OPERATION: Infiltrate Antifa
We already have plants within every city's Antifa group working to subvert their movements and unmask their personnel. We have operatives in the hierarchies of their so-called "movement" We are calling for more recruits to join us in our deep undercover operation to take down Antifa.
We are already inside NY MA CA CO OR WA RI PA
Stay tuned for the ultimate unavailing. We have thus far gone unnoticed and have collected most of the information needed for our operation. This is a notice to stay tuned for the coming fall of Antifa
OPERATION: Infiltrate Antifa
Other urls found in this thread:
10/10 psy op meme
How to actually stop ANTIFA:
Show up, dress like them, parrot their narrative and jargon, strike at them when their backs are turned.
IF you couldn't show up to a protest without getting fucked up, you wouldn't.
Do what the Feds do. Show up to their protests and agitate violence.
Multiple groups on multiple levels already doing this. Antifa won't even know what hit them. It's hilarious because their own Opsec and shitty philosophy means they can't do shit to stop us. Our only downside is it's hard to look like them if you physically take care of yourself.
you can add Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Louisiana to the list.
Those are the states where we are practically in full control
There's no way I could hide my power level that well
Plus I have glorious Nordic features, those rat faced kikes would sense my superiority
Id say wear something that would blend in with their uniforms yet stands out so friendly fire doesn't happen. Maybe a red ribbon or a green ribbon or something on the leg or arm?
UK here i'm inside Cambridge and several regional branches of East anglia Antifa. They mostly comprise of bands or socially outcast individuals once you get out into the rurals.
>IF you couldn't show up to a protest without getting fucked up, you wouldn't.
What that means?
If this shit shows up in Florida those idiots are going to get shot and fed to gators.
Seriously, do not come to Florida.
>Pls come to FL my gators are hungry
Cool, I hope this is true and you are collecting evidence for the police
We have many times sent critical information to police when needed. We are collecting data on the hierarchies and international connections including funding. We have close to 100 operatives in the field and have been operating for close to two years now. Let me tell you, Antifa has no idea what they are doing.
Add IL MI and IN to the list
It was far easier to infiltrate than anyone initially thought.
Pampered upper middle class kids are very gullible
Have any of them expressed genuine concern for siracha shirt guy, worried they have gone too far and/or been concern-trolled by all this Sup Forums activity?
Wow nice. Especially the funding exposing. If you can cut their funding you cut off root of the problem and the only way for them to keep existing would be to do low quality hairy porn or somethi-
>I jest but good job man
I'm in man; How can we communicate ?
once all the criminal conspiracy information has been given to state and local authorities we have a sympathetic US Attorney who is also going to be given the information to start a RICO or we really hope a terrorism case.
Their main big fuck up was crossing state lines with their bullshit.
Also for shits and grins once the LEAs have their info and start prosecutions we are dropping all their dox ( including relatives jobs etc) on all the usual places those dox are dropped
There are many lulzcows among their ranks
you're doing Kek's work anons
god speed
>OPERATION: Infiltrate Antifa
Add St. Louis MO to the list. I'm in near-daily contact with several members who are getting pretty comfortable. I've recorded several conversations for a documentary I'm working on. All of them were either plans to commit future crimes, or admissions of actual felony-level crimes they already took part in.
Antifa for the most part in many cities are a loosely affiliated band of degenerate social rejects. No we have received zero reports indicating this. Though, after Berkeley (which we were present for) there has been a lot of disillusioned sentiment going around. Some members openly left Antifa altogether and others are preparing for extra violent future conflict which we are aware of and will be notifying the police of many whom are explicitly calling for crimes to be committed.
ETA on happenings?
Or is it best not to talk about that rn?
Gonna use the Trump policy on military actions to your question.
You won't miss it though the info will be everywhere
Are you an oath keeper?
Yeah seems smart. Well good luck you madmen
If joey salads can do it, i'm sure you guys can
how do i help? nothing tustles my jimmies more than antifa telling me communism is great when it destroyed my country. , ill help with whatever i can over from here in poland.
Pls infiltrate Antifa Gainesville (Fl). They're trying to destroy a Confederate memorial service. The sticky is on 4+Sup Forums.
>OPERATION: Infiltrate Antifa
>Go to police
>Call police
>Point to Antifa
>Then point to Police.
They're at UF family. IDK what to do
How can I start doing this? There are tons of Antifa in my area
We are in FL and know the identities of many of their influential members. When crimes are committed we refer their information to police.
those Antifa retards don't stand a chance show no mercy
Do you attend a public university? Is there a hipster scene?
If both, there's probably Antifa in your area. Got to their info sessions. Act like a commie
Ohioanon here. I would love any information on antifa around Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania and southern Ohio. Cincinnati is a sanctuary city but I haven't heard of any happenings here. How do into the resistance?
He faggot, long as Soros breathes, antifa will still be around.
Some brace soul at Barkley needs to find Alex and cap him in the head. I don't condone violence but that's how'd you do it. George would become upset, made a mistake, and when George does, the Soros line dies too.
Again, not condoning violence or murder, but it would be a shame if someone did.
Maybe hidden cameras or something. I don't know I'm LVL1 sneaking
You mean Republicucks who love Israel and capitalism?
Part of anticom action should include infiltration and demantling of their structures
Role call of anitfa organizations
By any means nessacary
Food not bombs
Please add orgazations to the list
Think we're not in your stormfag groups as well?
Look on Twitter/Facebook for their groups, join their groups. The only "background check" anyone is gonna do on you is looking through your social media, so you'll need a facebook or twitter that makes you look like a real person and also doesn't show your power level.
There's not really any serious leadership in Antifa, you could just go to a protest, dress in black, and as long as you chant their mindless slogans with them, you're in. It's not like an organized gang. I'm sure maybe small cliques of them meet up together somewhere before the protest, and they all know each other's names and are friends, but I highly doubt they have like some super-secret-clubhouse kind of thing, probably just have mom drop them off at Arby's then walk the couple blocks to the protest.
Buy some Antifa pins/bandanas/patches on Amazon, put them on your clothes (all black) make sure to kind of age them a bit so you don't look like a total poser noobifa, and then just hang out with them after the protest, stay on their side, assist them if they need it, introduce yourself, etc. I highly doubt anyone is going to seriously question you about a group that doesn't really have any admissions process.
Fantastic work m8.
We'll give you a captains role on the day of the rope.
Where's antifa chicago? Do I have to creep the gaybars in order to find the elusive antifa living here?
Meeeeeeeeh this shit is so depressing.
Romans got to fight against Hannibal, who marched elephants across mountains just to burn shit down.
The Greeks fought against God kings.
And we get these faggots....what happened to good villains...
Listen to me seriously. #MAGA have already shown themselves consistently peaceful group. Antifa have been acting more and more violent.
Its time to dump a false-flag terror attack on their asses, PVC chlorine-pipebomb, so that Trump can move to have them listed as a terrorist organisation.
There is two fold win in this - They are listed as terrorist organisation.
2. The chemical-attack is a hard reminder to them what will happen next time they try frame Assad for it.
Yes its false-flag. You going to have to attack MAGA with a chlorine chemical PVC pipe bomb.
20 years ago nobody even had ever contemplated what was a false-flag. Its seemed that it had always been a secret evil jew-trick, just the jews had been using for 2000 years.
Well now we all know. Its time to false-flag everyone, including the jews.
The same way scientologists infiltrated Chanology
Find the local antifa social media and websites
Make your presence know become a regular but not TOO zealous
attend IRL get together when they happen
Get IRL names contact information etc
Become more active and more prominent
These antifa idiots are actually far worse at being sneaky than the chanologists were
There will always be a creepy older guy attached to their cells he will be the major influence and guys with the ties to the money
record, document and steal everything you can
make SURE you let law enforcement know you have infiltrate the group the SECOND illegal activity is discussed you will then become a CI and not a co-conspirator when the shit comes down, if you do not do this and your cell does something bad ( which they will) or are under FBI surveillance ( which they are) you will be indicted with the rest of the cell
fuck off
>your stormfag groups
i dont have any stormfag groups because kikefront is a controlled opposition honeypot for the spooks and whatever "stormfag groups" you're finding - they're all populated by spooks LARPing, as opposed to you who's a faggit LARPing as a spook
Stage 1: Reconnaissance.
• Look out for plausible and possible Antifa sympathisers and members. Get to know them on campus and befriend them, or in known circles on social media or around town
• Learn who they are, what they're about and what drives them. Study everything so that you can apply tradecraft. Once known, begin stage two.
Stage 2: Positioning
• Drop hints that you're of a similar mindset and eager to help. Don't be overly enthusiastic about it. It may come across as suspicious. Subtle hints during idle conversation. Gauge responses and reactions. Keep logs of everything so that it can be exploited later to your advantage
• Once you have discovered a way inside, record names, locations, details. Everything can be of use when later publishing who they are, or for other uses by fellow anons.
• Mostly important of all - do not get too close. Keep a minimum safe distance at all times, and if you feel you are getting too close to a member, or members, then reach out to a fellow user to get back on track with the operation.
Stage 3: Infiltration
• Once enough anons have been positioned inside, the information gathering and reporting should be centralised and sent back for operational use. Targets of interest should be quickly identified and known weakpoints catalogued and made available for use.
• Enough time should be spent inside the group to ensure and maximize damage. Once in, don't act too quickly as that will only cause minimal disruption. Remember - the longer you're in, the more you'll be exposed to, and have access to.
Stage 4: Zero Day
• Once everything is in place, zero day should occur. This is to be defined by the infiltrating user as to when enough sufficient criteria is met to then allow for a strike against the group.
The strike should come in the form of mass doxxing in coordinated effort with other anons to out them publicly, with all information archived and backed up safely for future usage.
>Where's antifa chicago?
Gutter punk squat houses, "atrsy" places
live music venues ( the small shitty ones)
most of the antifa in Chicago are out in the affluent burbs though
Anyone know if anyone has infiltrate the groups behind the Cheddar Curtain?
wear a mask/helmet like they do then
How do you think Hitler overthrew the jews?
This ANTIFA is same as the jew commies in Germany in the early 1930s.
Well Hitler realised that these jews use a an evil trick called FALSE-FLAG.
He realised that to defeat them he would have to fight their fire with fire.
So he went and burnt down the Reichstag and blamed it on the commie jews.
Done. That is how easy it is to defeat the jews. Just use their own evil tricks back on them.
Burn down Mosques, and spray Star of David on them and "JDL" and GREATER ISRAEL
You know there are IDs on Sup Forums right?
you shill retard
I am not a sppok I am just a civilian doing KEK's work faggot
Lololol this is the most retarded thing I have read all day
I'm part of a small group of people that have infiltrated Utah's Antifa.
>there are like 10-15 of them at the most
Sure there is an antifa database called REDWATCH
No, trust him he is 100% on our side. We need to start blowing ourselves up.
LARPers need to leave.
>No, trust him he is 100% on our side. We need to start blowing ourselves up.
Ok I guess we should start blowing ourselves up since he is 100% on our side
Just make sure everyone you, know, write a signed letter get your family to hold, keep document trail of leaks to MAGA. Do not let anyone at FBI know.
Comey didn't prosecute Clinton. So we all know who the FBI works for.
The FBI let go the 5 dancing Israelis and the 120 israeli art students, deported them back to Mossad headquarters.
Ok i have better plan. Get 100 MAGA to dress up like ANTIFA, get a quiet side-street where there are noone around close, then 100 MAGA on the other side, throw a fake chemical-weapons pipe-bomb and the make lots of fake footage, get some buddies who drive ambulences.....and just spray you with fake cosmetics to make it look like you chlorine attacked, then put it all over world media and say that it was Assad.
more like operation: roleplay
Someone did that at Berkeley this past weekend.
Kill yourself retard
making the shill nervous
I don't have the patience. I'll sign up for the eventual death squads tho senpai
>Our only downside is it's hard to look like them if you physically take care of yourself.
just put on some makeup and a tutu and call people transphobes
anything that obvious will out you as an anticom saboture. If you must identify yourself path of light is probably your best bet
The Reichstag burning wasn't a false flag. It was thought to be, at one point, but the theory has been debunked.
Dress like them and burn shit
RIfag, I've never seen a single RI Antifa sign or post anywhere here and I've been almost in to every square inch of this state.
who here /anarchistbookfair/?
Antifa Stick Dick out of Auburn, University Doxxed youtube.com