What does this mean for Germany?

What does this mean for Germany?

It means greatness

>85k sold copies
It means nothing

Funds from the sales go to isreal and jared kushner.

A fast rise up
followed by more reparations

Just as planned

To bad they only get an ((((edited)))) version

Like how every eurovision Germany votes for you guys to not be seen as antisemitic haha

That was actually very offensive.....
we thought you liked our songs.....

Hitler pretty much became a running joke here. Just as (((planned)))

They don't even get the real Mein Kampf

A German here should start printing out the real version and start spreading it around

the jew gold isreal?

Hopefully it'll get into people's thick skulls and redpill them about some problems that still persists today.


Do Germans really dislike Hitler or do they just dislike he lost the war?

Lol fly to germany and ask some people what they think of hitler....


Do you only vote for us in the Euro-vision so as to not look antisemitic?!

Threadly reminder that Hitler literally did nothing wrong.

Ofc, it's a political correct thing to say you don't like Hitler but what's their real opinion behind closed doors?

they have to Play as if they hated him
but in private, or if you got friends there is a common Phrase "under Hitler this wouldnt have happened" and similar stuff often heard
you just gotta watch out for SJWs and IMs

People do what they are told. But one thing never changes: If you call somebody a Jew they are instantly offended. It's a swear word.

There's just a lot of people who want to see what all the fuss is about.
The same way Sup Forums gets a lot of new anons everytime it is in the news.



Gas yourself

inb4 they ban it

this Its a heavy commented version that explains everything thats wrong with 'Mein Kampf'

The cape look was pretty bad.
He somewhat pulled it off, but... A cape? Really?

there's barely that many ethnic germans left, fraug

Didnt meant to put that last thing in there oops

I d rather get beheaded by a Wahabist than take part in that shitshow

Lived in Germany for three years, some people I got close to while I was there were surprisingly sympathetic to the old days of Germany.

Germans crave the kampf.

does this mean i finally can read it without getting fucked by my own state only because i want to hear the other side of my nations history?!

I have german friends and Hitler is a big taboo there still. Yet old people keep telling stories of the good ole germany when things were good for everyone and wish the young could experience it.

But a large portion of the population is still cucked and rather put dildos up their ass than even think about it.

just watching the Eurovision is too much Jewry for me


you have no clue leaf and i bet my asss youre so called german /friends/ are fucking studentĀ“s in some cultural branch or just some fucking norms which we have many .....