can also go anywhere in africa or the middle east, just go, and stay go.

>calls Putin
>pls russia lemme bomb assad
>pls pls pls ppl need to know that im stronk
>k, just this time, but don't hit anything of value

I hate niggers, streetshitters, chinks, mudslimes and kikes, I know you're in atleast one of the "peoples" i hate.

i can guarantee all of these statistics on the UK side are from 2010, well before they were conquered.

>This level of assmad
>Can never admit defeat in anything

The eternal burger strikes again.

I thought the polandball meme was dead already.
Why does it come back now in much shittier form? Can't we just let old memes die in peace?

No you cvan't, the problem is we export are cancerous ideals, culture, and policies almost everywhere. 100 years ago i could've moved to europe to get away, now i have to move to some shithole to get away. The middle east was alright but we fucked it, just like how were trying to fuck the norks.

reddit is like the middle east of the internet
what i mean by that is the middle east gets american movies about 10 years late and start bootlegging the shit out of them

see if you can defect to north korea while the gettings hot. i mean it would be a stupid PR move NOT to take you, given how many of their people try to run away from it and nobody ever ran to it before.

>Y.. you crossed the line trump
> time your in for it
>Please no more sanctions


Face the facts bud, America is and always has been the bad guys.

How's it going in korea? Still pussying out?

yeah, it was pretty shitty of us to enforce our ideals on those poor pirates of barbary who were only trying to share their beautiful culture by enslaving merchants. just fuck off already.

Also Philadelphia is whitest in the top 5

>he still thinks there are "goodguys" and, "badguys"

what the fuck lol

No, but it was shitty of us to do it to almost every European country resulting in the shit conditions of this day. I don't mean nigger pirates, i mean us pushing our ideals that dont work on euro countries.

I live in Philadelphia you fucking pussy

Kill yourself leftcuck.

don't know. norks are a non issue to me,

>BASED redditors
These words are utterly inexcuseable, no matter what the context is. Kill yourself, OP.

>tfw we could ve allied with paraguay, which was OP as fuck, instead of jewrope and become best america.


>appropriating our memes

I remember when country balls were racist as fuck. NORMIES GET OUT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

reddit btfo

its polandball you cunt

this, fuck eurocucks

Not bad guys, but good goys.

It's also pretty shitty to send your young white men off to die in some desert shithole while you simultaneously arm the people they're fighting against because your master Israel to you to.

>60 "white"
>Headquarters of the jews
>Origin of nigger culture, civil rights, faggotry, social justice, etc.
>Enforcer for Israel, HQ for the jews
>Use military to bomb any country that doesn't go along with jew run globalisn

And you still have the nerve to insult other countries and cry USA #1. You are the villain destroying the world. The eternal burger truly is delusional.

Get away from my Asuka you filthy Slav.

Never say never

She's gonna be real but she's going to be my wife, sorry

We Americans are notoriously generous tippers in foreign countries.

thanks for your retarded opinion, leaf, i never said i agreed with the kike wars. you're the most cucked country in the west and you have the nerve to say everything is americas fault.


>Origin of faggotry and social justice

Frankfurt School originated in Europe, they also legalized gay marriage and had transgender acceptance way before us. Our liberals idolize secular based Europe and hate the fact that the majority of Americans are Christians.


Canada literally didn't do anything though. There was some Canadian militia, sure, but they refused to invade the US the same way the US militia refused to invade Canada.
Redcoats did all the heavy lifting in 1812.

>and it was a stupid fucking war anyways and nothing actually changed as a result of it

It wasn't a mistake.
We tip all sorts of different professions.


>sending carriers to the port of Australia is pussying out

off yourself, leftist scum

It's different here because of how much space we have. In Europe you have sections of the cities that you crowd your undesirables into, but in America the cities themselves are the holding pens. It's just like the old Banlieue system in Paris on a much larger scale, because all the white people move out to the suburbs once they have kids and so the only ones left in the cities are the ones who cannot afford to leave them.

It's actually a pretty good system when you think about it.

>Frankfurt School

>tfw if we removed LA, SF, NYC and other select cities our minority problems would disappear overnight

Or we reclaim our cities and make them great again

Don't forget Austin.

wow, what a savage and trenchant critique of current american foreign and domestic policy

SLAM DUNK, amirite??

it's crazy, literally 90% of our problems as a nation stem from the cities

Well, not entirely true. Meth is a problem outside the cities more than in it. And uh. Okay 90%. Yes.

>american foreign policy always sucked
>after more than a century, we're starting to run out of material in describing how much it sucks

Polandball has been dead for more than half a decade now.

Can you elaborate on these ideals that dont work you fucking fuck?
