I'm really starting to fucking hate women. they're not supierior to men, they don't have rational thought processes, and are so fucking incompetent and take every little tiny fucking thing so personal. no woman has ever done anything good for me. fuck women.
I'm really starting to fucking hate women. they're not supierior to men, they don't have rational thought processes...
Other urls found in this thread:
stay dead Elliot
>the girl I like won't fuck me
Grow a pair, cunt.
She could have sex with you? That may be a good thing for you.
I fucking hate it
Good we hate you too.
Jesus Fuck Op. Give your Grandma a hug.
>take every little tiny fucking thing so persona
THe very next sentence:
>no woman has ever done anything good for me
Ladies and gentlemen, American education
You're probably too nice to them, always the friend never the lay amirite?
When in doubt look for the applicable cliche.
Treat them like shit, get your balls on their clit.
You can't argue with science.
That video was so cringeworthy
oh jeez
mommy issues
Nah, he's got a point.
Same here. I guess we are the ones who lost in the genetic lottery and now have to suffer the artificially propped up high standing of women in today's society.
The story of Elliot needs it's own AMC series tbf
They are like a game. It's purely for entertainment/ experience. You don't go to them for reassurance. You get that from yourself and there's no such thing as trust. Love yes but they can love multiple people so their idea of love is and we can never love them
The kid was just ahead of his time.
Future generations will look at him like Socrates.
I agree, woman are useless shits and if Islam got one thing right than it is that bitches get put in their place and traded like a commodity.
and while I am indeed a virgin I am not desperate like Elliot was.
I just see woman for what they are and how our system here is pure failure.
I'm glad I don't have to put up with some dumb roastie and listen to her retarded shit that I don't give a fuck about.
Onahole + porn made woman obsolete to me.
find a trap qt and find a surrogate woman to make you babies, so you can raise them together with ur trap waifu...
this is why you dont get any pussy.
Seriously tho what the fuck did he expect? Didnt he saw himself in the mirror? He was like gook,spic or whatever, basically a racemixed manlet... Why does he think hes obligated to get aryan qt?
So because someone doesn't like women, he should pursue mentally ill men who pretend to be women?
I hope he doesnt get any pussy in hell either
Senseriouly all the women of the world
I don't even want those roasties. I actually rejected some before.
Jamal and Abdulla can go and take "care" of them.
Don't care never will.
Source for the love of god.
I'd pay for that
Hating women means at one time you looked at them as your equal, big mistake. I do not hate women, they are what they are, no changing it. I try to look at women as glorified children, walking cum incubators. If you for the same qualities you find respect worthy as you would in a man, you're going to be very disappointed. We're not equal.
I have been all over the place in my mind. I have day-dreamed about so many different possibilities that would make me happy in my life. Seriously like everything from being a celebrity to a politician to a terrorist.
Eventually one of my day dreams put me in front of a firing squad. My last words that I decided on were "All I ever wanted was a prefect life with a perfect girl."
>You have to believe that there is a girl out there that you can walk hand-in-hand with to whatever end you believe is waiting for you.
In the mean time I'm going to tell as many girls as I can to tell guys when they like them. I think that traditional gender roles come from evolution, and they aren't ready genetically to make the first move yet, because they think that it's a guys responsibility.
I have talked to so many girls out there that think they're going to push the guy they like away by telling them that they love them.
>There is someone out there for you, and if you're too fat to attract the girls that you're most attracted to then lose some fucking weight.
it's not prehistoric times anymore nigel
women could all dissapear for all I care
Just ignore relationships with real women and embrace the 2D. I mean, it's not their fault that they're not attracted to us, so there's no point getting angry at them.
Remember, being alone is only lonely if you want it to be.
hopefully soon we can genetically engineer them to fix all their deficiencies
i cant stand being around women either. i dont know how guys tolerate it. maybe its because im circumcised but for me sex is certainly not worth the hassle of spending time around women
sort yourself out.
every married bloke I know is totally cucked, castrated, and living in fear.
Fuck that.
Yep - every interaction women have is only for socio-economic reasons
Whats wrong with women:
Whats wrong with men:
How am I cucked? I have no interest in any roasties.
They can go die in some ditch or become the 40yo childless cat lady.
I really don't care.
You know the rules.
Elliot meme thread?
Sooooo, it's a St. Elliot thread?
and they get a fuck once a year on their birthday, or in return for spending money on their boss woman. A hooker would be cheaper, better looking, better fucking, and way less bullshit
I think female pheromones slowly turn men to total obedient pussies
Every guy I know who is married is balding, stressed and is clearly having their lives held hostage. The ransom is supplying their Mrs. with all the material delights she wants.
Guys dating women are just the same but one step behind. They are clearly not enjoying themselves.
His parents bought him a BMW and he was less than 20 yrs old. A lot of people around that age have the idea that driving a luxury car at that age should get you a gf for sure. That idea is true for the most part, unless you are as autistic and beta as Eliot.
Poor Elliott was going to swallow the red pill and it got stuck in his throat.
son im just here to shipost...
that's it, once the kids are popped out it's game over man.
She doesn't get everything her way,so she wants a divorce,
she gets the kids
his money
the house
and he gets to see them once a week, when she goes out with her new fella, and doesn't even have to pay for a baby sitter.
It still blows my mind that this guy has such a following. I hope it's just memery. I'm sure it's mostly that but shit, some people are serious with it it seems.
You can see it on r9k. They have that mentality that women are evil for not fucking them. They call them sluts because they fuck other people. They think they're better than them somehow.
They need to get the fuck over themselves. Not getting any doesn't make you a good or bad person. It just makes you not good with women. It's just how it is. Women fuck and get with whomever they want. Of course there won't be any kind of "fairness" to it. Some guys will get a lot, some none at all. Get better or get over it. Don't hate them for doing what they're free to do.
I've always figured I can live my life happily without the societal validation of a woman
if I ever have enough interest in one to pursue her, it will be what it will be
I'm married, have a full head of hair, and little stress. I think you need to learn to gently dominate, yes my wife does like spending money, but does stay within contraints.
The only guys I see with out of control wives are short guys, but who gives a fuck about them.
Is an Elliot Mein Kampf available?
Be gay
and they're nigh on impossible to red pill
Well played
Reminder that women are parasitic baby makers and nothing else, men outperform them in everything they do.
|>Error: Duplicate file exists. here.
You are correct OP. I started thinking the other about my past relationships and I notice all of them the CUNTS screwed me over lol
Wow you're such a pussy. I haven't dated yet simply because I don't give enough fucks to ask women out and I view long term relationships as too risky whilst at the same time viewing short term relationships as degenerate. Basically I've backed myself into a corner. The way out is conservative religious gals but I don't believe in God but I do believe in religious morals. I'm going to have to start changing some of my viewpoints and picking a side or else I'm going to end up a sad lonely loser living in my mom's basement still after post secondary like you.
There are good ones, women who are bros in a conversation and do have common sense. You have to look hard but they are out there.
I think the US is better for wife material what with the independent rural living culture and pioneering spirit and all.
But with that said its hard to see the manipulation from "inside" the relationship and people I know tend to defend their Mrs and their situation as a knee-jerk reaction.
I don't believe finding a good woman is impossible - just very unlikely
>no woman has ever done anything good for me. fuck women.
>take every little tiny fucking thing so personal
why do men who hate women behave just like the women they hate
Read TRP and learn the game.
That is all.
I like to fuck women. Pussy is great. Best place to put penis by far. You spend too much time thinking about women. Just think about their pussies and you'll be ok.
>I'm really starting to fucking hate women
because you can't get laid right?
Yes of course - it's 100% certain
If you DID have a GF you fucked on a regular basis, you would think women was awesome
This pic says it all.
Out of all my friends, colleagues and people I know - the absolute worst, least capable, unorganised, sketchy, foul mannered, unhealthy, dumb fucks are the ones with kids.
Idiocracy is a prophecy
good one, little Africa
I'm dating a nigger tier woman myself wtf is wrong with these faggots who white knight all women on the internet? Just call them niggers bro no ones going to hear you on here
I've never had any problems with women, maybe its just you. This fucking war between genders are starting to get on my nerves.
>Women fuck and get with whomever they want.
This was the greatest mistake the west made that will lead to our downfall. Too bad really
I do know guys that are more than happy to lament their Mrs. I can't speak for anyplace, but the U.S. but i would have to say it's half and half. I see some couples where the wife is shit, but the guy is usually shit to. I see some where the two truly adore one another.
The one thing i do see the most, especially in threads like this, is men wondering why they can't find a good woman when the devote so much time to finding a good woman. here is a little pro-tip, find something to spend your time on other than chasing women and playing games. If you find something interesting that you can devote your time to women seek you out.
I.E. don't ask what kind of car you can buy to get laid. Be the guy that is passionate about cars, restores an old one, races it on the weekend. Panties will be thrown at you.
post more thats such a hot webm
>If you DID have a GF you fucked on a regular basis, you would think women was awesome
No. He wouldn't think they're awesome. He would probably stop hating them though. His gf could be awesome though.
I mean shit, it's the complete generalization with this whole crap that is fucking nonsense.
>anyone who doesnt fully submit to women like a bitch is a virgin LOL must not be getting mad pussy like me tho
Same here, only one nice guy is the only one without kids.
Islam will help, my last hope.
He does have a point.
Yeah. But in so far as it is this way, there's no sense hating them for what they do. The system is to blame. On aggregate they just behave in a natural and predictable manner. The fact that they would share the high value men and ignore the low value ones (even the low value women do) is a well-known phenomenon observed throughout history. Don't hate women. They just need love and structure kek. But society isn't providing that.
Fucking hell man get laid. Pay for a hooker or something. It will change you.
I know it's ironic that this advice coming from a Saudi. It's 2017 the timelines are messed up.
This desu.You also get a free pass on calling their shit out and they can't really talk back cause they'll get "stigmatized" in their circles.
Anyone with a degree of intelligence will agree with you OP, ignore these retards saying otherwise.
Women are incredibly petty and once you ACTUALLY get to know them after fucking for a while you'll see that they try anything and everything to "gain some power" over you. It's because all they have to offer is their words and body.
After you've used their body over and over they feel powerless over you, like you're the one in complete control, which is true.
So they attempt to gain higher ground over you by nitpicking and other emotional bullshit games. And they think you'll just put up with it because "that's who she is" these bitches don't even know their own game and I've flipped their own script several times.
The 4-5 month mark is when I notice this starts to happen more and more frequently, like this time period is when shes thinking of marriage with you and is putting you to the test.
Just stay on your guard and dont be afraid to openly tell her that youll just fucking leave, it puts a damper on their childish games.
>inb4 neckbeard or NEET ramblings
I'm 6'3" and have fucked several model looking women, there is even one from MN here that is posted on Sup Forums and the Internet regularly
Yeah - its my hobbies thats the problem. I enjoy them more than going on a date.
I spend all my time at my job which is also my hobby - a photographer for the make up industry. I meet all kinds of women - models and entrepreneurs, and I'm good at my job and the women are happy with my work but I just don't have time for them. I'd rather relax if I have time off. I play music too banjo, fiddle all bluegrass instruments I can get my hands on. And I read alot.
I just dont have time for women
Sean Connery knows what time it is
Literally all true
Just start fucking guys already.
That'd be gay mate.
Like, really, really gay.
You know why gay men are called gay men?
Because they're happier than men who are attracted to women
And stay away from any girl who's mother's a bitch, because they almost always turn into their mothers.
Can confirm. My mother was a bitch and I am a bitch. And I am a man. Must be terrible on women.
>fuck women.
there it is user
A woman gave birth to you you sorry piece of shit.
lol get laid,beta
My dude, you are allowing these things to influence your emotional responses to your social interactions. Don't let them, you are superior, always. And in failing that, read this in a self help book style.
You sound entitled as fuck.
can someone please explain to me what "mansplaining" is from a woman's perspective?
what goes through their head when they accuse you of mansplaining to them?
That's funny coming from the cuckolded statist shithole of Germany. Isn't it illegal for you to have any pride over another nation?
Minus the gentleman part, he's 100% on point