
Why haven't they used Moltovs yet?

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it's harmful to the ozone layer

In a shitty, botched, complete shitshow, prosecutors STILL got 5 to 8 year sentences against antifa the last time they decided to make -- not throw, just make -- molotov cocktails:

It's regarded in the same class as a carbombing.

Can't afford the gas.

Tight emission levels on soot particulates

CO2 emissions

Because they're just LARPing

>omg why am I not allowed to burn people alive fuck these facists wtf

gas is too expensive, they'd need flammable piss or some other bodily fluid.

would get shot.

soon they will go full anarchists

molotov signed the ribbentrop pact therefore he is a nazi

a better question is, why hasn't trump called in the military to put them all in FEMA camps yet?

This, they do not have a legitimate gripe yet. However, I can assure you Trump is going to fuck up and when he does the terms of engagement will change.

>implying he's not in it with his kike masters.

then we get to go full RWDS and start mowing them down in the street i cant fucking wait

Pic related

Can't wait for next week, Ukrainian people had good molotovs

literally no ass

Was U-Lock coward found yet?

She likes them too much to get rid of them

Why don't they attack police, ya know, the actual state.

This, the instant they start using Molotov, they will get shot

I just bought a new axe handle, i think i'm just going to leave it without the axe, they're sturdy as fuck.

why has no one put on full rwds kit yet?

Lmao what was that bitch actually thinking?

Leftists are so delusional about their physical cabalities it's amazing. Every single one I've met that was putting a loud mouth didn't seem to be bothered that they would be unable to back up their provocations with a fight

Terms of engagement is a employment jargon. You meant to say rules of engagement.

> im not a LARPer like them tho

>Soros' people had good molotovs

Oh, that's why they are hitting garbage cans, they want us to recycle stuff!

why can't you spell yet, kike?

protesting is a waste of time


She was actually attractive before becoming a complete degenerate.

Having sex with your father and using heroin is hard on your ass

They'll fuck ur shit up m8
Cuz u know fuck u
Fuck u bitch
Fuckin fascist
No fuck you
I'll fuck your fucking fuck right the fuck up

> leftists standing behind police lines in every livestream

Thanks user for the straight answer

They have, but the feds cracked down HARD on molotovs after 9/11 to the point where they did provocateur undercover stings.

Why they didn't continue doing it? Well, Obama got into office.

Thank you user

Could u be anymore of a snowflake?

Why is that deadlock bitch getting punched such a big deal?

The whole video is nothing but people fighting in a street brawl.
Partake in street brawl, swing, and get hit.

>Why haven't they used Moltovs yet?
because wine coolers aren't high enough alcohol content to ignite at room temperature

Because the (((liberal media))) is making her out to be a victim of evil alt-righters

Because muh feminism
Muh evil neo nazi Trump supporters


So they just forgot about this?

You have to be 21 to buy alcohol



Not all antifa are the brilliant. Most of them have no clue about the Critical x theory professors soft Marxism the other half play stupid when it's convienany fir their narrative.

Moldylocks is culturally appropriating dreadlocks, no one says anything because she's a useful idiot



Watch the mods be on their way now.

>ignite At room temperarure

Better question, why haven't people Molotov'd black bloc?

Do we have a name?

Antifa are larpers. They just want to get into fisticuffs on the weekend and go back to their trust fund bohemian lifestyle. They don't want to catch a terrorism charge.

Why do they all wear skinny jeans?

It hasn't escalated that far yet.

fashion victims

No testicles to get in the way.

>used Moltovs yet?

They probably have made a view but accidentally burned down their abandoned warehouse in the process.

The sunglasses match.

This cowardly cunt needs to be identified and held accountable.

Pick two.


Because they'll get shot.

American justice knows no boundaries

That wouldn't be underhanded enough.

>snowflakes in charge of making proper Moltovs

Those idiots think that's just petrol in a glass bottle wit a rag.

They're already coated in oil from not bathing. A molotov is just going to be self destructive for them.

That doesn't sound very safe.

Are you talking about detergent? Styrofoam maybe? Wutchutalkinbout

If they could throw they'd be busy channeling that negative energy into sports and activities, but they are all lanklets and women. The two worst groups at sports.

I pray they do, anarchists should be able to experience what other people would do to them if the law wasn't in place. Hint very violent butt stuff would happen to them.

Fucking this -- any not even by the police either.

sugar was always good
as was soapflakes


Where is her glass bottle?

molotov is weapon for ranged combat and city warfare strategy tool you pleb

I know right?! It's like they think all lives matter

they can use molotovs, ill just make


I'd still fuck her.

A hate-fuck, maybe, but still...

Here's the people to look out for.

Yeah, I'd love to see them in a gun battle against veterans and conservative non military who mostly have done or do extensive firearms training.
Friendly reminder, if you own a gun you should shoot it/them at least twice a month at the range to polish your shooting skills.

I use to make for fun when I was young and dumb.
Just make sure you're nice and far away, I threw one at a log at like seven yards, bottle didn't break, turned around, rag popped out, and my face was sprayed with gas. Flaming rag landed behind me, and none of the gas ignited. What were the chances of that gas not igniting? Throw them from afar. And if it's a strong wine bottle, compromise it a little, a tiny crack somewhere is enough.

I heard his info was posted but the mods deleted. I never saw it.

Because they don't have a fucking clue what a real fight, much less revolution would look like. They're sheltered little shits. But don't worry, they'll get the idea eventually, and then the gloves come off.

>Oh? You're bringing a molotov cocktail to a high powered rifle fight?

Different picture

I feel like fucking their lives up.



Antifa goatse, lol.

How did that suddenly get in her hand after being punched? Obvious shoop.

>a better question is, why hasn't trump called in the military to put them all in FEMA camps yet?

Because they are useful.

Would you prefer a dignified, politically effective opposition or a bunch of larping bitches?

Be delighted Antifa exist and exploit it! I expect Sup Forums to think with sophistication and appreciate that wackjob leftard enemies are wonderfully useful for our own propaganda.

They are perfect to show the public.

Some genius user suggested counter-protestors wear suits. That's motherfucking brilliant! It establishes you psychologically as wholesome. Another option is buttoned shirts, shoes and slacks.

Copy success where you find it. The US Right is very new to revolutionary activity because that's usually done by the non-dominant side. A very effective image for Blacks is the suit, though they use a Muslimized style. The Fruit of Islam asskickers got it right.

What other historic examples could Sup Forums copy, modify then exploit? We are collectively smart enough and certainly well read enough to get very good at this shit!

How is anybody who throws bottles, rocks etc not charged with attempted murder?

A cane is better.

When I was a maintenance mechanic my very cool White boss had me bend some black iron pipe into a neat cane using a conduit bender. We put a crutch tip on the end. Looks like a cane and you can paint them, but he just wanted it for protection to and from his car in Jersey City.

Eh, probably aggravated assault and aggravated battery is more appropriate. Still a felony in most states.

Damn, who is this sweaty thicc little brapp hog? I just want to grab her big ol brappy sphincter and eat that sweet sweet SWEET juicy feces right outta that hole. God damn... those succulent little juicy shitberry droppings... Imagine. You're just sitting there doing your squats and oats and you hear this goddess: BRRRRAAAAAPPPP. That wafting aroma... It's like love at first sight. I mean come on, she's thiccbrapp as hell. You'd have to be so homosexual you'd suck your dad's penis twice if you even thought it was okay to ignore this little brappgoddess. To all those who even try to suggest that thiccbrapp isn't the pinnacle of high test, you're clearly a beta cuck. I'm over here eating your girlfriend's shit and drinking your mommy's shitmilk while you get to guzzle your daddy's cum curry. How about that little faggot? You wish you were as high test as me, little faggot. Don't ever let me catch you posting on this board again.

>black iron pipe

The stuff used for natural gas? That would fuck somebody up real good. 1/2" EMT would hurt like fuck.

Can't tell if this is bait, or you're fucking retarded.

getting geared up for the next battle of berkley... last ball cap for fucked up, ordered a new one and keked on trips order number..

Because that's "simple assault" or perhaps aggravated assault.

We don't want charges, we want violence. We need street battles, Weimar Republic style. We don't need peace, we need violent niggers violenting niggericiously!

It's a long war. Think strategically. Antifags mostly operate in libtard areas, but if/when they expand to more Red States we can be on the side of the cops and have self-defense laws to back us up.

No clear intent to kill, just to harm. Now lets say a thrown rock does kill someone, then whoever threw it would be looking at manslaughter, maybe murder.

nice pasta.

>The stuff used for natural gas?

That's it. Tan or brown paint would make it look like wood.