What does pol think of this old show?
I think it's prettybawrsome myself desu
What does pol think of this old show?
I think it's prettybawrsome myself desu
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Ah fuck, typo.
breddy gud
I thought my eyes saw something there on that episode. I'm almost at the end of series 3.
I love how certain races remind me of certain religious archetypes. Funny how a lot of sci fi games have inspirations from this.
Halfway through season 4. Mass Effect, DS9 and A Song if Ice and Fire have stolen MASSIVELY from this show.
great show
addresses many issues of today
I never watched a single episode when it was airing back in the day. I have watched a lot of star trek/other sci fi but somehow i skipped on this one. I have seen it come up on Sup Forums before and it sounds pretty based. Might rip through the entire thing this summer if I can find some good torrents. Is there any reason why I shouldn't watch it?
The story doesn't begin until maybe the last 7 or so episodes in season 1. So its very slow since they use each episode before to introduce every faction and character, but after that its non stop good quality
I think G'Kar is Sup Forums personified
The make-up of the aliens (just humans with slight alterations) and the CGI was pure shit; but it had a lot more depth than an average scifi show.
Hmmm, you really have to start with earliest episodes and watch patiently. Be prepared to not enjoy it, but it's well worth it for making sense of the later seasons. There are some gems there however, such as "Deathwalker".
my favourite show of all time, and objectively the best space opera ever put to screen.
Yeah. I didn't mean to imply to skip them. Merely that they feel more like a chore to get through rather than watching them for enjoyment.
>mfw jewish space hezbollah leading the transition towards the religion of peace and against the centauri decadence.
Though I'd say Vir is the show's Sup Forumsack
>starts young and somewhat idealistic, not knowing shit outside of the vanilla preconception he has been force-fed all his life
>slowly but surely realizes how ruthless the world is, how destructive and self-destrictuve politics and diplomacy are, as well as seeing the true nature of his nation and his state
Would Sup Forums join NightWatch??
So the Mimbari put all their power in that Valen guy during the first great war right? Wouldn't that technically make it a tyranny?
What was with that whole triuluminary thing anyway?
Have an older brother who was really into it a long time ago. IIRC, there was something unique about the writing... like it was the only show to be written start to finish before it even aired or something like that. I think they had a website all about the show and it's back story. They did a lot of fan service on the site before any other show ever did that, IIRC.
TV is degenerate.
Quit watching it. It's a waste of time looking at the jew tube.
Cool. I almost prefer it that way. I recently started watching The Wire and i really liked the pacing of the beginning of the series. It was a little slow at first but there were a lot of characters/groups of characters to learn. I am fine with a slow start like that especially if I know the pace will pick up by the end of season 1.
Some of them; might.
didn't like it, thought it was cheesy and boring.
I think its why this show is so good because it was planned from start to finish. The first season was slow of course and a gamble if you think how much they started to build up with everything going but man knowing all these characters and their developments is really paying off how awesome it is.
It's a shame the main actor of season one, Sinclair, had mental health issues and had to leave because of it. Makes me feel bad for the guy on his potential gone.
true. J M Straczynski, the shows creator, wrote the entire show as a five season 'novel for tv'. he pitched it to studios in it's entirety.
Alterations were made during actual production, of course.
chupalo gringo culiao pinocho perra de la CIA
maraco ctm , con amor max
There's a point to be made that Londo is most like Sup Forums
>starts out as a degenerate shitposter
>has a waifu
>constantly engages in racist banter with G'Kar
>wants to enslave inferior races
>a Narn becomes his best friend regardless
>eventually gets redpilled
>naïve patriotism makes way for a desperate bid to save his country from doom
>by the time he sees what is going on, it is already too late
> but after that its non stop good quality
yes that is correct all 4 seasons of the show are nonstop good quality
the series finale is very good as well, for some reason it aired a full year after the last general episode of the series, with no new episodes broadcast in the interval.
but all 4 seasons of the show were excellent
Londo is one of my favourite tragic characters in fiction.
I will never forget the expression on his face as he watched Narn being bombed with asteroids.
Nerd show
yes it's a shame that the fifth season was never made, but the 4 seasons that do exist were excellent
also he has 8 tentacle penises and he uses them to cheat at cards
lol, this guy again. your denial of the existence of season 5 really splits my sides. i can understand.
would you like if the show was remade, and all five seasons done properly this time?
if the show was remade in the (((current climate))) it would surely be a disaster, it was a sheer stroke of good fortune and alignment of the planets that allowed it to turn out as well as it did. The actors were excellent as well and sadly garibaldi, g'kar and franklin have already passed beyond the galactic rim
this is all true. the expanse will have to satisfy me for now. i'm really enjoying it, but it just leaves me wanting to watch B5.
it's also interesting to watch the pilot with its original soundtrack and see the huge difference in atmosphere made by Stewart Copeland of The Police and Christopher Franke of Tangerine Dream.
One of the things I couldn't stand about Crusade was the wonky percussion music that sounded like somebody was smacking bongos all through the episode
But the was JMS had a backup plan for everyone was extremely helpful. Sheridan didn't seem forced at all and what they did with Sinclair was awesome.
Mass Effect stole the idea of the Asari from a race in season 1 of Enterprise and now everyone jacks Bioare off like they're so imaginative.
What the minbari believe the triluminary does and what it actually does may not be the same thing, particularly since it was probably given to Valen by the Vorlons anyway, being that it lasted for however many thousand years they were carrying it around for
I can't believe that a lot of western creativity post 2000 become utter hacks when a lot of awesome creativity come from a select few in the 21st century.
Is modern Marxism to be blamed and Jewish tricks?
it still amazes me that Sinclair/Sheridan and the accompanying changes were the "backup plan" plotwise, because it seems so perfect.
"No dictator, no invader can hold an imprisoned population by force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power tyrants and dictators cannot stand. The Centauri learned that lesson once. We will teach it to them again. Although it take a thousand years, we will be free." Probably one of my favourite G'kar moments in the series
"We took care of our lawyer problem."
Not sure what episode you are referring to.
Minbari = Asari + Turians + Protheans
Centauri = Salarians + Geth
Narn = Krograns + Quarians
Homefront/Psicorp/Clark's Loyalists = Cerberus
Shadows = Reapers
Vorlons = Reapers/Leviathans/Protheans
I got banned from the B5 kikebook group for trying to redpill them on why you can't stream Babylon 5 in Netflix etc.
Shit still splits my sides
Do you really want to know what I want? Do you really want to know the truth? I want my people to reclaim their rightful place in the galaxy. I want to see the Centauri stretch forth their hand again and command the stars. I want a rebirth of glory, a renaissance of power! I want to stop running through my life like a man late for an appointment, afraid to look back or look forward. I want us to be what we used to be! I want... I want it all back the way it was. Does that answer your question?
>alien vixen race that procreates by having telepathic sex
(((((((((((((((((((((((yael moise)))))))))))))))))))))))))
>captcha: Infant FOR SALE
I hate it, it failes as drama, science-fiction and it's hopelessly derivative.
Up and until that point I just thought he was a comic relief peacock jew.
Lol I fucken know right. I rustled (((Yael Moise))) jimmies so bad. Oy vey
is Londo /ourguy/?
Kek confirms.
Also, will this be the new altright hairstyle once the Spencer-cut becomes stale?
the monologs in B5 are top noch.
G'Kar quoting 'The Second Coming' by Yeats was one of my favourites.
LAMO, why are normis so offended for the jews all the time
It feels good to see multiple countries here discussing this gem of fiction and pol approved. Far better discussed than tv.
I'm in both threads lad
Probably one of THE best tv shows to air.
i remember one of his speeches brought me to tears. Not sure witch tho.
Replace all the Jew context stuff with Capitalism context stuff and it'd be perfectly fine.
Thanks ambassador. If you need anything else, just ask
He was a spooky character tbqh
I liked it when was a kid and when I got older I realized how well the show described actual propaganda.
To me he was sellout and for own political gains he brought destruction on his own people. Wondering if Trump ends like that too.