Women are angry that men play games than have sex


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fucking nymphos

>Women are angry that men play games than have sex
This is the Queen's English everybody

Maybe women should bring sex into the 21st century

We need achievements and leaderboards.

I only have sex in skyrim.
I play as a futa shemale draenei and get fucked by orcs and khajit or milked by machines occasionally

I'm a grad student with bills ain't nobody gonna throw they pussy at me damn

I'd rather jack off with my gaming buddy than play some kind of social 4d chess just to get access to sum puss.

god tier taste

It just means more coal burning sluts and beta bux

no they aren't, that doesn't even make sense maybe they're angry that you're being a fat ass or skinny fat because you play video games when you could be good looking and have your shit together but instead you're being a neet beta and yes that does anger everyone not just women.

>not having sex and playing at the same time

The bitches are salty because they are so repulsive to be around that teens, young men literally at their prime of sexual hot blooded desire, would rather spend their free time playing games and talking to their friends online while doing it than hanging out with a modern western woman.

But it's not the women's fault.

Don't take the Queens name in vain or ill stuff ya right'n the gabba m8

((jew york post))


>when you mod the game so much you cannot even remember what the fuck it was originally about

Isn't it kind of illegal for teens to have sex anyways? We all know they do it anyways, but the article makes it sound like teens not having sex is a bad thing despite what the law says.

>Not playing with your gf betting ora sex
>Not leaving with your dick sore from so many blowjobs and her without a single lick
Plebs all of them

Maybe if they looked as good as their vidyafu and were as interesting to be with as genocide a planet of niggers and kikes they wouldn't be so mad.


nothing new there buddy

Well, I don't know a game that's harder than getting a girl. At least in RPGs you can choose your traits.


my waifu won't accuse me of rape.


>the vaginal jew is losing power
No wonder they're trying to push more degenerate propaganda in my vidya

>years ago teen sex was frowned upon
>now its encouraged
what the fuck happened

>1 post by this ID

>fucked by orcs and khajit

Keeping up the family tradition?

I find it hilarious when jews call out other jews

Liberals also internet
wrong, it should be
>teens are too busy playing video games since most women don't give a fuck about relationships and just want to jump on Chad's dick
Not shitting on Chad but this article sounds like it's men's fault .


r o a s t i e s b t f o

I think the problem is that Chad is playing video games too. Otherwise roasties wouldn't give a fuck if some beta wasted his time one way or another.

It's just another Jewish subversion tactic. Don't be fooled by it

you just have to grind in the gym

Women play games with regards to sex. Men get bored with the games, stop chasing them
"Where'd all the men go?'
Stupid twat's!

Women are angry about everything and they'll never be pleased because of their fucking high expectations

Chad always finds time for pussy, roasties are just mad that average men don't want chad's leftovers. I'd rather spend all day playing vida rather than have a roastie as gf. Virgin or bust.


At least it's not Redguards.... hey wait a minute... that gives me an idea.
First person mod+pregnancy mod+ Reguards+ blonde nord goddess Dovahkiin = Fap
Excuse me I gotta go get blacked.

"Sorry bae but the server connection is stronger than the connection between our hearts"

>women are gamers too you sexist scum, btw men who play video games are disgusting :)

Fuck your Jew Cunt Queen

"The ping rate is too high between you and I"


Men are just fed up and want to be left alone now

>Blaming men for leaving
>Not asking why they leave to know their reasons behind their actions

If you don't admit there is a problem, a solution cannot be found.

So they better step up their game so they're at least good as games.

>notorious HRC
no·to·ri·ous nōˈtôrēəs
adjective notorious
famous or well known, typically for some bad quality or deed.

>women disregard most men and only gravitate towards chad
>women are mad that most men are playing video games instead of dating them

Pick one.

>post a fucking screenshot of a headline without linking the article

Why do you fags do this shit?

who needs sex when you can just fap

To not give them revenue, that is why

good, best to ignore them while enjoying what else life has to offer like lifting, money, video games and friendships with other enlightened bros.

dovahkiin is degenerate anyways, just literally the same as those "dragon-kin, wolf-kin, attack helicopter-kin" from tumblr

become an apache shout mod when?

>get hammered with gf
>playing zombies in Halo
>rides my dick on couch in living room while we're hiding
>keeps riding when we die
>hit buttons so we don't get booted for afk
Fun times. Would be better if I didn't share a dorm with 3 other guys.

"You're using hax and will get banned when you turn 30."

That's what archive.is is for.

Can someone redpill me on why women are whores and less than shit? I see the meme and I need proof to believe it.

"I can turn the router on and off again, but I can't turn off your personality"

whoops sorry, you seem to have stumbled upon an area of the site you weren't mean to.
just hit the back button on your browser to navigate back to readdit friend, narwhal.

post pastebin, nigger

You play videogames to escape reality, not recreate it.

I am not OP though

If video games existed 500 years ago most if not all of us would likely not be here.

>have gf
>she asks to stay over my apartment a couple nights in a row instead of going back to her parents' house
>say ok because I am most merciful and kind
>play games and relax as if I was alone
>gf gets mad that I'm not giving her more attention even though she is intruding on my private space and time

Girls are literally stupid spoiled children and they expect you to treat them like you are their father and have to take care of them in every way.

Why did we ever allow the Jews to give th voting rights? Fuck if I know.


Thomas the tank half-race

Can confirm. I'm in technical collage and almost all the """"popular"""" people are conservative and not married. Constantly make jokes about genders and SJW's.

We're winning. No joke

Games > sex.

Did they join?

take viagra

I wear my headphones in public and I haven't had to listen to a woman bitch at me for years now. Feels good man.


or you recreate reality and then shoot a minigun at it


Nope I'm working mate

You'd like to imagine that, wouldn't you you cuckold fetish faggot?

well woman are not evil or in charge of any wrong doing.

its just that when shit hits the fan and a woman needs to protect her own interests she instantly loses all morality and loyalty and that's not good for society in large.

they have this switch that goes off whenever their interests need to be protected. but here is the real redpill: men are willing to sacrifice themselves to perpetuate the very same thing woman do. its like a giant system of shit

Let me fix that title for you
>Women are angry that men play games than TRY to have sex.

I'm sure men would prefer sex over their our entertainment, but would they go through the effort for the just the possibility of getting laid? I don't think so

>have gf
>asks to stay over
>relax as if I was alone
>she is intruding on my private space and time

It is clearly, "our time", not yours alone. You are the article incarnate.

Women voting happened. It meant abandoning reason in favor of emotions. That's why political debates just say you MUST this or you MUST that instead of actually making arguments as to why something is a good idea.

one is easy to do, has no consequences and is made for your enjoyment.

the other aswell but only if you stop giving a fuck.

Fuck off i don't give a shit about having sex all the time every day. All women think about is sex. I'm perfectly fine with having sex maybe once every 3 days. If you want me to perform every day and I say no I have every right to because it's my body and my choice. Women are sex fiends with small brains, hyper inflated egos and no skills.


Meant for:

Sounds like some virgin or wetback kid fantasy imo.

I'd rather play video games than spend a second with some dumb biocunt

>Play video game
>Clearly outlined objective and win condition

>Date women
>Endless labyrinth of mind games which may not even have a win condition at the current time


and have money and act a certian way and be a manly guy who doesnt share emotions and share emotions and cuddle and act like you dont want her and act like you want her and beprideful but also be humble.... seriously women dont know what they want.

Nah, I'm not willing to give a woman control of my decisions.

They wouldn't have sex with guys that would get addicted to video games anyways, so what's the problem? They're angry that they won't get their betabux anymore?

wise wizard.
teach us, master.

Oh God, the autism in this post.

She is your guest, the least you could do is turn the games off for one night and entertain some company.

If you wanted to play games all night, just tell her that that is what you will be doing, so stay home or live with it.

Have some fucking basic manners retard

Not really, I also live in a dorm with three guys and I fucking hate them so much.

I play videogames daily because I want to, women and sex have nothing to do with it.

That said, maybe I'd play a little less vidya if getting into a woman's pants for an hour didn't require jumping through a million hoops. I haven't had sex in almost 9 years because of this, and I really can't say that I give much of a fuck.

>Women are sex fiends
Oh how I wished this were true, my low test friend.

Lol losing grasp of "my time" is how you become a cuck with no valuable impact to this world other then some braindead retard kids.

>gen z thinks a lower teenage birth rate for their generation means they are more right leaning red pilled
>turns out the lower teenage birth rate for their generation is because its chock full of beta perma virgin numale video game cucks

you prep the bull so you can get back to playing BF1

Nothing gay about jerking it with a friend. It makes you better friends actually. If you watch porn, you've seen another dick and gotten hard to it

women will eventually revert to their natural behavior. cash for sex. Getting sex will be as easy as going for a walk.

underrated post

I still vaguely remember girls in school being ridiculed for being whores before it all went south.