Why haven't you taken the Zoroastrian pill yet Sup Forums?
What's your excuse?
Why haven't you taken the Zoroastrian pill yet Sup Forums?
What's your excuse?
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What little I know of the Avesta and the person of Zoroaster is very interesting. Redpill me
Because I took the true Redpill, the Trinity.
What the fuck is it? I unironically know a guy who follows this religion and he's pretty cool.
Changing religions is degenerate
Ariman told me that there is only one source.
And this Source is both. Good and Bad. Light and Dark.
Duality is a dead end. Unity with Source is key.
Find source
Ancient religion of Babylon and Persia. Believes in a one creator god (Ahura Mazda) and an antagonistic destructive force. (Angra Mainyu)
That's about the extent of my knowledge. The Abrahamic religions concept of Satan is believed to be derived from Zoroastrian concepts about the Antagonistic force of Angra Mainyu. Mainly because the idea of "A Devil" does not appear in Jewish teachings until after the Babylonian exile.
Perhaps because they don't want any of us and more than content to let their ancient belief system die a slow and quiet death.
Shlomo's are more willing to accept converts than Parsis. Not sure about Iranis though.
The Persians should go back to their true faith instead of the shit religion imposed on them by Arab invaders. But we are not Persians. We are Aztec and we used to eat people
Iranian zoroastrians accept converts. I think the reason parsis dont is cause overtime their system is influenced by india's caste system or something.
Don't worry, I'll take it soon. I'm saving up to buy a Mazda.
That's basically what I've heard, though it was more along the lines of the ruler in Gujarat only letting them in if they promised not to convert anyone.
Fuck off and hang yourself this shit is almost as bad as praying to king jew.
im not persian so it would be weird
what do you think about manichaeism?
Lefty faggots who fought sassanids and let muslims take over?
Just like todays lefties if you think about it
I'm not Persian or even Iranian, that's my excuse.
Practice your own.
It's not a pill if it doesn't turn people's world upside down or make them fall into some sort of rabbit hole. This is just harmless LARPing, you dumb cunt.
If Zoroastrianism was truly "dualistic", one would find plenty of texts etc praising Ahriman, but no such texts exist. Ahura Mazda is assumed to be kicking his arse on our behalf.
If Zorastrianism is dualistic, so is Judaeo-Christainty.
I'm of Iranian descent and have been thinking of converting but I have no clue where or how? Obviously wouldn't go to a parsi zoroastrian temple cause they don't accept converts, the only real Iranian ones are in Iran and thats risky
The ultimate redpill is Kek was Zoroaster
But what if you are atheist whole live in most atheist country on this world.I cant be degenerate if i will transform from atheism to Zoroastrian master religion.
It's the old religion of Iran from before Islam took over the region.
It's got some good merits to it. For example, they believe in free will and not destiny, your mission in life is to do good deeds and resist evil. This is very underrated because culturally it means they actually go about doing things rather than waiting for things to happen.
They believe in the purity of the elements (water, air, fire, earth) so they try to keep them clean. However, in the past they didn't have a scientific understanding of what it meant so they had weird rituals like going to a nearby lake once a year and massacring turtles and fish that were seen as polluting the clean water.
The book of laws of the last Zoroastrian dynasty is much like the same as the laws of Islam. They believed in praying 5 times a day, the veil for women for modesty. Even all the art and architecture you recognise as "islamic" is actually based on Zoroastrian stuff from 2000 years ago. If you see ancient zoroastrian temples you'd confuse them for old mosques.
Zoroastrianism was actually never hugely spread in Iran, it was more concentrated in the south and centre of Iran. It was going into decline even before Islam started with fire temples already going into disrepair. Christianity and Judaism was spreading very fast before Islam arrived.
Nah on a doctrinal level it's not too much different from Shia Islam. They teach much the same narratives and themes. I can't see how there'd be much objective changes from switching other than satisfying an ego that we're back to the old religion.
They don't really, although theoretically they should. They're very secretive in Iran and to be honest they see non-Zoroastrians as foreigners. They don't want their faith 'diluted' by muslims and one thing they do is that in all their festivals they have a guy at the door speaking the old language to greet people to make sure no non-Zoros sneak in.
And the reason Parsis don't accept converts is because they're trying to keep their wealth in the community. They're telling bullshit about their special deal with the King that they wouldn't convert anyone, they accepted converts until roughly 150 years ago. At some point in every religion they start to think they're the special people and it becomes about bloodlines. Jews and Zoroastrians are pretty similar in that they don't like converts they link their faith with their bloodlines. But 2000 years ago both faiths were very big on conversions much like Christianity and Islam is today.
it's crap, look above.
Manichaeism is literally a dead religion, not a single theological scroll has survived even though this religion once spread from Rome to China.
It's dualistic in the sense of good vs evil, Zoroastrianism is huge on that.
>Ancient religion of Babylon and Persia
not babylon
>Mainly because the idea of "A Devil" does not appear in Jewish teachings until after the Babylonian exile.
Concept of Satan always existed, however modern imagery of satan is influeced by Ahriman.
It is
Ormazd and Ahriman are Brothers with equal birthright from Zurvan
you must have some really bad social dysfunctions if you're so mad about the way people talk and not what they're actually talking about
You guys should look into it, it's a far better "Aryan" belief system than shitty Viking LARPing.
Also stop with these threads you aren't white, or not even that, but stop being a cringy faggot "we wuz"ing. Also Babylonians worshipped Ashur, like the best Middle Eastern Race, Assyrians and Iraqis.
Pic related, typical Iranian
>have some really bad social dysfunctions if you're so mad about the way people talk and not what they're actually talking about
Where do you think we are?
while it's fine to study it and try to use its lesons to guide your decisions in life, nobody will ever be seen as Zoroastrians in the actual Zoro community. The Parsi community from India flat out won't even let their Zoroastrians marry non-Zoroastrians or be excommunicated. In Iran, their community is so closed that the Parsis once tried to use their immense wealth to build them a new tower in Yazd for sky burial and the local Zoros refused to use it. They built them a new fire temple in Yazd and it looks touristy and fake. I found some other buildings in the suburbs of Yazd which I suspect are the true temples, they're unmarked other than Zoro symbolism above the door. They weren't houses. They flat out don't want anything to do with non-Zoros, everyone else are foreigners to their community.
I specced for Christianity instead.
Already did 6 years ago
+3 for law citizenry but +10 for cuckoldry and pacifism
no you didn't you fucking LARPer, the zoro community will never accept you, either Parsi or Iranian.
What is the most repilled christian sect?
Nah, man. Pepe would be Zoroaster and Kek is Ahura Mazda. Need to find someone to fill the role of Angra Mainyu, though.
Syriac Orthodox Church
Zen Buddhism is the ultimate red pill senpai
Isn't Zoroastrianism advocating incest?
I am
I also purchased two Translattion of the Gathas
not really advocating it but they didn't have laws against it so the royal family was always quite incestuous. Zoroastrian culture was always very caste orientated much like India today so there was this thing about bloodlines and purity. It was really much the same across a lot of the Middle East before Islam, which then forbid relations closer than cousins.
i have, i find zoroastrianism beautiful and worth preserving, but i'll always be christian regardless
Isn't inbreeding what caused the entire Middle East to be as shitty as it is?
CKII strikes again
The religion does encourage cousin to cousin marriage though.
Nah it's a bit of a meme on here. If inbreeding was a serious issue we would have evidence of it with significant hereditary diseases relating to incest which you see typical in say European royal families and Ashkenazi Jews. There are still a lot of cousin marriages in the Middle East though, particularly in the villages and rural areas.
One thing the Middle East has going for it is that as a whole it's very genetically diverse thanks to being situated at a crossroads to all regions of the world, so marriages outside of the locality result in very genetically diverse children.
The problems with incest are quite localised, like in some villages in the Pakistan mountains kids are born with a lot of hereditary diseases and looking weird af
it got BTFO by Islam
Monotheistic bullshit. Another cancer.
ALL monotheist religions, beginning with Akhenaton's "Atonism", right up til modern Christianity and Islam and Judaism -- they're all just mental and cultural poisons, served in various flavors.
If you're redpilled "spiritually" you stick with the ethos of your race, with the beliefs and traditions of your own people.
If you're from Europe and follow an adopted non-european ethos, no matter where it originates, you're still totally bluepilled spiritually.
jesus christ, how's diabetes sven?
>If you're redpilled "spiritually" you stick with the ethos of your race, with the beliefs and traditions of your own people.
All the followers of these religions willingly abandoned their faith for Kikestianity while Mazdeans fought against Kikestianity until their last breath
Mazdaism is the true red pill
So do you pick the religion your ancestors followed 1000 years ago? or the one they followed 3000 years ago? or the one they followed 10000 years ago?
This was meant for (You)
There's quite a few of them here and they're rapidly dying out. You can't just become a Zoroastrian you need to be born one. Conversions aren't allowed and marrying someone from another religion is tantamount to excommunication. A lot of them didn't bother with the old traditions, and they now number in maybe a couple thousand at best.
am mixed race son of Parsi mother, much of her side of the family has married outside the community too - one to an asian American, another to a white dude, all their kids were accepted into the community thanks to $$$ hungry priests
i could probably convert if i wanted to, but am loyal to kek for now
Most of the important stuff from those cultures is Hellenic in origin anyway, like Christianity and almost every philosophical concept that built our world.
>Listening to ebil foreign Greeks is treason! Let's listen to foreign Greeks instead.
Wait, for real? A Parsi girl told me a while ago how abhorrent most Parsis consider marrying outside of their kind. Then again, that money probably changed their minds kek. If you're in Bombay, all I gotta say is fuck Cusrow Bagh ;)
I wouldn't know, ask a burger.
how so?
Notwithstanding individual choices, force was regularly used, whether in killing "witches" (women practicing folk ways), destroying temples and art, requiring people to go to church (built often over destroyed temples and holy sites), or economic and social isolation from the rest of Europe (this was done on a personal and regional scale--ex. scandinavia before converting).
Have you heard of, for example, the Baltic crusades?
Choices made under coercion aren't really free.
That's up to you. Just avoid and kikery :^)
They made so many retarded claims about the world, there's no defensible way to believe in it in the modern world
>with the beliefs and traditions of your own people
Varg and some shit dreamed up by occultist hippies in the 60s who couldn't even get the etymologies right (ie, 85% of neopaganism) aren't anyone's tradition.
*degeneracy and kikery
If I was Zoroastrian I would dedicate my life to preserving the faith. I'm not though I'm Iranian from a muslim family. I went to visit the Zoroastrians in Yazd because I have a personal interest in the religion and history but any conversion from me would be insincere.
Dunno, but personally I'm episcopalian. Have been since birth, haven't really disagreed with anything inside of the Church, aside from it's foundation coming from a whiny British King. IMO, the Catholic Church is bullshit, and anyone who doesn't feel comfortable with gays or allowing women an equal stance based on religious grounds is a brainwashed cuck. Call me naïve or bluepilled, but I simply don't believe that a god that condones discrimination or intolerance is a god at all. This is also why I find Islam to be fucking stupid, the region of non-Islam is literally called the "House of War" (Dar-al-Harb) and it's a Convert-by-force-or-fucking-die religion. All those fools who claim that ISIS isn't Islam clearly have no understanding of the religion and are just bluepill libtards.
>TL;DR I enjoy Episcopalianism Dogma, but have my own views on religion as a whole, and while I can't say with confidence that Episcopals are fully redpilled, I think the most redpilled would have to be the most accepting.
yeah things are changing slowly
i liked a girl from cusrow bagh when i was 16, she must have told her bf because he and his buddies threatened to beat me up after their hockey game so yeh fuck cusrow bagh
looked her up on facebook a few years ago, ugly af
your land was freed by christians, our ancestors fought togheter against the ottoman invaders and pushed them back, christianity gave your land an empire, is this how you repay them?
by following a dead religion with bullshit rites made up by modern autists?
While I want Parsis to survive and flourish because they're a part of ancient history, I also hate them. They're so full of shit. The whole thing about not allowing marriages outside the faith is about 150 years old which is also the moment when their population started their rapid decline to almost extinction.
do they have high priests still being trained?
While some sects certainly view women in lower regard than men, the only doctrine in scripture towards women is that they should not speak in church and allow the man to lead the joint household
After 3rd wave feminism I think we can all agree with Paul on that one.
Europeans did those things. Christianity did not.
Also, legitimate historical research and reconstruction is far from "modern autists".
It's partly true but
>Germanics(Goths, Burgungians, and Vandals)
Willingly converted
yeah at the Athornan institute in Mumbai afaik
>Be Zoroaster
>Invent monotheism
>Jews steal idea
>Enslaves the world
>[hand rubbing intensifies]
Europeans=majority Christian
Not that hard of a concept, Wandisimo. You should know, considering the heavy Catholic history of your nation. Rather suprising you're such a fucking retard.
christian europeans, europeans inspired by christianity to unite against the muslim horde, without a uniting faith we would have all collapsted to islam.
oh and do go on, tell me more about how "frolicking in the woods naked" is legitimate historical research and recostruction, because so far it's only making me want to quit my archaeology university if what modern pagans are doing is considered legitimate historical recostruction.
Your beloved European paganism and Zoroastrianism come from the exact same starting point, you know.
Episcofag here, we have literally become the SJW church
>Tfw ordain trannies
Pic related is the presiding bishop of the entire Episcopal Church
wasnt monotheistic. stop spreading misinfo because its the only way you can justify your dislike for non-abrahamic monotheism.
Interesting. At least raise your future children as Zoroastrian. Just in case one of them decides to dedicate themselves to the faith. One day I hope Iran is more welcoming to the community but I believe it's steadily growing in Iran again.
Again, you're conflating an individual choice with mass-scale cultural/religious shift to make it sound more impressive.
Most of the time, you have a king converting for political gain and officially changing his people's religion, destroying material things associated with it and using force on people where necessary.
Of course, the people continued to practice their religion between mandatory church services, but that's another story. Eventually, the continual pressure from above, from willing converts (genuine or political) and from the greater christian world led to traditions being dropped and/or forgotten over time, leaving behind what was done over with christian names and meanings tacked on to make the process easier.
Pizzagate was debunked
My dear Mario, do you really think that pagans wouldn't react similarly?
>damn, dude,those easterners are invading the continent with the express purpose of extending their caliphate worldwide
>nah, we aren't going to do anything
Sure, some nations might not fight against them initially in this scenario, but that's no different from christian kingdoms historically participating little or not at all. Or, again, the teutonic knights turning their attention to baltic pagans, killing, converting, burning villages, and moving in german settlers.
Here's why. Most of Islamic culture is based off Zorastrianism. When the sassanids came to power, they crushed all other religion in favor of Zorasrtianism. They persecuted Christians, everyone who didn't believe in their religion. See a pattern?
Don't waste your time on Iranian girls anyway, they all end up marrying their cousins.
t. FED
Not to mention historical examples of grand alliances of tribes against, say, roman aggression.
Even it happenned as you said, it does not refute my point that "Paganism" failed our Race and that there is no point to going back to it
Baal Hammon be praised!
no, they wouldn't react similarly at all, paganism isn't a unifying belief, europe only united under the banner of christianity against islam, you're just writing bullshit to justify your crap, an ancient pagan would cut off the head of every single neo-pagan for insulting him in such a way.
too bad that they were grand alliances of tribes with similar culture and religion, which doesn't go against my point that without christianity to unify it Europe would have been islamic by now
Depends on the culture. Romans might praise them for honoring Mars or something. Aztecs may sacrifice you.
Really roasting muh rapeseeds
ancient romans are the only ones that wouldn't give a damn
Atenism ...
Monotheist/monolatrist(tolerant monotheism).
It's the same thing. Atenism had the concept of a Trinity and a concept of one God.
It existed exactly before the so called jewish exodus carrying the Arc of the covenant which just so coincidentally had the distinguishment of an Egyptian coffin.
It's central God was the sun(light).
It had the concept of a holy spirit.
and Akhenaten was held as his son.
This isn't disinfo. This is proven historical fact.
How convenient then that the jews claim they were enslaved in Egypt and fled just as the time Atenism was put out to pasture .. Sounds like a cover story for the roots of their faith.
It had nothing to do with Christianity. There were cross Christian-Islamic alliances all the time. The French had an alliance with the Ottomans against the Germans for 250 years. Christianity didn't unite Europe they had a major internal war almost every generation until WW2. The reason the muslims got Spain in the first place is because Christians brought them in to back a royal claim
If you are white, your ancestors worshipped the Norse Gods. Before shitskin Romans controlled by some merchant jews, invaded your land, slaughtered and forcibly converted your ancestors to follow their dead kike on a stick desert jew religion.
Is it fedora to be interested in the old gods? No, these are the gods of your people.
*cough* first crusade
>So do you pick the religion your ancestors followed 1000 years ago? or the one they followed 3000 years ago? or the one they followed 10000 years ago?
That's a super easy question, which has a super easy and super logical answer, and now I'll answer that /for/ all people from all over Europe (incl the slavic world)... that is, as to "what do you pick" --
The answer: You of course pick the latest version of whatever Your People had, before the non-european monotheist religions "came and took over" your society and changed and warped the culture, etc.
Do your best to try to tie together what remains of the old world in forms of traditions, and try to get a gut feeling and idea of how that world was (mentally/spiritually) for your ancestors, how they thought and how they viewed life, and do you best to align yourself /with that/ instead of any non-european ideas, while purging/clearing your head from such monotheistic influences, and then things will begin falling into place automatically.
Even in the Middle East, those people, they had their own original stuff before Islam. If they had stuck with that -- whatever that was -- and rejected Islam when it poisoning their societies, well things would've later been a lot different and better in those regions.
Being interested in Norse myths Is not the same as dismissing your Christian roots. Christians maintained the myths of Ásatrú from around 1200AD because they were interested in it and thought it had value. Christians continue that tradition today.